Grand Theft Auto V

Has anyone else completely lost interest in this game? :/

It's going to be the same deal with me as what happened with GTA IV. Did not purchase on any other platform, waited for PC release, gave up waiting, forgot about it then eventually bought it a year or 2 after launch for 70/80% off.

I haven't so much lost interest as pushed it to the back of my mind and left it there. That's what I do with any game that ends up being delayed or is more than a month or so from release. It keeps me from being too impatient for it. It also lets me get to a bit of an "eh, it'll release when it releases, oh well" state without ceasing to care about it entirely.
Nope...I have plenty of other games to play while I try to patiently wait for March 24th... me and 4 other friends have it preordered.
I'm annoyed with all of the delays (I would have bought another version) but am more interested than ever. I have Dying Light to tide me over for a month and since I assume all PC games launch broken, I'll have Bloodborne that day while I wait for a patch.
Has anyone else completely lost interest in this game? :/

It's going to be the same deal with me as what happened with GTA IV. Did not purchase on any other platform, waited for PC release, gave up waiting, forgot about it then eventually bought it a year or 2 after launch for 70/80% off.

really its been so long since its 360/ps3 release that 2 months really should not make much of a difference if someone is interested in the game or not.
Has anyone else completely lost interest in this game? :/

I imagine most people that have actually lost interest, well it wouldn't cross their mind to post about having lost interest, so, no.

I think I got about 15-18% into the 360 version when it first came out, and some of the writing and the lines were just epic - particularly for Trevor - but I couldn't deal with the insane jaggies on the 360. So I shelved the game to wait out playing it on a PC for the total experience. And that day is almost here. Looking forward to seeing what if any mods the community comes up with as well.
Has anyone else completely lost interest in this game? :/

It's going to be the same deal with me as what happened with GTA IV. Did not purchase on any other platform, waited for PC release, gave up waiting, forgot about it then eventually bought it a year or 2 after launch for 70/80% off.

Yep haven't played in about a week now, on to some new games.
Yep haven't played in about a week now, on to some new games.

Seeing as you're in the PC Gaming forum, pretty sure the question wasn't directed at PS4/Xbone players that have been playing for 3 months.
Haven't lost interest in it at all. Never played it on console and have avoided watching too many videos etc online. I'm looking forward to the definitive version on PC.
I have been playing GTA V on the PS3 for the last 17 months and I have yet to get bored with it. In fact I am looking forward to it on the PC.
The updated graphics will be nice but what will be great is because 11 of my personal friends are getting it. And that means the fun from the comradery of everyone playing and listening to them experience it for the first time.

Nothing like a bunch of guys in their 40's and 50's acting like little's going to be fun.
I've been TRYING to forget about it, so that time passes more quickly :)

A friend lent me his PS4 to play through the Last of Us (I don't own a console, but always wanted to play LoU), and added GTA 5 to the bundle when he gave it to me. I held off and didn't start playing, but I sure wanted to...
I enjoyed it on 360, really excited to rock it on PC.. and the mods.. ohh the mods.
I am still very interested. I don't mind the delays really. However it is the year long delay for the port each release that hurts them. I have moved onto other games to play now amongst my steady regulars so GTAV will be a bargain buy now thanks to the long delay. The slot it would have filled in my time has been taken by multiple other games.

I never really care about the stories. Just the big sandbox to play in so they'll still get my money, just a lot less of it than they would have.
I bought the game on release day for my PS3, started playing, but the awful console controls made me give up halfway trough, I've been patiently waiting for the PC version ever since.

I've only tried GTA Online once, I hate online games by default, but still I thought I'd give it a try, it was actually better than most online games I've tried but it wasn't enough to make me come back for a second time. I really didn't like the idea that you couldn't really customize your character, and whatever I did mine turned out to be ugly as hell.
I have been playing GTA V on the PS3 for the last 17 months and I have yet to get bored with it. In fact I am looking forward to it on the PC.
The updated graphics will be nice but what will be great is because 11 of my personal friends are getting it. And that means the fun from the comradery of everyone playing and listening to them experience it for the first time.

Nothing like a bunch of guys in their 40's and 50's acting like little's going to be fun.
Couple that with the actual kids online and this is why I tend to stay away from online play. Maybe at 33 I'm just an old man. Get off my lawn!
I understand Kalmado what you are saying, I always play in a friends only or invite only server and that is a great feature that GTA has.

My friends and I will probably will only play in those types of server just to keep annoying kids away.

For the most part but not all, PC players are a little more mature. But that doesn't mean we as a group won't venture into a public server to race or have fun. But if some stupid 8 year old want's to start something with one of us we will be more than obliged to annihilate them :)
I'm 46 and I am quite proud of the dandelions in my yard :) so I really do understand you. You would be welcome to join us, we just play and have fun.
Its become an afterthought, just like the PC release in general, I doubt they even touched anything major pre console release.
Has anyone else completely lost interest in this game? :/

It's going to be the same deal with me as what happened with GTA IV. Did not purchase on any other platform, waited for PC release, gave up waiting, forgot about it then eventually bought it a year or 2 after launch for 70/80% off.

Just like every GTA I've played, V caught my interest and attention for a few weeks. Then I would play it sparingly. Such a great series, nonetheless.
Havent even played it once on consoles, been waiting on a proper PC release. Not too worried about it either, when its out ill check it out and play it on and off like the past few GTAs.
I bought the game on release day for my PS3, started playing, but the awful console controls made me give up halfway trough, I've been patiently waiting for the PC version ever since.

I thought that would happen to me, but the game was so addicting, so great, that I kept playing and finally got adjusted to the controls. I am looking forward to the PC version as well!

comical. Rockstar desperate for one last chance to get us to double dip. Bunch of money-grabbing ++++s.
We never saw this coming. :rolleyes:
I'm sure that with these extra delays there's no way it will ship unoptimized, broken, or in some way less than playable. Nope.
Once again - I wish I just bought the PS4 version last fall.
Xbox one sitting next to my pc and connected to a pc monitor is kind of like playing it on pc.....
The game is being polished so much, it'll be brighter than the Sun.

I can't help but laugh.

And I know, I just motherfuckin' know, that the game will still be unoptimised and buggy at launch. I just know... Because R* are full of shit.
I wonder how the auto-aim/"aim-assist" will work on the PC version. Hopefully it will be completely disabled for multiplayer and controller users can go pound sand.
I really hope they are going to release a stable game with minimal bugs, even though I'm not even sure if I'm buying it yet. It could be fairly embarrassing for Rockstar if the game isn't their most polished PC release with releasing it 1.5yrs after the console release.

I just hope they don't pull something like Ubisoft did with Watch_Dogs delay and saying they are polishing it up then release a POS that doesn't work. Though I'm confident Rockstar won't do that, I still won't pre-order though.
Is anyone really surprised? Honestly?

It's practically been a running pun in this thread for pages as is. I think many of us all but expected this and now here were are.

I won't be surprised if it happens at least one more time yet, either.
*Insert Duke Nuke Forever Joke here*

COMPLETELY JUSTIFIABLE RAGE! A company dares to delay their game because of "issues"! How dare they? We never complain and ask why the game wasn't just delayed a few more weeks on a buggy launch, NEVER! Not like this is a damned if you do, damn if you don't situation; R* just sucks!
I don't think the issue is the fact that they're delaying it. It's the fact that it wasn't enough of a priority in the first place. If this game really mattered to them, they would have put the pieces in place to finish the game and release it with the other versions last Fall. All of these delays aren't because the game is done and "needs polish" but simply because it wasn't a priority and it clearly still isn't. Those other versions didn't get any delays for polish because they actually matter to Rockstar.
It's as if Rockstar just wants the game to be on sale for full price for as long as possible

This fucking game better be the most optimized game in the history of ports
I don't think the issue is the fact that they're delaying it. It's the fact that it wasn't enough of a priority in the first place. If this game really mattered to them, they would have put the pieces in place to finish the game and release it with the other versions last Fall. All of these delays aren't because the game is done and "needs polish" but simply because it wasn't a priority and it clearly still isn't. Those other versions didn't get any delays for polish because they actually matter to Rockstar.

The other were priority because they knew it would give them the most income...not they weren't already rich from the first release
It's as if Rockstar just wants the game to be on sale for full price for as long as possible

This fucking game better be the most optimized game in the history of ports won't be.