Got a USB TV tuner, hear a high pitched buzzing from speakers.


Limp Gawd
May 13, 2006
I got a Pinnacle PCTV Pro USB from Fys and now when I am watching TV(cable) I hear a faily loud high pitched buzzing coming from my speakers(Logitech Z-5300e). This does not happen with and other program on my PC. I also have the same buzzing with headphones. I have unplugged the sub and used other speakers, but they buzz too. Is the Tuner crappy, or is there a fix for this? Thanks

Edit: I took away the splitter (a 5-900MHz 1-2output) and the buzzing almost completely stopped.
I tried a nicer coaxial with the splitter and it help quite a bit. I think a higher quality splitter will stop the noise. <----------- Any recommendations??

Unplug the cable from the wall to the TV and see if the buzzing goes away...usually it is an indicator the cable has a poor ground.
Unplug the cable from the wall to the TV and see if the buzzing goes away...usually it is an indicator the cable has a poor ground.

Usually the biggest culprit, if in a house, is that the earth ground line just before it goes into the hosue is rusted and or broken. If not, get a ground-loop-isolator that handles the correct frequency range for your uses (there are better ones that support digital cable and cable modems).