Got a free copy, should I play WoW?

I have lots of fond memories of WoW. I really enjoyed the leveling and the exploring of the different zones. The art direction is top notch, although the game is showing its age. Where the game got boring for me whas when I hit a personal glass ceiling of available free time / gear I could obtain with that time. As already stated, as with a game that focusses on character progression or developement through leveling or gear you come to a stage of diminishing returns. IMHO the best part of the game was the leveling and I can't attest to how populated the lower stages / dungeons are at this point.

I would say give it a shot if you have nothing better to do.
this thread is epic! any game that draws this much attention is worth a try.
I have to clarify my position seeing as how it was the second post and lots of people are quoting it and it is misleading. I do like WoW, but I do play pretty sporadically. During school semesters I pretty much don't play. During breaks, if I have no plans (like a spring break trip), I play fairly hardcore.

The time it takes you to do anything meaningful or fun in WoW is minuscule compared to other MMOs (like FFXI in particular), however it's still a lot of time, and worst of all; it's scheduled. It's not like a single player RPG where you can start and save at any time. You have to look at raid schedules or coordinate with arena team members, that's an investment of time. In that time you could've played and beaten many single player games. I have a stack of console games that I do quite enjoy, but never finished because there was always a raid or something to go to when I wasn't working or otherwise busy last summer. Did I have fun? Yeah I guess. But I feel that I missed out a lot on some great games over the years simply because my free time was spent with WoW, and even all the fond memories in WoW over the years don't compare to some classic moments in single player stories I've had.

I mean, I missed GOD OF WAR 1 AND 2 because I was too busy playing WoW. God of freaking War. Sure I could go back and play them, but it's just not the same, and quite frankly, once you start missing these games as they go by, the stack of unplayed games just keeps getting higher and higher and I'm just not going to catch up.

If you're really into video games and you're a big gamer, getting into WoW or any MMO is a mistake. You won't be a gamer anymore, you'll just be an MMOer.
But I feel that I missed out a lot on some great games over the years simply because my free time was spent with WoW, and even all the fond memories in WoW over the years don't compare to some classic moments in single player stories I've had.

I mean, I missed GOD OF WAR 1 AND 2 because I was too busy playing WoW. God of freaking War. Sure I could go back and play them, but it's just not the same, and quite frankly, once you start missing these games as they go by, the stack of unplayed games just keeps getting higher and higher and I'm just not going to catch up.

If you're really into video games and you're a big gamer, getting into WoW or any MMO is a mistake. You won't be a gamer anymore, you'll just be an MMOer.

That's so true. Once you get into an MMO you will not enjoy single player games as much. The experience is not the same. Not matter how good people say a certain SP game is, I play it and I go "bleh". There's an interaction piece that's missing.
That's so true. Once you get into an MMO you will not enjoy single player games as much. The experience is not the same. Not matter how good people say a certain SP game is, I play it and I go "bleh". There's an interaction piece that's missing.

Uh, I was saying the exact opposite. There's so many games that collectively I would enjoy better than my time in WoW, retrospectively. I missed a lot of great games simply because I was on the WoW schedule, and while it was fun, I would've had more fun with huge variety of non-MMO games I missed. Not that I didn't have good times in WoW, but WoW is just kind of like drip-feed fun where as a normal gamer that plays the myriad of great games every year is new and adventurous fun.

There is a camaraderie and social aspect to MMOs, but I'm pretty indifferent about it. They're people on the internet. Big woopidee doo.
"popping your mmo cherry" - That is so nerd :p

Not sure how a free copy of wow is any good since it's an MMO, and you have to pay monthly to play.
I quit because I do not have the 10+ hours a day I was playing to waste. It is a great game and I had some great times. If I had time I would play again. WoW to me is either fully in or do not play at all. I can't see playing for "a couple hours a day". I spend more time than that getting a group together and I am not talking about pugs. A simple run can turn into 3 or 4 hours with a pug, just to fall apart at the end, 5 hours in. I take it back, even if I had the time I probably would not play.
  • The game has too much grinding, feels like you're at your job or at work.
    1) Yep
  • Despite the grinding, you don't have a sense of accomplishment with other RPGs.
    1) Yes and No
    A) You used to have a sense of accomplishment. Before WoTLK and moreso before any expansion
  • No matter what class you pick on any given patch day your class can be nerfed.
    1) Yep
  • All sense of accomplishment is ruined by the nearly yearly expansion packs.
    1) Yes, except not yearly. WoW had 2 xpacks in the years it was out.
  • End game is boring with just basically a gear hunt.
    1) If you make it a gear hunt. Most content is too easy
  • Not game exclusive, but most guilds are nepotistic douchebags. Don't expect to get your gear.
    1) No, most guilds are really chill about gear. Guilds I've been in is what has made me play for awhile. I don't really play hardcore anymore because I started a new job and just want to do other things. But this is definitely false, any guild that runs DKP is fair.
  • PVP consists of waiting in queue for half an hour or more.
    1) Not for like 2 years
  • Last time I played there were only three (3) "battlegrounds" places you can PVP for gear.
    1) Totally different now, you have arena (bleh), BGs (4 of them), Wintergrasp (World PvP)
  • Besides battlegrounds, any traditional sort of PVP doesn't really exist nor happen.
    1) See wintergrasp, and arena.
  • Blizzard bans it's users for odd ass reasons.
    1) No, Blizzard always bans for legit reasons. They rarely ever ban as well.

To the guy who played 10 hours a day I don't see why you would. There's nothing in that game that you can't do with 3-4 hours a night with. Seriously though, I'd stay away. The game does get hardcore boring after awhile. Too much catering to bads and you can't move 2 inches without running into a purple unlike in vanilla wow. Like I said I don't really play anymore because it's boring and they made shit way too easy.
To the guy who played 10 hours a day I don't see why you would. There's nothing in that game that you can't do with 3-4 hours a night with. Seriously though, I'd stay away. The game does get hardcore boring after awhile. Too much catering to bads and you can't move 2 inches without running into a purple unlike in vanilla wow. Like I said I don't really play anymore because it's boring and they made shit way too easy.

Link to Glory of the Ulduar Raider achievement?
OP here:

So, I think I am going to give it a shot, in that I am going to play the ten day trial, and then if I don't hate it, will play the initial 30 days that comes with the game and go from there. So, anyway, I went to look at the demo thing, and it said PvP or RP realm, which frankly I don't know which I should go with. Also, anyone have any recommendations for what I should be, how I should play, etc etc, to get the most fun out of the game?

So, what did you think? Have you gotten around to trying it yet? I've been playing for close to 10 months now and really enjoy when I'm able to get online and play. Everyone likes different things, but I love playing WoW for the PvE (questing). Some of the quest lines are pretty cool and you can get some decent gear. I don't actually do any of the raids, though I might do some if I can hook up with a good group. I got into a guild that's falling apart on my favorite server, so I'm gonna have to find a new one. I've met a ton of really cool people though and always have fun playing. It can get frustrating and it can lead you to spending a lot of time online, but only what you allow. I get on every day before work for around an hour (if the servers are up that is) and then get on for another hour after work probably 3 nights a week. On the weekends I put in several hours, but that's when we don't have any plans. There are plenty of days I've done other things and not thought twice about it.

Make sure you post back and let us know what you thought.
Coming from someone that played for a month, got to level 16, then got bored, I say sell it. Games are supposed to be for enjoyment, free time, and more or less, a past time. WoW is a stupid way to waste $13-$15 a month and all the free time you could be spending elsewhere, possibly making a difference in yours or someone else's life. It's just that, a waste of time. I make fun of my 2 friends for playing it all the time because they don't go anywhere but sit at home and play it most of the day. It's just stupid. I will retract my whole statement if anyone can say that WoW will make use of your time better than anything else. If WoW accomplishes the most in your life, dude, seriously recheck your life. I hate hardcore WoW fans. It's just pathetic.
Coming from someone that played for a month, got to level 16, then got bored, I say sell it. Games are supposed to be for enjoyment, free time, and more or less, a past time. WoW is a stupid way to waste $13-$15 a month and all the free time you could be spending elsewhere, possibly making a difference in yours or someone else's life. It's just that, a waste of time. I make fun of my 2 friends for playing it all the time because they don't go anywhere but sit at home and play it most of the day. It's just stupid. I will retract my whole statement if anyone can say that WoW will make use of your time better than anything else. If WoW accomplishes the most in your life, dude, seriously recheck your life. I hate hardcore WoW fans. It's just pathetic.

Oops careful with speaking the truth...Someone will call you a drama queen! :)
I play wow only because everyone else plays it. Its alot of fun when you play with other people, especially ones you know. But saying that it is a waste of time.

Me and my friends are going to switch to Aion Online when it debuts in North America in September. It looks amazing, and the character design is to die for.
Coming from someone that played for a month, got to level 16, then got bored, I say sell it. Games are supposed to be for enjoyment, free time, and more or less, a past time. WoW is a stupid way to waste $13-$15 a month and all the free time you could be spending elsewhere, possibly making a difference in yours or someone else's life. It's just that, a waste of time. I make fun of my 2 friends for playing it all the time because they don't go anywhere but sit at home and play it most of the day. It's just stupid. I will retract my whole statement if anyone can say that WoW will make use of your time better than anything else. If WoW accomplishes the most in your life, dude, seriously recheck your life. I hate hardcore WoW fans. It's just pathetic.

/Rant Qualifier
I quit playing WoW in December. If I had the time, I would likely be playing still.

Well you see everyone has these things called hobbies. Some people may play guitar, some may assemble models, some launch rockets, some play games, etc, etc.

This is a gaming forum, do you play games?

Who are you to judge:
What people should do with their free time?
What games they should play?
What is the acceptable amount of time to play?

Because nothing tangible comes from it, doesn't mean it is a waste of time.

You are being almost as bad as fan boys.
2 options:

Throw the game in the trash.


Throw your girlfriend, your family, your job, your school, and your life in the trash.

You decide.
/Rant Qualifier
I quit playing WoW in December. If I had the time, I would likely be playing still.

Well you see everyone has these things called hobbies. Some people may play guitar, some may assemble models, some launch rockets, some play games, etc, etc.

This is a gaming forum, do you play games?

Who are you to judge:
What people should do with their free time?
What games they should play?
What is the acceptable amount of time to play?

Because nothing tangible comes from it, doesn't mean it is a waste of time.

You are being almost as bad as fan boys.

Well put
/Rant Qualifier
I quit playing WoW in December. If I had the time, I would likely be playing still.

Well you see everyone has these things called hobbies. Some people may play guitar, some may assemble models, some launch rockets, some play games, etc, etc.

This is a gaming forum, do you play games?

Who are you to judge:
What people should do with their free time?
What games they should play?
What is the acceptable amount of time to play?

Because nothing tangible comes from it, doesn't mean it is a waste of time.

You are being almost as bad as fan boys.

Congrats, you've made a point. I also respect you for how you've stated it. Yes, I play games. How much? Maybe 5-6 hours a week. My point is, being I played WoW for a short amount of time and seeing as my friends lives are becoming to revolve around WoW, I just can't stand to see people's lives (not everyone though) become watered down and less social for an artificial life in a video game. Hobbies are one thing, obsessions are another. I'm not going to hate someone just because they play WoW, but I do find it pathetic to spend every waking minute of one's life on WoW, or any game for that matter. From what it seems, the majority of people that have played WoW in the past then quit realize a few years down the road how much of their time and money they wasted.

This is less of an argument against WoW and more of an argument against those who devote their lives to video games; and it just so happens that WoW is a near perfect match for that type of video game.
Congrats, you've made a point. I also respect you for how you've stated it. Yes, I play games. How much? Maybe 5-6 hours a week. My point is, being I played WoW for a short amount of time and seeing as my friends lives are becoming to revolve around WoW, I just can't stand to see people's lives (not everyone though) become watered down and less social for an artificial life in a video game. Hobbies are one thing, obsessions are another. I'm not going to hate someone just because they play WoW, but I do find it pathetic to spend every waking minute of one's life on WoW, or any game for that matter. From what it seems, the majority of people that have played WoW in the past then quit realize a few years down the road how much of their time and money they wasted.

This is less of an argument against WoW and more of an argument against those who devote their lives to video games; and it just so happens that WoW is a near perfect match for that type of video game.

I agree that people get too wrapped up in it. But that is true with anything. ;)
wow, I read the whole thing... If you play wow with friends/spouses/kids it's a great game, but if you play wow to get away from your friends/spouses/kids then it's still a great game but you have issues to fix.
The reason it's so hard to get away from WOW is that, at its best, WOW is really, really good. I quit and every once in a while I will have urges to go back (i sound like an addict, but as you can see, most ex wow hardcore players are). I have these great memories of the first time I did wailing caverns with friends, or of how we leveled 1-70 playing with good friends every single night, chatting on ventrilo. I also remember the more epic raid kills, and how cool they were. All of these things make me want to go back.

But I did try to go back once, and then I was reminded of why I stopped:

Like most MMOs, the problem isn't the time you spend having fun, it's the time you spend preparing to have fun.

That "quick" 40 minute mechanar run would take me about 30 minutes to get a group, another 10 to fly there, etc...

My guild had reasonable raiding hours... 4 hours a day or so (4 hours is reasonable, few guilds raid less than that a day and advance). But to do those 4 hours, I would log on early and spend at least one hour doing dailies to get repair money, flasks, etc. then a few more reading up on fights, etc.

So that, in the end, is the problem with wow: anything worth doing takes a lot of time, and by that I mean not only a lot of time to actually do whatever you want to do, but a lot of time preparing for it.

You spend a lot of time moving (~ 5-10 at least minutes flying anywhere even with epic mounts), preparing, grinding for materials, etc. After you are done leveling, unless you only PVP and log in and out right next to the PVP areas, anything you want to do will require at least 2 hours in a single seating.
Hrm...after reading this thread and all the responses, I couldn't help but find myself wanting to reply (and I really don't like responding to threads here just reading them, BECAUSE of all the trolls or people who think they're better than others >.> ).

To daveyjwin:

1) Honestly, you have to make the choice for yourself based off of what type of gamer you are and not personal opinions of others.

WoW can be a fun game. It also can be a very frustrating, boring, slow-paced, fast-paced, or whatever else mentioned kind of game. The reaction/emotion is all subjective to who is playing it and at what time/point in the game (or irl) you encounter. The "new game" aspect can be fun, leveling up can be fun (at first), getting great gear, being a casual Wower, etc. But at the same time, it can become frustrating and boring with leveling up after a certain point (and yeah I do agree with whoever said that the quests are generally all the same that is one aspect they should really improve in the game), you might have Alliance/Horde members that are jackasses going around killing low levels constantly, guilds can be very biased and exist for NO reason at all (the guilds where people do squat), etc.

Just as in life and almost everything else we do, there are pros and cons. The same exists within gaming. What one player of the game may or may not like, won't necessarily apply to another. How one player may or may not get sucked into Wow like it's the black hole, will most likely be different for everyone else.

2) Now relating to my own personal experience with WoW, I started playing it just around the end of last summer. This was of course after TBC and before WOTLK. Before I started, honestly I was like all the people in this thread against playing WoW but without even having the exp backing up my decision. I told my friend there was no way in hell I would let myself get sucked into the what I knew at the time as "the WoW addiction". But low and behold, it wasn't too long after those claims that I was part of the "WoW Community". Was it like others claimed it to be? Addicting? Waste of time? Non existent social life? That would be a yes and a no. Yes, because at first I did get sucked into the whole "new game" deal and how exciting it was trying something different (at least for me). Did I waste endless hours a day in servers? No, I did not. Even on my most "addictive" days, I would play maybe 8 hrs the most (I know that prob does sound like a lot still but seriously with people who play 20 hrs+ that is nothing). It wouldn't cause me to not have a social life however or completely ignore RL, school, work, etc. I knew my limits and when other things came first.

3) What it comes down to more or less, is one's own self-control as a few people I believe already stated and the fact that THERE ARE MORE GAMES OUT THERE THAN JUST WORLD OF WARCRAFT. We cannot blame the game for sucking us in in the end when we all make our own choices. Blaming WoW is like saying "someone put a gun to my head and made me play WoW for endless hours at a time". Doesn't work that way.

4) Yes, I realize this turned out to be a lot longer than I expected and I suspect I might get some bashing just for length and tendency to ramble. I just wanted to basically let you know davey that it is your choice in the end. The game is what you make of it. And this post can apply to any game out there not just WoW. So just do as people suggested and maybe try the trial version first without paying the price.

:cool: Let the bashing begin.

Oh and just one more thing to edit in, I am a casual WoW player now. No more 8 hour days for me with my hefty homework load. Thank YOU Information Technology.
It's a trick. Your girlfriend's boss is trying to turn you into a sloth with no libido so he can have her for himself.

Take WoW and burn it with fire in front of his eyes.

also... lulz @ the people trying to justify wow. If you play wow, then I feel sorry. Many guys have dropped out of school/quit work etc so they could pretend to be a fairy and talk to fat chicks on TS. Don't do it.

LMAO and probably true. I suggest you play the free month (when you have nothing better to do) and reach 60/70/80 and then uninstall the game. The're no ending and end game content is just a mindless grind.

Edit: Bought the battlechest for 15 on Black Friday 08 at CC. I didn't play the game until my semester break (which is exactly a month long). I played the game like Diablo II (Went solo for the most part and I even used the zoomed out view) and quit after the free month (reached 70). I sold the account for 40 ;)
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It's a pretty kick ass game, i've played it when it was first released, loved it. I don't play it anymore though, like all things it started to get old for me. Give it a try for a month or two, if you can play along with your girlfriend that would be great as you won't hear her nag you to come to bed or watch grey's anatomy with her.
I have played wow for 2 years now, started with a free trial when I saw the ad in xfire while seeing no one in my friends list for cod2, thing is I liked the action of FPS's but with my work schedule it was hard to find times to play with friends.

So I see this ad for wow and was like "why not?", I had always bashed people who payed to play a game by the month. well here I am 2 years later 3 lvl 80's and a lvl 62 and I can say I have more fun with this game than any other I have ever played. I can see where it can be addicting, having spent over 32 hours in one sitting grinding away, but to me that was fun and it was my two days off anyway. There is so much to do and experience, and Trade chat can be entertaining some nights, I enjoy the experiences, I still remember being lvl 11 and stuck at Raven Hill cemetery and dying 10,000 times trying to run home to goldshire before I just hearthed. I have had so much fun playing this game, and it brought me and my daughter closer than ever, ran her toon through Ramparts and Bloodfurnace last night in about 15 minutes!

If you can control your self I say yes play it on the trial basis see if it is for you, like I said I enjoy the experiences of questing and exploring.

btw this is my first post ever here :D
I wouldnt do it. I just stopped playing WoW after 2 years and i have lost so much its pathetic. I used to sit on the game for 10 to 15 hours and was neglecting my family for such along time.

I just gave my account away yesturday and im glad i did. If you dont want a life then WoW is for you but trust me it can take alot away also.
OP Here

I didn't play it right away because I got sidetracked playing D2 again with my girlfriend, but I started it up the other day. I have to say, I've played it for a few hours now, and it's kinda... boring. I mean, everything just takes so long to do. Get a quest and run towards it for 1-5 minutes, then run 1-5 minutes back. It takes 20 seconds or more to kill a monster. Add to that that everything is so minorly incremental , I don't see the big difference in my character between levels. Any advice/thoughts?

I'm continuing to give it a shot and see if it picks up a bit once I get more powerful, but as of now, I'm not really impressed. If I'm not enthralled by the time my trial period ends, I'm going to let it fall by the wayside.
OP Here

I didn't play it right away because I got sidetracked playing D2 again with my girlfriend, but I started it up the other day. I have to say, I've played it for a few hours now, and it's kinda... boring. I mean, everything just takes so long to do. Get a quest and run towards it for 1-5 minutes, then run 1-5 minutes back. It takes 20 seconds or more to kill a monster. Add to that that everything is so minorly incremental , I don't see the big difference in my character between levels. Any advice/thoughts?

I'm continuing to give it a shot and see if it picks up a bit once I get more powerful, but as of now, I'm not really impressed. If I'm not enthralled by the time my trial period ends, I'm going to let it fall by the wayside.

Game doesn't start to pick up till you reach lvl 30 or so. By then you will have a decent amount of talent points in whatever tree you use to speed up leveling/survivability and able to purchase a mount to allow you to travel 60% faster then on foot. Gaining levels by itself doesn't give you much in the way of stats (except for the talent point) as that is the purpose of equipment.

To be honest though, if running around for a couple minutes back and forth isn't your bag, this game really isn't for you.
OP Here

I didn't play it right away because I got sidetracked playing D2 again with my girlfriend, but I started it up the other day. I have to say, I've played it for a few hours now, and it's kinda... boring. I mean, everything just takes so long to do. Get a quest and run towards it for 1-5 minutes, then run 1-5 minutes back. It takes 20 seconds or more to kill a monster. Add to that that everything is so minorly incremental , I don't see the big difference in my character between levels. Any advice/thoughts?

I'm continuing to give it a shot and see if it picks up a bit once I get more powerful, but as of now, I'm not really impressed. If I'm not enthralled by the time my trial period ends, I'm going to let it fall by the wayside.

Anymore, starting from scratch pretty much sucks. There are not many people around to actually quest with, and those that are, are racing through the quests for the 10th time. All classes are boring and relatively slow to level until you reach level 30. Then they all pick up speed. Exception are the pet classes. They have no downtime if played right, but are slow until level 10, then pick up speed.

Really WoW is now two different games. The first being a single player RPG where you level a character from 1 to 80. The second is a MMORPG, the endgame. Some people find the leveling fun and end game boring. Others find leveling boring but endgame fun.
OP Here

I didn't play it right away because I got sidetracked playing D2 again with my girlfriend, but I started it up the other day. I have to say, I've played it for a few hours now, and it's kinda... boring. I mean, everything just takes so long to do. Get a quest and run towards it for 1-5 minutes, then run 1-5 minutes back. It takes 20 seconds or more to kill a monster. Add to that that everything is so minorly incremental , I don't see the big difference in my character between levels. Any advice/thoughts?

I'm continuing to give it a shot and see if it picks up a bit once I get more powerful, but as of now, I'm not really impressed. If I'm not enthralled by the time my trial period ends, I'm going to let it fall by the wayside.

While things do pick up later, there is still quite a bit of downtime involved in WoW. Killing things will be a bit faster, you will get a mount, and you will have a bigger variety of skills, but you will still have relatively long flights/walks, long quests with rare drops, etc.
OP Here

I didn't play it right away because I got sidetracked playing D2 again with my girlfriend, but I started it up the other day. I have to say, I've played it for a few hours now, and it's kinda... boring. I mean, everything just takes so long to do. Get a quest and run towards it for 1-5 minutes, then run 1-5 minutes back. It takes 20 seconds or more to kill a monster. Add to that that everything is so minorly incremental , I don't see the big difference in my character between levels. Any advice/thoughts?

I'm continuing to give it a shot and see if it picks up a bit once I get more powerful, but as of now, I'm not really impressed. If I'm not enthralled by the time my trial period ends, I'm going to let it fall by the wayside.

For me the game picked up at 20. Then it felt like the whole world opened up. Prior to that I hated the game and even quit once.

If you think wow takes long to do then don't play any other MMO's. WoW is FAST compared to the rest.

You aren't going to have huge jumps between levels on the low end. You do get nice bumps every 10 levels or so. I can bang out 1-20 in a day of playing. But I know where everything is and how to play all the classes.
You grab a bunch of quests at once. Then you run out and do all those quests at once and turn them in at once. Then there is quite a bit less back and forth.

What class are you playing?
OP Here

I didn't play it right away because I got sidetracked playing D2 again with my girlfriend, but I started it up the other day. I have to say, I've played it for a few hours now, and it's kinda... boring. I mean, everything just takes so long to do. Get a quest and run towards it for 1-5 minutes, then run 1-5 minutes back. It takes 20 seconds or more to kill a monster. Add to that that everything is so minorly incremental , I don't see the big difference in my character between levels. Any advice/thoughts?

I'm continuing to give it a shot and see if it picks up a bit once I get more powerful, but as of now, I'm not really impressed. If I'm not enthralled by the time my trial period ends, I'm going to let it fall by the wayside.

ur gonna be more pissed off as you play on with the downtime. wait for flight path to finish...wait for a stupid ship to get into another area...gathering boring crapity crap and preparing for a raid, all these things and many other are put into the game just to waste your time. The fact that you have to do these before you have any "fun" is the problem with wow.
ya. . . definitely don't play. if you want an rpg go play single player rpgs. .. you shouldn't have to work in a game just to have fun, and WoW offers absolutely nothing to anyone unless they are high level, and then once they are high level they are dissappointed because its not that much fun anyways. . . single player rpgs you jump in and the games fun the entire time. Oblivion, the witcher, fallout. . . that'll last you awhile lol.. . the most fun i had in the 2 months i played (although i only played about an hour a day because i thought it was extremely boring. . . only got to level like 18 i think lol) but anyways the most fun i had in 2 months, was turning my brother into a sheep every time we dueled or wahtever its called.

ps, if you really desire a mmo and you havent tried guild wars, maybe give it a try. . . there isn't any work to do before you have fun then. .. because getting max level takes no time at all. . . however even in that game you end up joining a guild where they expect you to go work for a few hours a day. meh.
The fact that you have to do these before you have any "fun" is the problem with wow.

The fact is YOU have to do these before YOU have fun.

Fun is a very subjective word. It's really up to the individual what is fun for them.
I think it is funny that the people who say "don't play" and talk about the game don't even know basic game world terminology. Some even claim it is too addicting, yet anything can be that way. My wife is a substance abuse counselor, she sees addictions patients daily and when I showed her this post she luaghed at what many nay sayers have posted. Citing classic signs of denial and projection.
