Got $300 to burn! What's my best bet?


Jul 9, 2004
Ok, right now my Athlon 64 box is hooked up to a 5 year old 15 inch beige beast. I need something better. I've been thinking along the lines of a 17" LCD, but sometimes the 19" Acer is cheap enough that I would bite on the offer.

I don't game a lot, but would like to have a game-able monitor, not a Ghosty Ghost of a slow monitor. I also value the ability to read text, as I intend to get into programming a bit this summer. I'd just like a crisp, bright, fun to play on, and easy to read monitor

Ive considered this Viewsonic

This LG rings my bell too!

Sometimes, this Acer is a good deal.

I really don't want to spend more than 200-260 on this, but if anyone knows of a nice 19" LCD for around 300 dollars, LMK.

Your best bet is to watch Slick Deals and wait for the next Dell deal. You just missed the 19" for $260 shipped.
Play a spin of roulette and put all $300 on black and turn it into $600.
I made $550 playing poker online the last two days ($2k the last 6 weeks). Try that. I could use some more people to donate to me :)