Got My 3007!! its huge ..PIcs

LittleMe said:
Ok, pulled the Dell mount off one of mine and I believe it's a no go, at least for me anyway. The mounting holes are recessed in a little square and the bracket for the mount is flush. The mounting kit comes with different sized metal spacers for such a problem, but I'm not sure if I like the idea. You can see the mount brackets in this picture:


It looks like for me, I need something like this which works on LCD's upto 45 pounds:


that sucks, THe ergo tron seemed so elegant.
Jasonx82 said:
you shut up, u jinxed me!! :mad:

lol j/k :p
i'll call first thing in the morning for an Exchange. Man I wish Dell sold Perfect monitors for a premium I would literally pay another 600 if they could gurantee a perfect monitor the first time.. :(

Jason go out and do a good deed for someone and your next one will be perfect.... :p

ITs called LCD KArma
got mine today ..

hooked up .. and all is well .. this thing is so HUGE .. it makes my 2405 look tiny :D
Not that I don't trust you guys when you say there is no lag on this behemoth, but I'd still like to see some shots of the 3007 next to a CRT like I did here. Clone the display (the CRT likely can't do the insane 3007 native resolution so it'll pan around), run a timer (I got mine from here although I'm thinking of whipping a larger one up when I get home today) and take shots at 1/1000 sec or 1/500 sec (or whatever your camera is capable of). Thanks a bunch if you do this!
DusanV said:
Not that I don't trust you guys when you say there is no lag on this behemoth, but I'd still like to see some shots of the 3007 next to a CRT like I did here. Clone the display (the CRT likely can't do the insane 3007 native resolution so it'll pan around), run a timer (I got mine from here although I'm thinking of whipping a larger one up when I get home today) and take shots at 1/1000 sec or 1/500 sec (or whatever your camera is capable of). Thanks a bunch if you do this!

Sorry here, not a CRT in my midst. Its all flat panels in my house.
Hey jacuzzi,

have you had any instances of eye strain since you have been using this monitor at its native resolution? You have guss in that other thread complaining about it. I, and others I guess, would like to know more about this.
DusanV said:
Not that I don't trust you guys when you say there is no lag on this behemoth, but I'd still like to see some shots of the 3007 next to a CRT like I did here. Clone the display (the CRT likely can't do the insane 3007 native resolution so it'll pan around), run a timer (I got mine from here although I'm thinking of whipping a larger one up when I get home today) and take shots at 1/1000 sec or 1/500 sec (or whatever your camera is capable of). Thanks a bunch if you do this!

Not a single CRT in my house or anywhere that I have quick access to. It's all LCD lovin' all the time.
StalkerZER0 said:
Hey jacuzzi,

have you had any instances of eye strain since you have been using this monitor at its native resolution? You have guss in that other thread complaining about it. I, and others I guess, would like to know more about this.

I just posted there. I must say that i have not but if you have a screen this big, I feel 2 feet is a little close. I am always at least 3 feet away from mine. I did expereice a litle eye strain when i first got my 2405 or was it the 2005 before that? Anyway it went away after a few days. I had A Sony CRT Aperature Grill monitory prior to my flat panels and the text was big time fuzzy relatively speaking. I was refreshing at 100 hz or higher in those days at 1600x1200 . I think i just had to adjust to the sharpness of the new screens and use clear type.

ANy how I have had no eye strain issue with the 30 . I must qualify my statement however with the fact that i have very good vision for anything over a foot away from me so maybe thats cheating. I cannot see a dam thing close up roflmao
Well with me its different. I have an astigmatism. So I'm ok with stuff far and near its just that EVERYTHING is blurry! :p
What brightness setting are you guys running your 3007's at? The plus and minus controls on the front of the panel have 20 levels of brightness.

For the reasons mentioned in the below thread, I have my brightness turned down all the way because the 3007 is killing my eyes and giving them lots of strain and soreness. After working on my new 3007 for even a short amount of time my eyes are really sore. I have perfect vision and have never had any issues with soreness with past CRT or LCD's until I got my 3007 a few days ago. I am running at native res 2560x1600 60Hz, windows fonts set to large, and am viewing fom about 2 feet away.
Gussboy said:
What brightness setting are you guys running your 3007's at? The plus and minus brightness controls on the front of the panel have 20 levels of brightness.

For the reasons mentioned my thread below, I have my brightness turned down all the way because the 3007 is killing my eyes and giving them lots of strain and soreness..

I run mine @15-18 depending on my ambient lighting at the time.
Running the brightness right in the middle at 10, i nearly always have the lights on when i'm using the computer though.
FragMagnet said:
Just joined the 3007fp club, now to wait for the arrival....

Count me in as well! Just brought her home from UPS. YE FLIPPIN GODS this thing is HUGE! The ole 20 seems kinda insignificant. Gads, what a monster!
kamikazichaser said:
Count me in as well! Just brought her home from UPS. YE FLIPPIN GODS this thing is HUGE! The ole 20 seems kinda insignificant. Gads, what a monster!


Do me a big big favor? A big big favor to add to the ever growing list of favors? LOL! :p
Can you please download the demo for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter for the pc and try to get it to run at the dell 30inchers native resolution? I would really like to see that please.
Actually, I NEED to see that please. :(
Oh, by the way Gussboy....

Hows ya eyestrain? Is it getting any better?
I plan to use this thing (if I get it) in a dark room. I don't like lights on when I use monitors.
I guess I will be putting the brightness on this thing as low as possible as well. LOL I promise pics too. Cause I'm going to get outrageous and mount this thing to a monitor arm and float it over my bed! :p
StalkerZER0 said:
Oh, by the way Gussboy....

Hows ya eyestrain? Is it getting any better?
I plan to use this thing (if I get it) in a dark room. I don't like lights on when I use monitors.
I guess I will be putting the brightness on this thing as low as possible as well. LOL I promise pics too. Cause I'm going to get outrageous and mount this thing to a monitor arm and float it over my bed! :p

after 2-3 hrs of quake 4 and warcraft 3. I am now adjusted to the 3007wfp. :D
StalkerZER0 said:

Do me a big big favor? A big big favor to add to the ever growing list of favors? LOL! :p
Can you please download the demo for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter for the pc and try to get it to run at the dell 30inchers native resolution? I would really like to see that please.
Actually, I NEED to see that please. :(

Sure, I will try late tonight. I have had a real busy day andhave to build my kid his basket ball hoop for the new driveway when i get home so it may be awhile. I am still at work .
StalkerZER0 said:

Do me a big big favor? A big big favor to add to the ever growing list of favors? LOL! :p
Can you please download the demo for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter for the pc and try to get it to run at the dell 30inchers native resolution? I would really like to see that please.
Actually, I NEED to see that please. :(

Downloading the demo now so I'll try to do it for you as well. I haven't been able to find any place that'll give me over 120K/sec though so it's going to be a bit.

Edit: Ok, I'm up to 271K/sec now but I still have 16mins to go.
I didn't have an option in the game for 2560x1600 so I changed it in the config file. All setting were maxed except for 8x AF instead of 16x AF. It was on my 7800GTX setup and not the 7900GTX's but frame rates were low, I'd say around mid 20's.

Here's a few more in addition to the above:

caboosemoose: Is that a 7900GTX sitting next to your keyboard? Also, what settings did you use and what do you think your frame rates were?
Yup, it's a 79 with an x19 crossfire in the baggie underneath. I'm running the full retail install of GRAW at 2,560 x 1,600 and no AA (on an x19 XTX). Frame rates ok, just about playable, low 30s I think, most of the time.

Oh, I can confirm that the full retail version picks up the 2,560 x 1,600 res just fine by default.
caboosemoose said:
Yup, it's a 79 with an x19 crossfire in the baggie underneath. I'm running the full retail install of GRAW at 2,560 x 1,600 and no AA (on an x19 XTX). Frame rates ok, just about playable, low 30s I think, most of the time.

Oh, I can confirm that the full retail version picks up the 2,560 x 1,600 res just fine by default.

I didn't think it was out yet, is it?

Edit: Oh, nevermind. I just checked and see where it came from now.
I am finally downnloading it but i guess its a mute point. Wow looks good , i cant wait to play it
Has anyone managed to get this beast running in linux at full resolution and AGP?.

I have so far tried the Nvidia 7800GS, ATI 9600 Pro .. No luck..

The only next logical thing to try is an agp Ati 1600 pro?..

Has anyone tried this or had any luck at all.... Thanks..
Jasonx82 said:

First I noticed the Lubriderm... then I noticed the bottle of "Wet" behind it....

If I had a monitor like that I'd be fappin' to it too.....
Well, for starters the 9600 wont be dual link DVI so that wont work. I dont know if the AGP 7800 or 1600 are dual-link. I tried to find out about running the 3007 in linux, but no-one could help...
caboosemoose said:
Well, for starters the 9600 wont be dual link DVI so that wont work. I dont know if the AGP 7800 or 1600 are dual-link. I tried to find out about running the 3007 in linux, but no-one could help...

Actually the 9600 Pro MAC/PC AGP card IS Dual-Link, It works perfectly in windows. This is the same card that is running in most apple G4's ..

I just cant get it to run in Linux.. I only have a few strands of hair remaining..

Im heading out to get the x1600 pro right now.. I will let you know how that goes..

Im guess I will have no hair left... :mad:
Ummm, the Mac 9600 Pros may be dual-link, but that's the first I've heard of PC 9600 Pros being dual-link...

Oh, perhaps you're talking about a Mac/PC card, ie a card that's bascially sold for Mac use but works in a PC, too.
Blue Falcon said:
First I noticed the Lubriderm... then I noticed the bottle of "Wet" behind it....

If I had a monitor like that I'd be fappin' to it too.....

Priceless.............. :cool: