Got my 360 back today.....


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2000
...I shipped it out last friday, and I got it back

But man, it's alot noisier now...the fan speed has increased by quite a bit. And you can hear the fan speed change up and down as the cpu is loaded when doing stuff.

I guess it's a small price to pay if it helps the thing hold up better....what did they do, add faster fans? It's not the cdrom, as it does it even when the drive is open.
i bought one just before xmas and its alot noisier than my friends one.... but then again mines never crashed or given me any problems and his has lol.

its probably for the better....
maybe they use different fans on the newer motherboards now?
My elite is pretty loud as well.My friend and I bought ours about a week apart, his is quiet and mine is loud. I think it has to do with the type of drive, rather than a fan. This is a link to the first xbox 360 drives. I don't know which one is the best though.
The die was shrunk not to long ago, yes? I'd assume with the die shrink they are using smaller fans, which spin faster, and in turn = louder. My best guess.
Yeah, we got out Zero Hour unit back last week. Noisy as hell now, my Elite is quieter.
The die was shrunk not to long ago, yes? I'd assume with the die shrink they are using smaller fans, which spin faster, and in turn = louder. My best guess.

I don't know why they'd shrink the fans when the case is the same.... Especially if you're trying to get the same airflow from a smaller fan (which is why it would spin faster).

They more than likley use a different manufacturer and/or have them spinning faster in order to keep it cooler.
...the PS3 is matching the 360 in games released in the "current" market, yes the 360 has a larger library, bu so will the PS3 after a year of release.
I've got both and I'm struggling to have anything fun to do with my PS3. Great hardware, but I have much more fun with my 360.

BTW, the PS3 has already been out over a year.
PS3 for me, is useless. It can't network and share music with my two Vista pc's.....and the PS3 does not have the games I WANT to has great hardware but nothing else for me at this point.
Why do people still say this? Really...the PS3 is matching the 360 in games released in the "current" market, yes the 360 has a larger library, bu so will the PS3 after a year of release.

not so much larger library...

quality not quantity :p

but thats enough on this... not getting all the fanboys type all worked up :) haha (i will eventrually buy a ps3)
I don't know why they'd shrink the fans when the case is the same.... Especially if you're trying to get the same airflow from a smaller fan (which is why it would spin faster).

They more than likley use a different manufacturer and/or have them spinning faster in order to keep it cooler.

Smaller fans are cheaper.
^ Do you know that for sure? Have you actually opened the case and measured the diameter (before and after)? I'd be really curious if someone has. Anyone feel like taking the time to google it? :)
Just did some googling around there is an article regarding the die shrink. They say that shrinkin the die isn't going to lower the amount of heat generated, so I'd guess they would keep the same fans? Perhaps they run at full speed more often than they did in the past? Also, it doesn't seem like they have fans directly above a heatsink, but near the back of the case sucking air in (or blowing it out).

Here is a better picture of the fans:

Two 60mm (that explains the noise):

We couldn't just go with one 60mm fan because it would not provide the required cooling—as the diameter of the fan increases the air flow performance per revolution increases exponentially. So we ended up putting in two 60mm fans, and we came up with a water-cooled heat sink as well for the CPU. We've actually applied for a patent on that one.
Just did some googling around there is an article regarding the die shrink. They say that shrinkin the die isn't going to lower the amount of heat generated, so I'd guess they would keep the same fans?
Go to anandtech. They actually tested the falcon model to get the new power usage figures on it. Less power = less heat.

I don't know what's going on with the refurbs in this thread, but all the falcon model 360s I've seen run considerably quieter than the old models when on the dashboard / playing xbla games. There's no real difference on the retail games simply because it's the DVD drive which makes all the noise then.
^ Do you know that for sure? Have you actually opened the case and measured the diameter (before and after)? I'd be really curious if someone has. Anyone feel like taking the time to google it? :)

Yes, they are the same size fans. It would be more for them to change around the mounts than it would be for them to just buy a cheaper 60mm fan. It would be stupid of them to shrink the fan size with all the heat related problems they've had... Even with a die shrink whic DOES produce less heat.