Gotta love the Chinese

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Jan 25, 2004
I saw this and had to post it, got it from the Jetway website. Gotta love them Chinese!

Debug Port / The Professional Hardware System Monitoring System
Being bugged of abnormal system failure through the tossed and turned nights no more, the embedded Hardware Debug Port offers you the real-time visual system healthy for the demanding usage of computing. No more bugging by unknown system failure and no more time wasted in the first moment of 24-hour nonstop ping business computing, the embedded Debug Port will turn you into a well training hardware professional with the seeing system situation.

Yeah! Thats who I wanna be! :rolleyes:
cow_like_object said:
OH wtf, i read that thing like 10x cause i didnt understand it...i thought it was somekinda joke.

What I really find sad(amusing) is some items that are made for the US in China, cant even get the spelling on the box correct :p .
what was the meaning of that quote...?
and if that's quoting a chinese dude you can't blame him for having bad grammar he's probably speaking at least 2 other chinese dialects so not being able to speak english perfectly isn't something to rag on him about...come on now y'all bigger than this
How do you know its a chinese person??????? it could be written by anyone from a 1st grader to even a professor. If you dont have proof about who wrote that then dont blame it on people. I hope you guys will understand. Thank you
After reading way too many PC component manuals I hardly notice Engrish anymore. I think it's kind of cute :p
Oh no! It's engrish! But then again I notice that in most of my manuals for computer components ;) , and if you go to ASUS's website you will notice some engrish aswell :p :D .
Likely a direct translation, and they didn't bother proofreading it (with somebody who speaks English :p) afterwards.
i didnt notice anything wrong the first time i read it, i just thought they were so sophisticated that i wasnt up to their language. then after reading your comments i noticed its totally wrong.... maybe its because im chinese.......... :eek:

i can read inglish in chinese......... :eek: ;)
0810 said:
i didnt notice anything wrong the first time i read it, i just thought they were so sophisticated that i wasnt up to their language. then after reading your comments i noticed its totally wrong.... maybe its because im chinese.......... :eek:

i can read inglish in chinese......... :eek: ;)
It's mostly grammar which forms a problem when learning a different language. Sentence constructions in English and Mandarin (and Japanese, etc.) are completely different. So, while for you an English sentence using a resemblance of the grammar in Mandarin may look fine to you (since you're used to such grammar), for someone who only speaks English, it's nigh unreadable :)
I find it's somewhat insulting. Are they so cheap, stupid or arrogant that they can't employ even ONE person that speaks both languages to translate? It could be that they know they have us by the balls as consumers and know that they can get away with shit like that.
you really want to have fun?

take lircs from your fav song, run it though google english to chinese, then take that and run it though again chinese to english, have fun
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