GPU Default Fan Speed Issue


Aug 2, 2006
Problem solved

So I grabbed a BFG 9800GT OC to stick into my daughters PC to give her a boost over her onboard video as she was playing a few games that struggled. Issue is, she kept getting the nvidia display driver failure and restart problem. While trying to figure out why, I opened hardware monitor and let her play for a while. When I check back on whats going on I notice the GPU is cooking at 89-91c ! ! and the fan speed is only at 40% ! ! When its idle fan speed is at 35%, this is not making sense to me lol, I would guess at 80c fan should be running at least at 60-70% in my opinion

I have never messed with this card or brand so my question is, is there anyway to change the fan speed, or bump up its default without using 3rd party software like evga precision to change it?

I am thinking about just plugging the fan back into the card with only the power and ground wire attached.

Edit, I am guessing the only way to do what I want is with a bios edit.....
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You can adjust fan speed with AfterBurner or eVGA Precision, it's pretty easy IMO.
You can adjust fan speed with AfterBurner or eVGA Precision, it's pretty easy IMO.

Yea its easy. Just not what I want to do, Sorry I forgot to post that I have found the way to do it.