Got my 256mb Sapphire 9800 Pro and...

Apr 2, 2003
It's an XT :) . I will try clocking it at XT speeds in a few hours to see if it's stable, then I will flash it! :)
u should get a better gpu sink and ramsinks for it before you flash.
Also is there any way to doublecheck what core you have without taking off the hsf?

I copied my bios to a floppy and this was in it:

R360 Hynix DDR BIOS W THERMAL CONTROL - P/N 113-A18805-105
(C) 1988-2003, ATI Technologies Inc. BK-ATI VER008.015.068.000 nhrq4970.p05 v611 R360AGP DGD1UN l
Flashed to XT, and everything seems fine. I'm running ATI Tool to make sure.

EDIT: Will have to get better cooling, artifacts in ati tool after a few minutes. What is recommended as far as HSF and Ramsinks?
Ok I also have a Saphire 256/9800 , How do I know if its an XT
I just got the 9800 Pro 256mb from NewEgg like three days ago, and it has the R360 core on it. Unfortunately it isn't capable of doing XT speeds just yet, even with a VGA Silencer strapped onto it.

I'm actually suspecting that my powersupply is starting to wuss out, as 3.6ghz + ATI 9800XT 256mb + 1gb of DDR480 ram + a pair of 7200RPM disks + a pair of CD players might be really pushing my poor little Antec SmartPower 400 (not a TruePower...)

I would wager that an Enermax 550 would solve some problems...
You probably need to VMOD it. I'm too scared of ruining another video card to try it. I'm hoping I can get to 9800xt speeds with my new VGA silencer and OCZ ramsinks.
I got a BB ATI 9800pro yesterday with R360 core and did the flash. Get artifacts @ 396 core with stock cooler so im sticking a vga silencer on next week. The memory runs fine @ 365 though. Got an extra 250 3dmarks in 03 just from doing the flash and an extra 600 in 2001se! Can't wait to fit the cooler on tuesday.
Its amazing how much performance you get from doing the flash.

CPU @ 2250mhz

3dmark 03 390/365 9800p bios = 6,250
3dmark 03 390/365 9800XT bios = 6,540

3dmark 2k1 390/365 9800p bios = 20,650
3dmark 2k1 390/365 9800XT bios = 21,230
How did you flash the bios to run less than 412 on the core?

EDIT: This morning I saw that my case temps were just 25C because I had the window to my room open and the air was cold. I decided to run atitool at 412/365 just to see if the heat was causing the artifacts. 15 minutes and counting at 9800XT speeds with no artifacts now :D .
45min and no artifacts now. The vga silencer will make my 9800p an XT! :D

60 min no artifacts, I think the counter resets on atitool after 1 hour.
heh, i scored one off of newegg today, for 232.50, it's a refurb, but i hope it works. Already have vga silencer rev2, and have some ocq aluminum ramsinks on the way, hope i can at least get XT speeds, for 232$, hehe. I'll post my results probably at the end of this week. But i'm still interested in hearing your experience with this.
got mine in today...

stock cooler was doing 407 on the core, anything higher was slightl artifacting...RAM did 365 with no problems.

I put the vga silencer rev2 on, and tried 412/365...had no artifacting at all. SO i flashed the BIOS to the real XT, and now i'm running at full XT speeds with temp monitoring. 62c idle, 70c under load.

A 9800 XT for only 232$! Great! :)
His temps are nothing, mine were horrible with the stock cooling. It would idle at like 68c, and fully load at like 81c :eek: :eek: I strapped the VGA silencer on there and now it's doing basically the same temps as his...

I think these true R360 cores just run hot for some reason; I can't begin to tell you why.l
No, my airflow is fine, it's my room temps r high....when't it's cold here, my case temps drop significantly. Right now they are at 31c.
Your room temp is 31c? Or just your case temp? Because that's pretty stinkin warm! :eek:

My room temp is about 72f, or about 22c. Northbridge temps hover around 39c, and CPU temps hover around 54c when fully loaded. I have a VERY minimal number of fans going in this machine, hence the reason I opted for the VGA Silencer rather than a Zalman...
my room temp is clsoe to's warm here, lol...

anyway, my cpu temps are 51 idle, 59 under full load (2.4C at 267 FSB which is 3.2Ghz 1:1, hehe), but that's on abit's IC7 board...meaning the actual temps r 5-10c lower. The case cooling is fine, it has 1 92mm intake fan one 92mm outtake fan, dual fan psu, and another 80mm outtake fan in the back. The temps r fine. The air that is coming out is barely warm, except from the psu.

anyway, i don't want to hijack this thread, lol...

I am happy with my 9800 pro 256, which is not a real XT. :)
Doing 418/371 right now, don't really want to push it further.

Would aluminum ramsinks help or actually be worse? 'cause the ram does get pretty hot!