Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

If anyone wanted to know, The 360 Elite does not have "handshaking issues" like the PS3 on HDMI.

Good to know but everyone is going to ask what firmware you have on your Westy. I am at 1.0 and have been reading this thread forever and it seems that only one person in all the posts said that they do not have the issue with the PS3. If the Elite does not have the issue then this will confirm that it is not the LCD that has the problem.
Good to know but everyone is going to ask what firmware you have on your Westy. I am at 1.0 and have been reading this thread forever and it seems that only one person in all the posts said that they do not have the issue with the PS3. If the Elite does not have the issue then this will confirm that it is not the LCD that has the problem.

Yes, I have firmware 1.80 and I have the blinking problem. Even though I have a HDMI to DVI connection, it still blinks.

lol, the LCD was never the problem with the PS3. The PS3 itself is the problem. Sony has even said this way back the first week the PS3 came out when we tried to hook my friend's PS3 up to my Westy and it wouldn't work without blinking. Called their tech support and they said it was a known issue they were working on.
You dont need to edit the system file to get 1920x1080, it will show you every resolution that your vcard will allow in windows, i had it at 1920x1200, very nice =)
1920x1200? How is that possible? The westy doesn't support that mcuh. Or maybe you'll talking about another monitor.
Either way, can you post pictures? I'll like to see them.

1920x1200? How is that possible? The westy doesn't support that much. Or maybe you'll talking about another monitor.
Either way, can you post pictures? I'll like to see them.


1920x1200 is 16x10

Westy is 16x9
I'm crazy... I had to put it on my credit card (less than 1500 in CC debt, not too bad I think) I ordered it from mWave, normally I go through Newegg but their return policy makes me worry. Fed Ex 2 day shipping from Mwave= $46. From Newegg=$236:eek: That also made my decision easier.
I'm crazy... I had to put it on my credit card (less than 1500 in CC debt, not too bad I think) I ordered it from mWave, normally I go through Newegg but their return policy makes me worry. Fed Ex 2 day shipping from Mwave= $46. From Newegg=$236:eek: That also made my decision easier.

Too bad we missed out on the ChiefValue deal last week.. 974 shipped! :mad: :(
this monitor looks tantalizing for sure. can anyone tell me if it really is all it's cracked up to be? thanks
Now that I have this monitor, I find myself unable to hookup my old VCR so I could get SD TV on it... I hadn't even thought of the coaxial cable being an issue.

So, that brings me to my question, which I AM SURE has been answered somewhere in the millions of posts in here:

What is a good standalone SD NTSC analog TV tuner? Brand? Maybe someone even has a recommendation for a specific one or, I daresay, a link?!?
Now that I have this monitor, I find myself unable to hookup my old VCR so I could get SD TV on it... I hadn't even thought of the coaxial cable being an issue.

So, that brings me to my question, which I AM SURE has been answered somewhere in the millions of posts in here:

What is a good standalone SD NTSC analog TV tuner? Brand? Maybe someone even has a recommendation for a specific one or, I daresay, a link?!?

I'm sure your VCR has composite or s-video out. Use that and hook it up to the Westy that way.
Sure I could do it that way, but I'd still have to go out and buy something (cable) in order to get it to work. It's an old VCR, the tape deck doesn't even work anymore, lol. I'd rather just get something standalone, if you know what I mean.
Try hitting the DVI button on the remote once or twice in a row and see if it kicks back on.

OK, I honestly haven't tried that. I assumed that doing so would be the same as cycling through all of the inputs using the Input button and coming back to DVI1, but I'll try it and update you if it makes a difference.

Ryom, it appears that your method works. I have no idea why using the Input button doesn't, but sure enough if I turn the monitor on after "waking" the PC up, I can get a proper display by hitting the DVI button. It's a minor annoyance; I wish it would just instantly sync up like my LC-32GP1U, but it's a heck of a lot better than restarting the PC or (God forbid) sending the monitor back to Westinghouse for a firmware upgrade. I appreciate the suggestion.
this monitor looks tantalizing for sure. can anyone tell me if it really is all it's cracked up to be? thanks

Is this massive thread with dozens of happy owners not evidence in itself? :D

I can say that yes, for me, it really is all it's cracked up to be. I'm very satisfied with my purchase.
haha youre right zero, i suppose i was looking more for specifics? i'm not entirely sure myself haha. i was thinking about getting this monitor at the mid/end of the summer to put in my 9'x9' apartment suite bedroom next year at school. does anyone have this monitor in a very small room? is it overpowering as much as i think it is? i was hoping to buy this to have as a TV when i'm done with college and in my own apartment. i was going to buy a 2407WFP, but for $350 more, i can get more than a foot of extra viewing size AND future proof out the wazoo as well.

also, is an ATI X1950XT enough to power this beast?
You don't need one.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.

East, The OP has a nice FAQ and can get a lot of useful answers out of it. By all the reading I have done here, it just seems for the money and for what the monitor can do it is the best bang for the buck. As for your 9'x9' room, well being a lot of people are using this monitor as for PC use 3'-4' away, and TV viewing from 6'-8'. It seems like you would be in good shape there.

As for the ATI X1950XT, for normal PC use that would be great. For games you might not get max graphics at 1080p for all games or even be able to play it at that Rez, especially newer ones. For the highest of HD content through the computer, the major problem at least in my case is the CPU, people say you need at least a 3Ghz+ to get a nice steady HD stream.
haha youre right zero, i suppose i was looking more for specifics? i'm not entirely sure myself haha. i was thinking about getting this monitor at the mid/end of the summer to put in my 9'x9' apartment suite bedroom next year at school. does anyone have this monitor in a very small room? is it overpowering as much as i think it is? i was hoping to buy this to have as a TV when i'm done with college and in my own apartment. i was going to buy a 2407WFP, but for $350 more, i can get more than a foot of extra viewing size AND future proof out the wazoo as well.

also, is an ATI X1950XT enough to power this beast?

I would say that this is one of the best purchases I have ever made! The monitor is great, the price is right, and the quality is amazing. I think this would be the perfect solution for your dorm room, if I was single and lived in a studio I would most def have this thing. Perfect size for your tv and extra big and beautiful for your pc.
when you have college students barely able to afford instant noodles for dinner...then you have pinpig...27,000$ audio setup and a 50 grand plus car...and now a westy 37:D starving college student eh?
when you have college students barely able to afford instant noodles for dinner...then you have pinpig...27,000$ audio setup and a 50 grand plus car...and now a westy 37:D starving college student eh?

Actually, I dont have a $50K car...

.... I have not yet graduated, hence the car present doesn't come until next year.

And I doubt it'll be $50K! :p

My mom doesn't buy the idea that I need a Cayman S.
I would say that this is one of the best purchases I have ever made! The monitor is great, the price is right, and the quality is amazing. I think this would be the perfect solution for your dorm room, if I was single and lived in a studio I would most def have this thing. Perfect size for your tv and extra big and beautiful for your pc.

sounds outstanding duce! thanks for all the input guys. i'll be damned though if anything ever goes as smoothly as i hope. turns out the desk i'll have next year will have a hutch that's just a few inches too short of the monitor height, not allowing me to fit it comfortably toward the rear of the desk top. i'll have to rig up something ingenious or just rip the hutch off hulk-style. i can't move the desk out of the room because there's nowhere in the common area to put it. target date for ordering: july 15...only 76 days away haha.
I promised pics a few weeks ago, and I finally got around to taking them today. First, I'll give my impressions of this monitor in hopes of encouraging anyone who may be on the fence about buying this monitor.

Basically: you want this monitor. Buy it now. Yes, it runs computer games and video games flawlessly with no ghosting. Yes, the colors and black levels are amazing. Yes, you can sit at normal computer viewing distances and it looks PERFECT; just like a monitor should. Yes, you can put on an HD movie or whatever television you want and sit back many feet and enjoy it with friends. This monitor does everything you want it to do; the only shortcoming is that it doesn't have a tuner, but that can be bought separately. This is an AMAZING piece of equipment, and I strongly encourage everyone who is still undecided to just have faith that this display is everything you want and maybe even more. And now for the pics (and a few questions). Sorry for the small resolution and poor quality; I was using a friends cam and I don't know how to change settings on it.

First, some WoW pics.

This last one was my best attempt to capture a weird effect I experience in WoW. When in certain settings (most notably any time there is lots of blue near the bottom of the screen), I get this odd blue 'fire' effect along the bottom of the screen where the toolbar isn't. It's not annoying or anything; it actually looks kinda cool. It's just odd; never experienced that before. Anyone else experience this?

Now some Gears of War:

The weird line effect in this shot is just my camera acting up. You don't see that in real life.

The rest are of my setup:

My entire setup. My old 19" Viewsonic is on the tower. I use it for things like Thottbot and iTunes while I play WoW fullscreen on the Westinghouse. I LOVE dual monitors in this setup; so handy. And yes, that is a 360 Elite next to my computer. More on that in a bit.

Another shot of my smaller monitor. I'm happy it fits so well on the tower :D

Another shot of the tower and 360. I have to keep the 360 on the floor there because there is nowhere else to keep it in the room. Either there is no ventilation or the cords don't reach. Oh well, at least they sort of match.

This right here is the only reason I don't like keeping the 360 on the floor like that. Yes, that is all dust covering that filter which is covering a poorly-cut self made hole in my case (steel is a lot tougher than I thought; that was my first case mod attempt). I have to vacuum the filter on the side and on the front of my case every other day or else the thing overheats and goes bonkers. Dorms get so disgustingly dusty :\

Cable neat freaks look away! This is the horrible forest of crap I have to deal with because of all the stuff I have hooked up. It's impossible to keep it neat; this room just doesn't allow for terribly neat computer setups. The desk alone is a crime against computer users.

This picture serves no real purpose other than to show off the sexy new Elite packaging and to give me a segway into my blurb on the 360 Elite compatibility and the Westinghouse. I use the HDMI cable, and I have no handshaking issues whatsoever; it works fine. I am using firmware v1.8. And btw, the elite is pretty awesome; go buy one if you've been considering getting a 360 and don't have one of the 'normal' systems.

Again, sorry for my bad photography. I was mostly showing how this thing is in a dorm setting. It's perfect for this application. I love using it; great monitor even for a student (perfectly sharp and clear text) and its fun to watch TV and play xbox with a bunch of friends. The only thing I don't like is the amount of people who walk by and go OH MY GOD THAT IS A HUGE TV!!! It was cool for about 30 minutes, now I just want to go "yeah, I know, now go away and leave me alone". That and people who feel the need to inform me that "that is totally unnecessary; why would you buy that?" Because I enjoy having nice entertainment stuff like this and I had the money. Any other brilliant questions?

Also, does anyone know how to turn off the speakers on the monitor without getting that annoying MUTE icon in the corner? I play all my video games through my Logitech z5500 speakers using an optical connection (great system btw), but the TV speakers still play even when I have the speaker setting set to internal on the TV. Putting it to Mute bring up an annoying icon that is about 2"x2". I fixed this issue with the PS2 by unplugging the audio connections on the component cable, but the 360 Elite is a bit tougher as it plays audio through the HDMI cable and the optical cable simultaneously.

*edit* upon proofreading after the posting of this reply, I noticed how horrible the grammar and diction is, and that it's really ramble-y. Sorry, I'm exhausted; I got up early to search stores for the Elite and I need sleep :p
Also, does anyone know how to turn off the speakers on the monitor without getting that annoying MUTE icon in the corner? I play all my video games through my Logitech z5500 speakers using an optical connection (great system btw), but the TV speakers still play even when I have the speaker setting set to internal on the TV. Putting it to Mute bring up an annoying icon that is about 2"x2". I fixed this issue with the PS2 by unplugging the audio connections on the component cable, but the 360 Elite is a bit tougher as it plays audio through the HDMI cable and the optical cable simultaneously.

The only way that I know of would be to run the 360's HDMI through the DVI port. Completely strips it of the audio.... Does the westy have an audio out? you could trick it into sending the audio to something that's not even on and use the toslink from your 360 to your z5500 (I have them too!).

If that's not an awesome dorm room with all the entertainment amenities covered, I'm not sure what is.

Awesome setup on all accounts; from the video side of things to the audio!

I promised pics a few weeks ago, and I finally got around to taking them today. First, I'll give my impressions of this monitor in hopes of encouraging anyone who may be on the fence about buying this monitor.

Basically: you want this monitor. Buy it now. Yes, it runs computer games and video games flawlessly with no ghosting. Yes, the colors and black levels are amazing. Yes, you can sit at normal computer viewing distances and it looks PERFECT; just like a monitor should. Yes, you can put on an HD movie or whatever television you want and sit back many feet and enjoy it with friends. This monitor does everything you want it to do; the only shortcoming is that it doesn't have a tuner, but that can be bought separately. This is an AMAZING piece of equipment, and I strongly encourage everyone who is still undecided to just have faith that this display is everything you want and maybe even more. And now for the pics (and a few questions). Sorry for the small resolution and poor quality; I was using a friends cam and I don't know how to change settings on it.

Again, sorry for my bad photography. I was mostly showing how this thing is in a dorm setting. It's perfect for this application. I love using it; great monitor even for a student (perfectly sharp and clear text) and its fun to watch TV and play xbox with a bunch of friends. The only thing I don't like is the amount of people who walk by and go OH MY GOD THAT IS A HUGE TV!!! It was cool for about 30 minutes, now I just want to go "yeah, I know, now go away and leave me alone". That and people who feel the need to inform me that "that is totally unnecessary; why would you buy that?" Because I enjoy having nice entertainment stuff like this and I had the money. Any other brilliant questions?

Also, does anyone know how to turn off the speakers on the monitor without getting that annoying MUTE icon in the corner? I play all my video games through my Logitech z5500 speakers using an optical connection (great system btw), but the TV speakers still play even when I have the speaker setting set to internal on the TV. Putting it to Mute bring up an annoying icon that is about 2"x2". I fixed this issue with the PS2 by unplugging the audio connections on the component cable, but the 360 Elite is a bit tougher as it plays audio through the HDMI cable and the optical cable simultaneously.

*edit* upon proofreading after the posting of this reply, I noticed how horrible the grammar and diction is, and that it's really ramble-y. Sorry, I'm exhausted; I got up early to search stores for the Elite and I need sleep :p

Hold on a minute is the elite worth it. I am on the fence about a second 360. The first premium would goto my son and the elite would goto the westy. Can't decide whether to go with another 8800 gts 640mb edition for sli. But back to the point is the HDMI make it look any better and sharper over vga or is it not that big a difference?
Hold on a minute is the elite worth it. I am on the fence about a second 360. The first premium would goto my son and the elite would goto the westy. Can't decide whether to go with another 8800 gts 640mb edition for sli. But back to the point is the HDMI make it look any better and sharper over vga or is it not that big a difference?

The elite I believe has the option to upscale DVDs over HDMI, something I *believe* the premium cannot do. The hard drive is nice for when MS rolls out the IPTV so it will be like a set-top box with HDMI, big hard drive (capturing TV shows), media organization, playback, streaming, whole nine yards plus 2 feet. I'd get the elite, it will probably last you longer in terms of attention span. I'm enjoying mine right now.
when you have college students barely able to afford instant noodles for dinner...then you have pinpig...27,000$ audio setup and a 50 grand plus car...and now a westy 37:D starving college student eh?
LOL! It's striking, I'll admit. But not all college students are broke. Some of us are either loaded or have mommy and daddy wrapped around their fingers. In my case, I buy and resell everything every few months or so. Good way to enjoy new technologies and toys as they come out... :)
LOL! It's striking, I'll admit. But not all college students are broke. Some of us are either loaded or have mommy and daddy wrapped around their fingers. In my case, I buy and resell everything every few months or so. Good way to enjoy new technologies and toys as they come out... :)

Don't you lose a lot of money that way?
I paid $550 for my EVGA 8800GTX not long ago and if I were to sell it now, I'd end up with about $450 or so.
I don't even use the card since I have 2 more 8800GTXs, but don't want to sell it and lose $100.
They will evantually become obsolete once the new 8900 hits the market, and thus the price will drop more. :(
Sometimes, catching up with the latest technology is not so sweet. You must bear some kind of loss on your end, no matter what.
Same theory applies to vehicles. I got my new $51k BMW X5 3.0si 2 weeks ago and some how I feel they are going to release something like 3.5 next year.
I am also a college student(1st yr) trying to catch up with the latest tech. :)
LoL. If you can afford a $51k BMW in your freshman year of college, I can't believe you'd be worried about a $100 loss on a video card.
oh the gluttony of 37" of widescreen sitting on my desk, and the people who say "what the hell do you need THAT for?!?!" just can't understand why we do it. the summer is going to kick ass. east meets westy haha
LoL. If you can afford a $51k BMW in your freshman year of college, I can't believe you'd be worried about a $100 loss on a video card.

That's that.
I am a cheap guy. I love getting hot deals, and obviously hate to lose money.
You'd be surprised how many pennies I saved in a jar. ;)
LoL. If you can afford a $51k BMW in your freshman year of college, I can't believe you'd be worried about a $100 loss on a video card.

Anybody with a $51k car and a freshman in college should share the wealth and buy me a Westy!! :D :p

You guys and all your cool pics are killing me! ;)
That's that.
I am a cheap guy. I love getting hot deals, and obviously hate to lose money.
You'd be surprised how many pennies I saved in a jar. ;)

Even if you are going to sell the card for a loss, the point you made that you are not using it, and it will just go down even more sort of says well I rather never sell it and lose $550 eventully, then lose $100 now... Plus, if you sell it now, thats 45,000 more pennies for the jar ;)
I'm crazy... I had to put it on my credit card (less than 1500 in CC debt, not too bad I think) I ordered it from mWave, normally I go through Newegg but their return policy makes me worry. Fed Ex 2 day shipping from Mwave= $46. From Newegg=$236:eek: That also made my decision easier.

What's the Mwave return policy advantage? I believe they make you return it to Westinghouse JUST like Newegg would.