Gran Turismo 5 Prologue: Full Game?

When is it suppose to be up on PSN? I really don't want to have to go find
not to nitpick :p, but i think his tv is actually 768p native.
whether 720p or 1080i looks better is sort of a guessing game and probably only found through trial and error. the tv is scaling the source whether he feeds it 720p or 1080i...just gotta find which way looks best. 720p -> 768p, or 1080i -> 768p.

either way i think it looks great, but i do see a 1080P set in my near future.
So anyone playing it online yet? I think you actually have to get a car worth a shit before you can play online. Anyone?
So anyone playing it online yet? I think you actually have to get a car worth a shit before you can play online. Anyone?

i tried online play with with skyline gt350, it was fun and fast but i didn't have enough car to compete best i could place was 8 out 12
So online...does it match you with comparable cars/players or does it stick a coupe with a ferrari?
I might jack 40 from my mom and buy this. She owes me money anyways.

I hope the full version of this has some sort of cobalt in it as it will make my bro love this game, he lives forza 2 because it has the cobalt ss supercharged in it (his car) and if he can get the in car view on it he will love it.
So online...does it match you with comparable cars/players or does it stick a coupe with a ferrari?

there weren't any exotics or anything i just couldn't build enough speed when i needed it to make tight corner passes.
Well 1080p looks great, I've made it through C class and working on B but the in car view is pretty amazing looking and I haven't really got to the "nice" cars yet but I can tell right off the bat the AI is much improved and the lighting in the game is the best I've ever seen in any videogame ever on any platform period.

Honestly I don't think my 360 could render these cockpit views in 1080p and at 60 frames on top of that, definately shows how strong the PS3 can be.
Well 1080p looks great, I've made it through C class and working on B but the in car view is pretty amazing looking and I haven't really got to the "nice" cars yet but I can tell right off the bat the AI is much improved and the lighting in the game is the best I've ever seen in any videogame ever on any platform period.

Honestly I don't think my 360 could render these cockpit views in 1080p and at 60 frames on top of that, definately shows how strong the PS3 can be.

But for some reason the replays that are only running at 30fps still have jaggies. I was expecting better, but the in car view does look nice.
But for some reason the replays that are only running at 30fps still have jaggies. I was expecting better, but the in car view does look nice.

I actually think the lighting sometimes brings out the jaggies more but there's definately jaggies here and there but come on there easily the best car models ever in a racing game.
You guys need to remember this isnt the final build.

Gamepro's review is up here's a quote:

"The graphics in GT5: Prologue are even better than Crysis. Race replays showcase moments of photo realism you can't find in any other game. Again, not even Crysis. The visuals are so crisp, blades of grass can be seen swaying in the wake of nearby wind currents caused by the speeding cars. The HDR lighting will remind you of Half-Life 2 as you exit a dark tunnel only to be momentarily blinded by the burning sunlight. We did notice, however, a difference between the visible jaggies between 720p and 1080p resolutions. This is due to the finite detail of geometry used to model every curve and crevice of the cars. Therefore, the best experience is on a 1080p television. We recommend a Sony Bravia or Grand Wega for maximum color vibrancy and sharp definition."
Don't get me wrong it's a great looking game, but I do see jaggies during replays and I was expecting them to be absent as I didn't notice any during gameplay that I remember. This was on a 1080p Toshiba TV though, maybe I should return it so I can buy a Sony and enjoy sharp definition and maximum colour vibrancy. :rolleyes:
Online play is horrid. I have a great 10/1mbps connection....playing with low bandwidth people is a joke.

Needless to say, this game is already up for grabs on craigslist for me. I am selling that game, Orange Box and Warhawk.

Too bad you can't just "return" a game. I bought the game at GameStop they have a "don't like it within 24 hours, return it for full price" deal?
Ah I sux0r @ racing, bought a lancer evo when I can't play higher than C class :(
Online play is horrid. I have a great 10/1mbps connection....playing with low bandwidth people is a joke.

Needless to say, this game is already up for grabs on craigslist for me. I am selling that game, Orange Box and Warhawk.

Too bad you can't just "return" a game. I bought the game at GameStop they have a "don't like it within 24 hours, return it for full price" deal?

Well u can sorta return a game. the say u cant return them if there opened well if exchange it for another unopened one then return a few days later and return it they take it back.
Can't stand it. After 100 hours of GT1, 150 of GT2, and at least that into GT3, this one is just, well... bad.

Menus are horribly designed (4 steps to sell a car? WTF?), music is the worst its ever been, cars are all slippery and control poorly (and are uninspiring as can be - they feel like you're driving at 45 mph going to the grocery store). No tuning (I'm not going to bother beating everything to unlock something that should be there to begin with). Grass physics are non-existent (I beat my best time on Fuji by just flooring it and running off into the grass constantly in a RWD car). I found the best times were reached by jamming cars into the corner, breaking the rear free, and almost drifting it around - this hasn't worked since GT1, as it's not how cars actually drive, and now it's back.

But most of all... it's just boring. I still play GT3 regularly. I love the game. I enjoy 4 although I don't play it much. 5:p is just a miss as far as I'm concerned. If 5 doesn't improve significantly before the launch of the full game, there may be a great many disappointed people out there. At least, I certainly will be.
Can't stand it. After 100 hours of GT1, 150 of GT2, and at least that into GT3, this one is just, well... bad.

Menus are horribly designed (4 steps to sell a car? WTF?), music is the worst its ever been, cars are all slippery and control poorly (and are uninspiring as can be - they feel like you're driving at 45 mph going to the grocery store). No tuning (I'm not going to bother beating everything to unlock something that should be there to begin with). Grass physics are non-existent (I beat my best time on Fuji by just flooring it and running off into the grass constantly in a RWD car). I found the best times were reached by jamming cars into the corner, breaking the rear free, and almost drifting it around - this hasn't worked since GT1, as it's not how cars actually drive, and now it's back.

But most of all... it's just boring. I still play GT3 regularly. I love the game. I enjoy 4 although I don't play it much. 5:p is just a miss as far as I'm concerned. If 5 doesn't improve significantly before the launch of the full game, there may be a great many disappointed people out there. At least, I certainly will be.

Cmon now, after 100 hours of GT you're not bothering to finish 3 events to access tuning in GT5P:eek::D

BTW clutch works on the Logitech G25 :)
I want to thank Sony and Polyphony Digital for the world's first Blu-Ray sleep aid.

For the record, I really wanted to love this game. I've been looking for reasons not to get another 360, this was one of them.

Sure it looks good. Sure the car sounds are fantastic. But when even a sandbox crime game like Saints Row offers some rudimentary version of car custimization and an open-ended cruising game like TDU doesn't make you unlock most of the game in order to make the basest of performance modification, there's no real reason for a HARDCORE RACING SIM not to do either.

The music selection sucks to high hell to. I had someone singing the same two lines about water and boats for the 45 minutes I spent figuring out the menu layout. I'm not someone that demands Jock Jams (THANKS EA!) in my games, nor am I a music snob. I like everyting from ABBA to Zeke, as long as it has some sort of soul or pulse. Neo-Muzak ain't cuttin' it.

I used to defend Prologue against those who screamed "demo!", but at this point I don't even care anymore. I'll keep plugging away until GTA IV drops in hopes that I start digging it on some level aside from seeing my GTI parked in exotic locales.
I like it alot, but it's really stupid about some of you complaining about features it doesn't have when clearly from the start they were advertising exactly what it was, no more no less, like it had already been stated long ago that GT5p would not feature an upgrade parts system.
I like it alot, but it's really stupid about some of you complaining about features it doesn't have when clearly from the start they were advertising exactly what it was, no more no less, like it had already been stated long ago that GT5p would not feature an upgrade parts system.

I realized body/paint modification would not be in this game. I didn't realize that the performance modifications had to be unlocked. It still doesn't change the fact lesser pedigreed last-gen racers provided either or both and that there is no real reason not to include them.

I still bought the game under the pretense that the game wouldn't be soul-crushingly boring. My mistake.
Cmon now, after 100 hours of GT you're not bothering to finish 3 events to access tuning in GT5P:eek::D

BTW clutch works on the Logitech G25 :)

Nope, because my time is worth more than that. I'm not wasting 20+ hours just to unlock something that should be there from the start, especially given that those 20+ hours would be a total snooze fest.

I like it alot, but it's really stupid about some of you complaining about features it doesn't have when clearly from the start they were advertising exactly what it was, no more no less, like it had already been stated long ago that GT5p would not feature an upgrade parts system.

I'm complaining that what it does have, well, sucks.
To each his own i suppose. Ive been slammin on the JPN version of this game for over a month now, and now that I have the US version im spending even more hours playing it. Not sure what the complaint about the cars handling is, its very tight, and "realistic". I like the way it feels using the Logitech g25, the shifting, clutch action, braking, everything.

I think this game is more than a steal for the price. The people saying they get their fastest times just mashing the throttle and running on the grass probably are nowhere near close to top times who actually take the time to learn how to drive the cars on a proper line anyway.
To each his own i suppose. Ive been slammin on the JPN version of this game for over a month now, and now that I have the US version im spending even more hours playing it. Not sure what the complaint about the cars handling is, its very tight, and "realistic". I like the way it feels using the Logitech g25, the shifting, clutch action, braking, everything.

I think this game is more than a steal for the price. The people saying they get their fastest times just mashing the throttle and running on the grass probably are nowhere near close to top times who actually take the time to learn how to drive the cars on a proper line anyway.

I agree with this guy. I've played it for about 6 hours after work in Class C. Class C is usually boring, because they have....slower cars.

I am curious as to how peole did with the one race on Class C where you have to start in last place and get first place with only one lap. I think the only car you are allowed was the Integra Type R for the race. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Well, I vowed to get first place in that race, I must have raced that damn track 50 times. It does take some skill to be able to get first place, starting from last place.

I guess they should've made you start in last place for all the races to make more of a challenge. Class C was almost too easy, but, that's Class C I guess. I have about 150,000 credits heading towards Class B, and will look over the races to pick out the best car that can handle most of them.

Overall I give this game a B+. I can't wait for the full version. Hopefully this will tide me over until MSG4.
I am curious as to how peole did with the one race on Class C where you have to start in last place and get first place with only one lap. I think the only car you are allowed was the Integra Type R for the race. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Well, I vowed to get first place in that race, I must have raced that damn track 50 times. It does take some skill to be able to get first place, starting from last place.


I also had to vow to beat that track. I first did it on the JPN version with a controller and it must have taken up to 50 times as well, at first i thought it to be impossible, but finally got it. I now have a 2nd PS3 near my puter that i can hook my G25 up to and it only took 2 tries to beat that lap the second time around.
I started DL'ing it last night as it was done when I got up for work. I got to play around a little, but for only 5 minutes. The Daytona track certainly looked good, and the RX-8 handled realisitically. That's pretty much the only thing I can verify thus far :)
For me, it's a hold-over until GTA4 and Mario Kart, but something I'm sure I'll come back to here and there.
To each his own i suppose. Ive been slammin on the JPN version of this game for over a month now, and now that I have the US version im spending even more hours playing it. Not sure what the complaint about the cars handling is, its very tight, and "realistic". I like the way it feels using the Logitech g25, the shifting, clutch action, braking, everything.

I think this game is more than a steal for the price. The people saying they get their fastest times just mashing the throttle and running on the grass probably are nowhere near close to top times who actually take the time to learn how to drive the cars on a proper line anyway.

Don't know where you're getting realistic from, but they felt the opposite to me. Especially compared to prior entries in this same series. And no offense, but I do know the proper line: I played all the prior ones perfecting it (have some awesome replays from GT3 in the C5 vette and lotus esprit), and the cars in 5 handle almost identically on grass or pavement, meaning you can ignore the line and do just fine. They feel insulated and rubbery, not even remotely real.

Oh, and I beat the Integra race in one try. :confused: Using the D-pad too (the analog sticks on the six-axis have an annoying deadzone and the sensitivity is off).
Don't know where you're getting realistic from, but they felt the opposite to me. Especially compared to prior entries in this same series. And no offense, but I do know the proper line: I played all the prior ones perfecting it (have some awesome replays from GT3 in the C5 vette and lotus esprit), and the cars in 5 handle almost identically on grass or pavement, meaning you can ignore the line and do just fine. They feel insulated and rubbery, not even remotely real.

Oh, and I beat the Integra race in one try. :confused: Using the D-pad too (the analog sticks on the six-axis have an annoying deadzone and the sensitivity is off).

Do you happen to have videos of you driving on a real track?
Don't know where you're getting realistic from, but they felt the opposite to me. Especially compared to prior entries in this same series. And no offense, but I do know the proper line: I played all the prior ones perfecting it (have some awesome replays from GT3 in the C5 vette and lotus esprit), and the cars in 5 handle almost identically on grass or pavement, meaning you can ignore the line and do just fine. They feel insulated and rubbery, not even remotely real.

Oh, and I beat the Integra race in one try. :confused: Using the D-pad too (the analog sticks on the six-axis have an annoying deadzone and the sensitivity is off).

Honestly you claimed you have run 3-4 races, so i dont think you really have played enough to harp on it that much.

As far as realistic goes, i used quotes because obviously as far as racing games go, realisim is not measured realistically. But i found it much tighter to drive than say, forza. It feels very good to me.

But like i said, to each his own i suppose.
Oh, and I beat the Integra race in one try. :confused: Using the D-pad too (the analog sticks on the six-axis have an annoying deadzone and the sensitivity is off).

I have no idea how you did it in one try. It was a hard race if you don't know how drafting works in that game.
I have no idea how you did it in one try. It was a hard race if you don't know how drafting works in that game.

He's obviously too leet for this game, and its just kids play for him. Hope i dont meet up with him online ill get pwnzord
He's obviously too leet for this game, and its just kids play for him. Hope i dont meet up with him online ill get pwnzord

I'm curious to know his strategy for how he did it in one try. I'd like to know what his time was after exiting turn 1, and turn 2. Usually you have to get to a specific time and speed after turn 1 so you can catch up and start drafting the other cars on the straight away.

Heading out of Turn 2, there's only one car left to draft (the 2nd place car), and it's tricky to get into his draft area and get out of it, because you come up on the car sooo fast....
I didn't notice jaggies on my 1080P 50" plasma. Depends on the TV I guess??

I doubt it, unless you have some filtering enabled which I tend to turn off.

Anyway, the game is pretty good but it definitely feels like a demo more than a full game. If my 360 hadn't RROD'd on me I probably would have loaded up Forza 2 and done a direct comparison. I miss a lot of the features Forza 2 offered but it's been a while since I played it so I can't remember how the cars handled.

I remember Forza 2 having a greater sense of speed, but I'll hold off final judgement on GT until I unlock some of the better cars and possibly get a wheel for the PS3.
I have no idea how you did it in one try. It was a hard race if you don't know how drafting works in that game.

same as the high speed ring in GT3 for the top-speed challenges, which I ran a few thousand times :p Stick behind them, but with enough room to get some momentum for a pass near the finish line.

Honestly you claimed you have run 3-4 races, so i dont think you really have played enough to harp on it that much.

As far as realistic goes, i used quotes because obviously as far as racing games go, realisim is not measured realistically. But i found it much tighter to drive than say, forza. It feels very good to me.

But like i said, to each his own i suppose.

I made it all the way through C class, which used to be my favorite (I enjoy driving the slower cars rather than just powering through everything.

I'll give you it over forza - there hasn't been a realistic racing game I've enjoyed since GT3 (we never played GT4 a whole lot, as only a few of my friends ever had it).

I just hope the full version returns us to the style and feel of the prior games in the series. I actually miss the license tests...

Do you happen to have videos of you driving on a real track?

No - I did it at a SVTOA event in the Foci, and in a Miata with a local driving school at a demo thing they were giving off (Auto-X for both). Why do you ask? :confused:

I'm curious to know his strategy for how he did it in one try. I'd like to know what his time was after exiting turn 1, and turn 2. Usually you have to get to a specific time and speed after turn 1 so you can catch up and start drafting the other cars on the straight away.

Heading out of Turn 2, there's only one car left to draft (the 2nd place car), and it's tricky to get into his draft area and get out of it, because you come up on the car sooo fast....

Strategy - play the top speed races in GT3 a few thousand times. Honestly, that's it. I've already cleared it off my drive (needed the space for DMC4) as I'm going to try and sell it either here at work or on the FS/FT forums. If you really want me to reinstall and get a pic of the final time or something, I can probably try, but it'll be a bit (band rehersal tonight, flying tomorrow and saturday).