Google’s AI Guru Predicts Humans and Machines Will Merge within 20 Years


Aug 20, 2006
Ray Kurzweil, Google’s guru of AI and futurism, believes we’ll all be less biological, because humans are always evolving, and the next step of our evolution will be the internal implementation of technology. The human-robot hybrid won’t be a monstrosity of metal. It’ll just be a chip in your brain instead of an iPhone in your hand.

In the future it’ll be no more shocking to think about the weather in Hong Kong and get an answer than it is to say “Hey Google, what’s the weather in China?” and receive accurate information from a glowing rectangle with a speaker inside of it. Kursweil believes “medical robots will go inside our brain and connect our neo-cortex to the smart cloud” by the year 2029.
I don't doubt this. Look around, people...all poeple, are constantly on their phone. We used to make fun of it, but it is becoming a defacto part of life. Your cell phone is becoming the center point of your life. I don't see anything inherently wrong with this, but you have to look at the future of the cell phone differently if this is true. When I look at the future, I don't see bigger screens or faster CPU's, or better keyboards as the future. I see better integration as the future. I need this device to be less of a liability by being stuck in the physical world. It needs to integrate with my body. So it can't be stolen and so that I can interact with this much more efficiently. I want to take pictures of things exactly as I see them, WHEN, I see them.

I used to think this kind of stuff was looney, but looking around at just how completely society has adopted these things, it seems inevitable.

Think about this, the iPhone has only been around for 10 years. The iPhone started* the "smart phone" revolution. And in just those 10 years, the cell phone has become more ubiquitous then phones and wallets. It has achieved 60%-70% usage rate with ALL adult 10 years. That is incredible!

*The iPhone wasn't the first smart phone, but to deny that they popularized it would be idiotic. Android followed very very shortly (most likely due to corporate espionage).
Sci Fi has this odd quirk of calling things like this way before they become reality.. and also calling out all the issues that will come because of things.
Though he is a bit insane if he thinks 20 years is enough time to solve a few major biointerface hurdles. You can't just stick crap in the human body willy nilly. There is also the side effect of upgrading. If you plan to cycle upgrades every few years adoption will be terrible. Especially since some form of surgery will most likely be involved in any type of integrated machine.
So what? In 20 years we'll have real life Warhamner 40k?

Or maybe Ghost In The Shell?
He is nuts if he thinks anything that significant will happen in the next 20 years.... At least if he thinks it will be more than a couple early experiments. We are probably 60 years or so from ubiquitous brain implant internet interfaces.

20 years from now? I could maybe see the early use of a system that consists of contact lenses for visual input/augmented reality, "headphones" that sit deep in your ear like many hearing aids do today for audio, a transdermal receptor on your jaw to capture speech (including sub-vocalizations), and a transdermal receptor on your temples that allows limited direct brain control of the system. Early on you would definitely have to carry around something the size of a modern phone to do the heavy lifting for the system, and power is something I am not yet certain how they would solve.
Thinks Google - that girls has nice boobs. Will Pornhub be implemented in our brains?

This would a profound change to humanity (Pornhub included). Would we have access to text books, search engines, the ability to chat, etc? What would a university setting look like?
So what? In 20 years we'll have real life Warhamner 40k?

Or maybe Ghost In The Shell?
No but information access in your skull is entirely possible and probable for our future. Just not 20 years in the future. Additionally it won't be nearly as easy as this nutball thinks it's going to be. It's actually difficult to make things that don't harm us over time. You can't really just wrap something in metal or plastic and shove it in your chest cavity. You definitely can't cut through the skull without a risk of killing the person either with our current technology. Neither of those facts is going to change in 20 years.

We "might" have devices so small we can mount them on our skin with medical adhesive in 20 year though but i highly doubt these devices would be any more advanced than a cell phone with more updated vocal commands. It definitely will not be "AI" and it definitely will not be as complex as a polity universe "aug" for example.
Ray Kurzweil at Council on Foreign Relations? Isn't that where David Rockefeller was THE chairman of CFR from 1970 and a Director of CFR from 1945 then retired from both in 1985?

CFR and AI chip? I smell conspiracy.
While I'm sure this will all happen at some point, I'd take Kurzweil's predictions with a grain of salt. His prediction of 2010 still seems a ways off.
I really hope not.

As it is people need to loose their zombie boxes. I worked for cell companies for years, had a black berry when they where still AA powered pagers and pushing email was something out of The matrix. I decided to just not have a cell a year back or so and I have been much happier. Sure people think I'm crazy which is crazy in itself... people have honestly asked me what I would do if my car broke down ? Like I'm not old enough to have driven when only Oliver Warbucks types had coiled antennas on their rear windshields.

Really though implantation seems like a very complicated way to solve an ergonomics issue. Sure google glass and such devices are big and annoying... but that will shrink. In 20-30 years I could see contact lens type devices being possible... why implant tech and have to deal with that mess. A contact display device that communicates with a phone / watch seems much more realistic. Hopefully they give people freaky yellow coloured eyes or something so we all know who the glassholes are. :)
^ I do have a phone but I only use mine as alarm clock and do occasional calls. Never understood the smartphone useage hype, I find a nearby computer that I use both at work and at home much more preferable.
So the voices in your head are now, in fact, very real......the voices...they told me to do it!
^ I do have a phone but I only use mine as alarm clock and do occasional calls. Never understood the smartphone useage hype, I find a nearby computer that I use both at work and at home much more preferable.
Buy some reading glasses. ;)
NSA in my brain. No thank you. I don't have the level of trust in anyone to put a connected device in my head, especially Google.
Politicians will love they won't have to rely on misinformation to control masses, a simple click and control is achieved.

In other news, perhaps mining using someone with an implant could cause weight-loss burning calories. If this is true the NA continent could become a whole lot lighter.
Has Kurzweil actually predicted any advances that have come to pass on the timetable he's predicted they would?
I'm all for making our lives better though technology, but what happens when your brain gets cryptojacked?

"Please send 3 bitcoin to [email protected] to regain the use of your legs."
We'll have brain implants someday if we don't destroy the planet or all develop type 2 diabetes. Probably not in 20 years though.

Honestly, I don't want to be alive for this. I have enough trouble having conversations with people while they are distracted with their phones as it is now.

I am sounding older and older. Geeeeezzze
Since it is cool to me make bizarre predictions the future, here is a good one.
It is far more likely that a global economic collapse is imminent that will make the great depression look like a jilted prom date. These forces are already at work. Out of control national debt, fiat currency based not on gold or silver but on a promise from politicians that "we are good for it". The investor countries that buy our debt will realize the bonds are worthless and stop buying and demand repayment. Since the debt is in the trillions this is impossible thus causing the economic collapse of world super powers. Strive and and anger of the people who see their life long hard work evaporate demand answers from their government. Self seeking politicians will have no answer and won't accept blame regardless of the fact their policies cause the quagmire. Instead they will say "an act of war has been perpetrated on our country" and there must be retribution. A wave of nationalism will rise as promises to plunder other countries that caused the problem are made. A war that spreads across the world will rage and ultimately ending in a nuclear exchange. There will be world wide devastation. Millions dead. Large cities will be nuclear hot zones. People will flood to the country, over running small towns and villages. The last bastions of civilization will collapse and people are reduced to tribal alliances. Electricity, running water, commerce will cease. Disease will spread. Hospitals have become death wards since treating and curing disease is a thing of the past. Any technology one could scrap together is uses for bomb making in the ever violent cause to kill the other; whoever they are. Any personal freedom is long gone. Your allegiance to your tribe is insured by pain of death. Attempting to escape will get you shot. The villages of each tribe is an armed camp. And you are an unwilling participant in the Genocide of a small neighboring village. They are the enemy since they are a different tribe. Those around you have shed the last vestiges of humanity. Might is right, hate is strength. During the raid tonight you plan on taking advantage of the chaos that will ensue in the darkness and slip away into the night. You were issues a worn out cheaply made revolver. You remember when it was recovered from a pickup truck half buried in mud on the river bank. The long dead driver's remains still in the drivers seat with its right hand clasps on the steering wheel. The leader of your squad tosses the pistol to you and says " Here. Don't say I never gave you nothin'! Haa!" You catch the pistol and are happy at first since you are trusted with a firearm. But the grim reality sinks in. You are expected to kill other without question or mercy with it. Now the weight of the cheap pistol in your waistband becomes the weight of a millstone. You mumble under your breath, "I can't do this. I won't do this. I'm getting out of here."

All this will start tomorrow. ;)
Since it is cool to me make bizarre predictions the future, here is a good one.
It is far more likely that a global economic collapse is imminent that will make the great depression look like a jilted prom date. These forces are already at work. Out of control national debt, fiat currency based not on gold or silver but on a promise from politicians that "we are good for it". The investor countries that buy our debt will realize the bonds are worthless and stop buying and demand repayment. Since the debt is in the trillions this is impossible thus causing the economic collapse of world super powers. Strive and and anger of the people who see their life long hard work evaporate demand answers from their government. Self seeking politicians will have no answer and won't accept blame regardless of the fact their policies cause the quagmire. Instead they will say "an act of war has been perpetrated on our country" and there must be retribution. A wave of nationalism will rise as promises to plunder other countries that caused the problem are made. A war that spreads across the world will rage and ultimately ending in a nuclear exchange. There will be world wide devastation. Millions dead. Large cities will be nuclear hot zones. People will flood to the country, over running small towns and villages. The last bastions of civilization will collapse and people are reduced to tribal alliances. Electricity, running water, commerce will cease. Disease will spread. Hospitals have become death wards since treating and curing disease is a thing of the past. Any technology one could scrap together is uses for bomb making in the ever violent cause to kill the other; whoever they are. Any personal freedom is long gone. Your allegiance to your tribe is insured by pain of death. Attempting to escape will get you shot. The villages of each tribe is an armed camp. And you are an unwilling participant in the Genocide of a small neighboring village. They are the enemy since they are a different tribe. Those around you have shed the last vestiges of humanity. Might is right, hate is strength. During the raid tonight you plan on taking advantage of the chaos that will ensue in the darkness and slip away into the night. You were issues a worn out cheaply made revolver. You remember when it was recovered from a pickup truck half buried in mud on the river bank. The long dead driver's remains still in the drivers seat with its right hand clasps on the steering wheel. The leader of your squad tosses the pistol to you and says " Here. Don't say I never gave you nothin'! Haa!" You catch the pistol and are happy at first since you are trusted with a firearm. But the grim reality sinks in. You are expected to kill other without question or mercy with it. Now the weight of the cheap pistol in your waistband becomes the weight of a millstone. You mumble under your breath, "I can't do this. I won't do this. I'm getting out of here."

All this will start tomorrow. ;)
A wall of text will crit you in the near future.
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