Got my BFG 6800GT and I could NOT be happier


Limp Gawd
Jun 29, 2004
I have got to plug this card, it is simply amazing. It's BFG's 256MB GeForce6800GT and it absolutely screams. I'm running a 2500+ barton @ 2.2GHz (3200+) with a gig of corsair XMS PC3200 memory. I can run Far cry at 8xAA/16xAF at 1280x1024 (my monitor's max res) at the highest settings (yes, water is on ultra high) and I run the same great frames (24 min, about 100 max, 40-60 average) than if I don't have those features enabled (I'm assuming the CPU or something is a bottleneck, though please feel free to correct me). UT2K4 at the highest detail settings at 1280x1024 with 8/16 AA/AF (24 min, 45 average, 60 max). The greatest achievement: Doom 3, Ultra High detail, 1280x1024: 30 - 60FPS! I couldn't believe it. Heh, and it runs at either 30 or 60, never anything in between, never higher, never lower. Actually (to be completely honest) during only one scene did I dip down to about 20-25 but I haven't seen it since. The game looks so amazing and I can even run it with 4xAA/4xAF (0/16 is possible if you're really into filtering), but I usually don't as I really don't notice a difference (I did a screen shot comparison), so I don't want to run the risk of a slow down in the middle of a fire fight. If you're in the market for a new video card and you can afford the $399 price tag (heh, I can't but I did it anyway and am quite pleased), GET THIS CARD! You won't regret it.

Oh, on a side note, the two fans have little blue LEDs in them. I had no idea when I bought and installed it. I noticed my case was a little brighter than usual, but I just assumed that the LED on my HSF fan was brighter than I remembered. Nope, cool little video card LEDs. Bonus, eh?
I love mine as well. Have had it for about 3 weeks. I have it oc'd to the ultra speeds and it is running fine. It could probally go higher but im going to wait for some different type of cooler. I have heard that the copper one from BFG isnt as good as the refference, but i dunno how true it is. I haven run Far Cry since I have had it installed as I have benn playing doom3. But I am CPU limited at moment with a p4 2.53 :rolleyes: , but its way better than my 9800pro was. Also when I got the card and installed it the first time I ran coolbits it saw it at only 350 on the 3d side for the core speed, not sure why. But it dont matter since I just oc'd it anyway.
ooh ill try upping my aa/af in far cry to 8/16 (respectivley) then, if its bottlenecking then i just need to get more quality out of it :D

also, i run doom3 at 1280x1024 with 4xaa/8xaf and i average about 50FPS
i have never bought top of the line before myself and so i was also quite amazed by what the 6800 GT could do for me.

it's just a shame that i didn't buy my 6800 GT sooner because i missed about 3 weeks of hot gaming action due to waiting for the lousy CDW X800 XT PE pre-order.
I soooo need a new CPU. I almost upgraded my CPU, mobo, and what not but I decided a new vid card was a better choice for the new up and coming games.
Great Plug. I have a similar setup and was looking into one of those. Nice detail about the LED's. What are your scores on the doom3 demo test?

if you don't know how to do that just bring down the console and type"

timedemo demo1.demo

run it twice because the first time it cache's
cyberslag5k said:
Doom 3, Ultra High detail, 1280x1024: 30 - 60FPS! I couldn't believe it. Heh, and it runs at either 30 or 60, never anything in between, never higher, never lower. Actually (to be completely honest) during only one scene did I dip down to about 20-25 but I haven't seen it since. The game looks so amazing and I can even run it with 4xAA/4xAF (0/16 is possible if you're really into filtering),

Eh.. I have a p4 2.4 oc'ed to 2.8 with a gig of pc 3500 with the bfg 6800gt and d3 runs really choppy at even 1024x768 high quality. I have checked many of the d3 settings like com_videoram, and many others to make sure everything is set right. So, I don't know what the problem is, I have tried d3 at 2.4 and 2.8 is a little faster but still choppy and gets laggy when a lot of action is going on. :/
Techx said:
Eh.. I have a p4 2.4 oc'ed to 2.8 with a gig of pc 3500 with the bfg 6800gt and d3 runs really choppy at even 1024x768 high quality. I have checked many of the d3 settings like com_videoram, and many others to make sure everything is set right. So, I don't know what the problem is, I have tried d3 at 2.4 and 2.8 is a little faster but still choppy and gets laggy when a lot of action is going on. :/

Not sure what could be going on. Maybe something with drivers. I mean with my 2,53 it runs doom3 just fine at high quality. I havent tried any AA or AF yet.
Jerry1978 said:
i have never bought top of the line before myself and so i was also quite amazed by what the 6800 GT could do for me.

it's just a shame that i didn't buy my 6800 GT sooner because i missed about 3 weeks of hot gaming action due to waiting for the lousy CDW X800 XT PE pre-order.

The 6800GT is not top of the line.
s_s256 said:
The 6800GT is not top of the line.

technicalities. for all intents and purposes, it's an ultra that's clocked lower (which can be fixed), has less cooling (which can be fixed), and didn't pass all the tests (which doesn't necessarily means it won't hit ultra speeds). i'd call it darned close enough, coming from a 5900xt user (me)...
Techx said:
Eh.. I have a p4 2.4 oc'ed to 2.8 with a gig of pc 3500 with the bfg 6800gt and d3 runs really choppy at even 1024x768 high quality. I have checked many of the d3 settings like com_videoram, and many others to make sure everything is set right. So, I don't know what the problem is, I have tried d3 at 2.4 and 2.8 is a little faster but still choppy and gets laggy when a lot of action is going on. :/

Get this. With the FPS counter enabled, I found that D3 was either running capped 60fps or when I moved into a big area or lighting, it dropped to 30fps flat!! This was with VSYNC turned on. When it was off, it was much smoother but resulted in terrible tearing of textures. Needless to say, this was not gonna fly with me and my new $430 GT.

After some research I found this. I have my desktop at 85mhz and I wanted D3 to refresh at that rate.

Your refreshrate is 60Hz by default, the Framerate cap is 60FPS btw.
If your computer can't manage the 60FPS it will lower to exactly 50% of that, meaning: 30FPS until it can manage 60FPS again.
It's anoying indeed.

-Create a file called 'autoexec.cfg' in the DOOM3\base directory
-Add the following lines:
seta r_displayrefresh 85
seta r_swapinterval 0

This should get rid of the tearing and give you a much smoother expierence
I run mine at 85hz as well. If you didnt know/see that in the Nvidia display properties there is a box that allows you to override the default 60hz refresh for all resolutions and it allows you to pick what you want to run from a drop down list. I have all mine set to 85hz up to 128x1024
I have the BFG 6800 GT OC as well, and completely agree. It is a great card. I can run Doom 3 at either 1600 X 1200 4XAA/8XAF High Quality setting, or 1800 X 1440 0XAA/8XAF High Quality setting :eek: ! The game is gorgeous at either setting. I was just amazed to see it run perfectly smooth at 1800 X 1440. This is the limit of my monitor, by the way. I think the card could handle going higher.
s_s256 said:
The 6800GT is not top of the line.

Damn sure close enough, especially in doom, plus it's almost a gimme that it will oc to a 6800ultra, which IS the top of the line in DOOM3.

Then you factor Bang for your Buck? 6800GT by far!
I run Doom3 at 1280x1024 at Ultra settings, with 4xAA/8xAF enabled.
I usually get 60FPS most of the time, but it does drop occasionally to 30 or so when more than one imp or something comes out of the darkness. :rolleyes:

TechX - I'd completely uninstall your drivers, then install the latest drivers from NVidia.
creedAMD said:
Damn sure close enough, especially in doom, plus it's almost a gimme that it will oc to a 6800ultra, which IS the top of the line in DOOM3.

Then you factor Bang for your Buck? 6800GT by far!

I just got my $345 6800GT PNY card yesterday. I also couldn't be happier.

I'm running Doom3 at 1600x1200, Ultra High, Vsync On, All options on, and 2x AA. I havn't benchmarked yet but it's perfectly playable to get through single player. The experience is outrageous. I'm so happy with the performance I'm still grinning today at work.

The system is an OC P4 2.8 @ 3.5 on an 875 mobo w/ 1GB ram.
I cant stand this, I drop about $430 or so on my GT and I get horrible fps. Timedemos are at about 79fps with my 3400 A64 1mB L2 Cache, 1 gig corsair xms, leadtek 6800 gt at 400/1100. Whenever I go into big rooms, or even small ones such as the starting bio scan room I get about 30-40 fps for no damn reason. Ive tried just about everything from all different drivers, fast writes etc, ive even reinstalled windows/reformat. Latest chipsets, agp 3.0, and every damn thing you can think of. Im probably going to RMA this card or get my money back.
1024x768, high quality, everything on besides aa/af.
also remember the timedemo does not have certain things running that can slow the game down, so that may be why you are seeing a difference between the two. also the actual game is capped at 60fps
Matrix187 said:
I cant stand this, I drop about $430 or so on my GT and I get horrible fps. Timedemos are at about 79fps with my 3400 A64 1mB L2 Cache, 1 gig corsair xms, leadtek 6800 gt at 400/1100. Whenever I go into big rooms, or even small ones such as the starting bio scan room I get about 30-40 fps for no damn reason. Ive tried just about everything from all different drivers, fast writes etc, ive even reinstalled windows/reformat. Latest chipsets, agp 3.0, and every damn thing you can think of. Im probably going to RMA this card or get my money back.
1024x768, high quality, everything on besides aa/af.

Do this. I had the EXACT same problem and I installed my eVGA 6800GT last night.

Get this. With the FPS counter enabled, I found that D3 was either running capped 60fps or when I moved into a big area or lighting, it dropped to 30fps flat!! This was with VSYNC turned on. When it was off, it was much smoother but resulted in terrible tearing of textures. Needless to say, this was not gonna fly with me and my new $430 GT.

After some research I found this. I have my desktop at 85mhz and I wanted D3 to refresh at that rate.

Your refreshrate is 60Hz by default, the Framerate cap is 60FPS btw.
If your computer can't manage the 60FPS it will lower to exactly 50% of that, meaning: 30FPS until it can manage 60FPS again.
It's anoying indeed.

-Create a file called 'autoexec.cfg' in the DOOM3\base directory
-Add the following lines:
seta r_displayrefresh 85
seta r_swapinterval 0

This should get rid of the tearing and give you a much smoother expierence
I make a text document for that and name it autoexec.cfg, and put

seta r_displayrefresh 85
seta r_swapinterval 0

and save as.

It seems to be not working, but I think I know jack about how to make the cfg file. Any suggestions on how to do so? Thanks.

-I did make the file and in console I check the values of those commands and they are still default, so I do know im doing the file wrong.
Yeah it didn't work for me (at 75 Hz) either.

Timedemo statistics as requested:

First run - 46.7 seconds, 46FPS

Second run - 35.6 seconds, 60.3 FPS

System specs:

AthlonXP 2500+ @ 2.2GHz (3200+)
2x512MB Corsair XMS PC3200 Dual Channel DDR
Asus A7N8X-E deluxe
BFG 6800GT 256MB
Western Digital 74GB Raptor Sata 10000RPM HDD

How did everyone else score?

EDIT: Does the demo run on its own settings or does it use the ones you presently have set?
s_s256 said:
The 6800GT is not top of the line.
Go play Doom 3, then tell me that. :D

Disclaimer: I am not an Nvidia fan boy. I'd buy a card made by al Qaeda if it were the fastest.
Any of you replace the stock fan with something better? Is there an aftermarket fan/heatsink that fits th 6800GT?

Sounds like the card to get.
the GT is faster than the ultra I think - it seems to OC better with stock cooling at least. For me it wouldlikely be as fast/faster plus less money than this ultra which is giving me troubles...
agreed with the BFG users on the board, love the card, doom 3 runs great, although I just love playing Q3A at above 250 fps or whatever it is that it can run (i have mine capped at 250) :)

Here's to blazingly fast video cards!
Matrix187 said:
I make a text document for that and name it autoexec.cfg, and put

seta r_displayrefresh 85
seta r_swapinterval 0

and save as.

It seems to be not working, but I think I know jack about how to make the cfg file. Any suggestions on how to do so? Thanks.

-I did make the file and in console I check the values of those commands and they are still default, so I do know im doing the file wrong.

Woops, ok.

There is another file with .cfg at the end of it within that directory. Make a copy of that. Edit it with notepad and erase everything in there and add those lines. Rename autoexec.cfg.
My fps still is at 70fps on timedemos, and my fps drops extremely low in certain areas. I did 3dmark and I get 12000+, so I do know its doom3. I also can get 700+fps on Call Of Duty =)
IceWind said:
Woops, ok.

There is another file with .cfg at the end of it within that directory. Make a copy of that. Edit it with notepad and erase everything in there and add those lines. Rename autoexec.cfg.

Hmm...well, my frames don't rise above 60 still, but i now it's possible for me to run at 45 frames instead of skipping straight to 30. We're getting there!
The engine will not allow you to go above 60fps but your allowing the refresh rate to go to your monitors set rate so now you don't have to worry about VSYNC screwing it up now.
Yo check it. Dis be Ali G in da ouse. :cool:
I am ere wiv none offa than ma main man, da BFG GeFunk 6800GT OC.
Dis card performs to da max. dis is da fittest bits dere as bin in a while.
Dis video camera will surely brin all da bruvers quillions of bitches.
If ya dig to be wicked and ave da wickedest video card around,
yous ave to get da BFG GeFunk 6800 GT OC. Peace. Respek. Wes-side. Aaaaight?
Blauman said:
I love mine as well. Have had it for about 3 weeks. I have it oc'd to the ultra speeds and it is running fine. It could probally go higher but im going to wait for some different type of cooler. I have heard that the copper one from BFG isnt as good as the refference, but i dunno how true it is. I haven run Far Cry since I have had it installed as I have benn playing doom3. But I am CPU limited at moment with a p4 2.53 :rolleyes: , but its way better than my 9800pro was. Also when I got the card and installed it the first time I ran coolbits it saw it at only 350 on the 3d side for the core speed, not sure why. But it dont matter since I just oc'd it anyway.
There's an nvSilencer for it.. it's a vgaSilencer designed to mount on the 6800x cards. It's about 20 degrees better than the reference on GT, so that's pretty good. Costs over $50 though.
Yep, I have an eVGA 6800 GT set to Ultra speeds and couldn't be happier myself - it seems like a lot of GT cores either "slipped through" Nvidia's testing process (meaning, they could have been used on Ultras and ran fine at those speeds) or Nvidia has the manufacturing process down fine for the cores (and its just the GDDR3 memory thats causing the card shortages) because so many GTs can get up to ~420 core with only a single PSU connection.

Mine runs 54C idle and 83C under full load with no sign of slowing down (400/1100). Gotta love it!
Matrix187 said:
I make a text document for that and name it autoexec.cfg, and put

seta r_displayrefresh 85
seta r_swapinterval 0

and save as.

It seems to be not working, but I think I know jack about how to make the cfg file. Any suggestions on how to do so? Thanks.

-I did make the file and in console I check the values of those commands and they are still default, so I do know im doing the file wrong.
Judging by my ample Quake III experience, and Doom³ being a modification of the former engine; you don't have to create an autoexec.cfg at all. Just make your config.cfg not read-only and type those things in the console. It should do the trick. The other way would be to make a blank autoexec.cfg; and let the game write everything to it, but I don't see the point.

UltimateMan said:
Yo check it. Dis be Ali G in da ouse. :cool:
I am ere wiv none offa than ma main man, da BFG GeFunk 6800GT OC.
Dis card performs to da max. dis is da fittest bits dere as bin in a while.
Dis video camera will surely brin all da bruvers quillions of bitches.
If ya dig to be wicked and ave da wickedest video card around,
yous ave to get da BFG GeFunk 6800 GT OC. Peace. Respek. Wes-side. Aaaaight?
You'll soon welcome yourself to the banned club.
And I Could be more happy with this card.... It still does its dropping in the fps. 68fps in timedemos with 6800gt/athlon 64 3400+, 1 gig corsair xms...3dmark score is about 12100 though, so I know its doom 3