Got Quake 4! First Impressions

Brent_Justice said:
Quake 4 Multiplayer FRIGGIN OWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111

They've re-made some old maps as well, LOVE IT OMG, I've been playing now for 2 hours
^ I agree.

Also about how you mentioned you only got 1280x1024 2xaa in MP on a X850, with the specs in my sig. I run at 1280x1024 4xaa (Whatever af Q4 sets 8x?) Gamma AA on, and Transparency Supersampling on too. All on High Quality too. 81.85 drivers. Smoooooooooooth as silk. I wish I had a better monitor to go higher.
Mine crashes back to the desktop as well...

I try to load it up, i see the main screen and then its right back to my desktop. I have the newest drivers. I get this in event viewer:

The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: 7.

AMD 64bit 3500+
1 gig corsair xms pc3200
radeon x800
36g raptor

Any suggestions? This is really annoying
p.s. I also tried re-installing, no luck, seems to be a video problem to me but i'm not sure anymore
It totally rocks right now i am playing at 1280x1024, widscreen Thing

4x AA, 4x AF and its very smooth. Specs are in sig.
I'm installing it now but I'm not thrilled to hear those comments, guess I'll find out for myself.
Played through the anti air gun destruction...this game rocks for fast paced action.
It's definitely not FEAR type of spookiness but...

I like it.


Oh, and it plays totally smooth at 12x8 6xfsaa on X800XT with high detail effects on. Much smoother than Doom3. Hell, I'm tempted to crank it up to 16x12.
I just bought it from EB Games this evening (they had to get it out of the back room for some reason it wasn't on the shelves).

To start out...I have 2 major gripes.

1. The widescreen implementation is a joke. All it does is change your FOV if you set it to widescreen. So in order to actually see it in widescreen, I had to go into my nVidia settings and set it to stretch to the screen. This is a major problem with me because I have older games I play that won't run in widescreen and I want them just centered on the screen with the black stripes to the side. for now I'm just running Q4 in standard aspect ratio with the stripes on the sides...hopefully they'll fix this.

2. Overall, the game feels like a Q3A with slightly better graphics to me. The Edge brought back many memories, but didn't someone remake The Edge for Q3A as well?

Some other things worth mentioning:

- Singleplayer is pretty lame. What I played of SP felt exactly like Doom 3 with different weapons and no annoying flashlight-weapon switcheroos.

- The music is bad.

- Aiming precision seems a little rough but that may just be how my settings are or that my mouse feet are wearing down.

Those are the most notable things I can mention. I'm not trying to convince anyone to not buy the's a must have for Quake fans. Multiplayer is fun. It's just not living up to my personal expectations I had for the game so far.
I'm not seeing any mouse precision problems, but, I'm using my copperhead mouse and I disabled all acceleration with the registry hack (disables windows stuck on acceleration even with the option unchecked)
BBA said:
I'm not seeing any mouse precision problems, but, I'm using my copperhead mouse and I disabled all acceleration with the registry hack (disables windows stuck on acceleration even with the option unchecked)

I honestly think it's just my mouse actually. I just ordered a Func 1030 surface and some Slicksurf feet yesterday because for the past year i've been using my desktop as a mousepad, and the feet on my mx1000 are in a nasty condition :p
sitheris said:
I just bought it from EB Games this evening (they had to get it out of the back room for some reason it wasn't on the shelves).

Same here...

The SP is not Quake, but that's fine because I didn't buy it for the SP.

The MP is far too much like Quake3, but still fun. Anyone figure out some console commands yet? :p
BBA said:
Played through the anti air gun destruction...this game rocks for fast paced action.
It's definitely not FEAR type of spookiness but...

I like it.


Oh, and it plays totally smooth at 12x8 6xfsaa on X800XT with high detail effects on. Much smoother than Doom3. Hell, I'm tempted to crank it up to 16x12.

I doubt the 6X AA option in-game or forced from control panel is doing anything in this game, you are probably running at 1280x1024 No AA, hence why it is so smooth.

I am playing it on an X850 XT-PE and it is barely playable at 1280x1024 2XAA in High Quality mode.
Brent_Justice said:
I doubt the 6X AA option in-game or forced from control panel is doing anything in this game, you are probably running at 1280x1024 No AA, hence why it is so smooth.

I am playing it on an X850 XT-PE and it is barely playable at 1280x1024 2XAA in High Quality mode.

I have an X800 XT PE and 1280x1024 in SP with medium detail seems good, but MP is a slideshow. You'd think MP would be faster since it doesn't have all the AI etc... Oh well
I loved Q2 mp and love and still play Q3 mp, so it's all about that for me. Sp is blech anyways.
The more I play the game the more I get over the fact thats its not the Quake 2 clone that I hoped it was. Its getting better and more intense.

MP is still the best part though.
Is anyone going to post pics? 4 pages and no pics is usually unheard of in this forum for a new game.
How are the crosshairs?
I hate the crosshair in CS:S, can't see anything in Dust/2... :rolleyes:

Pictures please!!!
Sobek said:
Is anyone going to post pics? 4 pages and no pics is usually unheard of in this forum for a new game.

I'd post pics but it doesn't look pretty on my setup.


I couldn't be happier. I felt like a crack addict playing today. Its just amazingly Quake.
Oooh sweeet! I finally got with the times and ordered a dual layer DVD burner so I can buy this game on DVD. I'll be playing Quake before the weekend hopefully.
Brent_Justice said:
It's very pretty at 1600x1200 2xaa/8xaf High Quality mode
Yeah it runs real smooth, and I have a decidedly mid-range system (in sig). I am running 1280 x 1024 with 2XAA and 8xAF. For MP I leave AA off for better performance. ;)
Funny thing is the only thing FEAR has over this game is it supports soft shadows, but even with soft shadows off FEAR runs like crap, while this is much smoother and it isn't worse.
I just got it myself (The Special Edition DVD Edition with Quake 2 +expansion on it), and I have to say that this game is amazing. For those whiners that complained that Doom 3 was too dark, there are lights on 2 of the guns I have gotten so far, (the blaster, and machine gun). The sound effects, the music, the gun sounds, and the power of the shotgun at close range is all bad ass. I was standing in front of the shelf in Best Buy, and couldn't decide which to get (F.E.A.R. or Quake 4), well as much as I am SURE that F.E.A.R.'s single player rocks, this one is awesome also. So far of what i've seen, Raven has done a spectacular job, and the graphics are top notch. The graphics look just a tad bit better than Doom 3's for some reason. The outside environments are amazing, and the explosions are awesome, so I recommend it.

Please lemme know if I need to swap out for thumbnails... dont want to kill anyone's [H]ard dialup.
The only thing I'm interested in is if somebody makes QUAKE IV JAILBREAK!!!

Anybody remember Quake II Jailbreak? That was the most fun multiplayer I've ever had.
So far I'm loving Quake 4. It runs like butter, unlike FEAR. It's a perfect change of pace for FEAR's horror and sneaking around.
Spare-Flair said:
The only thing I'm interested in is if somebody makes QUAKE IV JAILBREAK!!!

Anybody remember Quake II Jailbreak? That was the most fun multiplayer I've ever had.
LOL, remember the frantic hopping on each other's heads to try and get out the little hole they put up near the ceiling in the cells. omg so much fun.