Got a dead DDC pump? I want it!

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Sep 22, 2004
Anyone out there have a dead DDC (or MCP350) pump? I'd loooooove to spend some quality time with it to prepare for a project. I'll pay shipping, and give you soem heat. Other than that, I can't do too much. But it's good overclocking karma.

The project I'm contemplating is taking shape in this thread. The DDC won't be used as the pump. If you read a few posts in, it's actually to be used as an embedded rotor at the base of the vortex tube. There aren't many pumps that could even theoretically be modified to fit the bill, and the DDC looks like the best bet.

I don't even know if there are any dead DDCs out there. They're supposed to be so reliable. But somebody on the [H] must have overvolted one a little too far :D

P.S. If a mod thinks this should be in FS/T, please let it slide. This thread would get buried so quickly over there. And the topic is really more about the project in the other thread than it is about the transaction anyways.

Everytime my DDC has died (which is twice now), all I do is refill the system and it works again.
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