Government Opposes Schmidt's North Korea Trip

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The U.S. State Department says it opposes Eric Schmidt's trip to North Korea. Google reportedly said "what are you going to do, reprimand us." I made that last part up, but you know that's what they were thinking.

In a State Department briefing today, spokesperson Victoria Nuland said, "They are traveling in an unofficial capacity. They are not going to be accompanied by any U.S. officials. They are not carrying any messages from us. Frankly, we don't think the timing of this is particularly helpful, but they are private citizens, and they are making their own decisions."
Some of those donations better have been to security personell :eek:
"They are traveling in an unofficial capacity".

Wow really? Way to state the obvious there Watson.
It seems that Eric wants to make a PR stunt. Don't see any real value here. This could backfire very badly for him.:eek:
Because if there is one thing the North Korean's are know for .. its NOT kidnapping foreigners :rolleyes:
Hes just going to hand over government secrets and data Google managed to mine from federal networks.
Timing unhelpful? The timing is never going to be helpful when you label a country as an axis of evil is it?!

They shouldn't have commented on it and let him quietly go to N.Korea (while as quietly as someone of his status can go!). Instead they made more people aware he was going...
IMO the American government should be allowed to provide an ultimatum to people traveling to certain countries:

- DO NOT travel to XYZ country, for XYZ reason. If you should choose to travel to XYZ country, you hearby should expect to receive NO response from the government if you are mistreated or go missing.

Because otherwise, a lot of American tax payers and American lives are at risk for the people that may end up having to rescue these retards. Same thing happens for evacuations, they think they are just putting themselves in harms way, when in reality they just cost their neighbors a fortune for the helicopter and rescue mission that has to be mounted, and put the lives of the rescuers at risk.
our government gave him the finger and is saying you get kidnapped your on your own,or if something happends your on your own. but people dont speak there mind, they word it in a fancy way.

am sure someone will make a smartass comment about my statement, but thats ok. because it wont effect me.
It's none of the government's fucking business and if they kill hime, it's none of the governments fucking business. :p
It's none of the government's fucking business and if they kill hime, it's none of the governments fucking business. :p

but the government loves to be in everyone's business, they love it to death, me and my grandpa was talking about that today.
Eric Schmidt can stay there indefinitely. Bye bye Eric, we aren't waiting for you to come back.
U.S: We don't like the idea of you going to North Korea.

Schmidt: That's nice, okay bye *gets on plane with squad of bodyguards*.
He's just going there to sample their world famout "Bark and Twig Soup", first hand.
I really don't think it's the US government's business to tell anyone where they can travel. But I also don't expect private citizens should expect government support if they travel to unfriendly foreign nations. I'm sure Schmidt realizes this though.
Maybe he is trying to get approval for google maps street view up there
I'm pretty sure the US Gov is more concerned with making certain that it's well-known that they aren't at all involved in what Crazy Eric is doing. Nothing to see here, really.
IMO the American government should be allowed to provide an ultimatum to people traveling to certain countries:

- DO NOT travel to XYZ country, for XYZ reason. If you should choose to travel to XYZ country, you hearby should expect to receive NO response from the government if you are mistreated or go missing.

Because otherwise, a lot of American tax payers and American lives are at risk for the people that may end up having to rescue these retards. Same thing happens for evacuations, they think they are just putting themselves in harms way, when in reality they just cost their neighbors a fortune for the helicopter and rescue mission that has to be mounted, and put the lives of the rescuers at risk.

My father was involved with the talks between the ROK and PROK back in the 90s and had to sign such a document even though he was part of the offical capacity as a member of the military. Basically, it stated that had he been captured or otherwise detained by the PROK that there was no official recourse to be sought by the US government. I had always assumed that was standard operating procedure and the risk involved with going to dictatorships that are unfriendly, and outright hostile, to the US.

This whole visit on his part is thoroughly confusing to me though. He can't do business there, they don't have civilian internet access, and they've just started getting cell phones for certain members of the civilian population who are deemed important enough to have them by the government. He's attempting to make a message of some sort but I just don't see what that message is other than, "Hey, guys, look at me! Please look at me!"
There's an embargo and sanction on DPRK. The government has every reason to wag their fingers at Google. But of Eric Schmidt only plans to go to DPRK for vacation (unofficial capacity), then that's his business.
Kim Jong Un isn't his dad. He at least has some Western exposure and went to school for a couple years in Switzerland.

American citizens should be able go wherever we want (if the other country allows it), otherwise what is the point of Freedom?
if the north Korean govt wanted to screw him over you're going to need an army of security personnel.

We all know, that Google can fund a larger army then North Korea.

As far as CIA fact book says North Koreas GDP is around $40 Billionish.
Googles total equity is 58.145 billion.

Here is how i see it. Google is planing on invading North Korea, so they can finally establish the GoUtopia, all so they can avoid paying taxes. :).
The war isn't going to be pretty, but i hard they are in talk with Apple for reinforcements.

The above post is a troll, i for one look forward to seeing what happens.
We all know, that Google can fund a larger army then North Korea.

As far as CIA fact book says North Koreas GDP is around $40 Billionish.
Googles total equity is 58.145 billion.

Here is how i see it. Google is planing on invading North Korea, so they can finally establish the GoUtopia, all so they can avoid paying taxes. :).
The war isn't going to be pretty, but i hard they are in talk with Apple for reinforcements.

The above post is a troll, i for one look forward to seeing what happens.

GoUtopia will have a spy agency that will put the CIA and KGB to shame.
American citizens should be able go wherever we want (if the other country allows it), otherwise what is the point of Freedom?

Idiotic that we can apparently go to North Korea legally, but not Cuba.
IMO the American government should be allowed to provide an ultimatum to people traveling to certain countries:

- DO NOT travel to XYZ country, for XYZ reason. If you should choose to travel to XYZ country, you hearby should expect to receive NO response from the government if you are mistreated or go missing.

Because otherwise, a lot of American tax payers and American lives are at risk for the people that may end up having to rescue these retards. Same thing happens for evacuations, they think they are just putting themselves in harms way, when in reality they just cost their neighbors a fortune for the helicopter and rescue mission that has to be mounted, and put the lives of the rescuers at risk.

All things being equal, I would completely agree. But, the US government is too full of idiots concerned with nothing outside of their own self-serving fortune and glory. All I can do is sit back and laugh as fools think they can do no wrong and live like kings on the backs of the tax paying golden goose. The word of the American government ends up actually meaning less and less to the entire world.

The problem is not the people, the business's, or the cultures......the real problem is government (those with too much political power).
One of the most evil marxist corporate leaders in the world meeting with one of the most evil marxist government leaders in the world. Seems like business as usual to me.