Got some KRK Rokit 5's now need help hooking them up

Sep 27, 2007
Just ordered a pair of White Rokit 5's off eBay and now I need to figure out how to set them up to my computer :D


Get a Cheap Behringer DAC

or a even cheaper Hosa cable thingy

or a awesome musiland monitor DAC from eBay

I guess my questions would be, how much of a difference does the cable make as opposed to the cheap DAC, and how much of a difference does the cheap DAC make from the expensive DAC
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There's nothing bad or good about that cable - cables are cables, and it's just an adapter cable to hook up to your current sound card. The behringer measures well. I've not seen measurements of the musiland. So basically if you have a shit sound card get the behringer and if your sound card is fine just get the cable.
Good choice on these speakers. I love mine :)

Don't just hook up thru a cable like that, you'll definitely want to use a balanced cable as these speakers are very prone to electrical hum. You'd be able to hear your computer "thinking." (assuming integrated audio, maybe you have an awesome sound card?)

The DAC would probably be a good idea. I doubt you need to splurge on that.

I have mine hooked up thru an Edirol UA-25 EX USB audio interface... bonus with that is it looks cool, you can hook up balanced cables, and it has high quality inputs.
I have a Razer Barracuda soundcard I bought ages ago ha, I also forgot to say that I'm probably only going to be using them for listening to music and gaming most of the time, my chances of mixing music/making music are slim :p so I think I'm going to go with the Behringer, now on to the next step, what cables do I need :D? I'm really a n00b when it comes to audio that doesn't involve a single 3.5mm jack