Graphics card fan issue (9500 PRO)


Limp Gawd
Mar 9, 2003
Hey guys,

Cut to the bottom to see my question if you don't want to read the story. Check the pics too.

I recently raided my old desktop pc to get a graphics card for my roommate. I put in the 9500 pro and everything worked fine, except his PSU couldn't handle it, and bit the dust. I had noticed the fan didn't power on while he was using it.
So, got a new PSU, everything works fine, except the fan still didn't power up. I figured it would turn on when the card got hot so I thought of running a benchmark program but decided not to, I didn't want to fry it if the fan didn't turn on.

So, I powered off the PC, and tried spinning the fan - it was VERY resistant. So I thought something might be stuck.. Anyways, long story short, I busted the fan when I was fiddling with it and now I need to replace it. I don't want to replace the heatsink because I could just buy another 9500 pro for the same price... I just want a new fan.

Here is all the information I have... Keep in mind the fan has a WEIRD shape. Check the following pics:



On the back of the fan, there was a sticker that said:
DC = 12V 0.07A

On the front of the fan, the following is stated:

Does anyone know a website where I can get a similar fan? 50 mm, no "box" around it, and a 2-pin plugin.. Or could I just get a normal 50 mm fan from Newegg and cut some of the housing off? I already checked and there are no similar products.
No way of attaching an 80mm one to it [H] style?

Only problem is finding long enough screws. A normal 50 mm one would work if the screws were 2-3x longer than normal (the original fan was screwed straight into the ridges of the heatsink).

/edit: here are some pics

zip ties might work? i put a 80mm fan on my ti4600 which was missing a fan. i think its quieter as well as cooler.
zip ties might work? i put a 80mm fan on my ti4600 which was missing a fan. i think its quieter as well as cooler.

Did you use zipties? I have no qualms using that but I don't want it to burn up or anything. The only problem is the fan has to plug directly into the 9500 pro (2-pin)... I tried booting it up w/o fan and it won't even go to bios, first message is 9500 pro fan is missing
Did you use zipties? I have no qualms using that but I don't want it to burn up or anything. The only problem is the fan has to plug directly into the 9500 pro (2-pin)... I tried booting it up w/o fan and it won't even go to bios, first message is 9500 pro fan is missing

i used longer screws that came with another hsf, but ppl use zipties ALL the time. as for the fan, note which pin is ground and which is voltage on the card, then use needle nose plyers to pull of the white plastic thing that holds the fan plug in place. a 3pin fan will plug right on once thats off, and its not glued or anything, it just sits on the pins.
i used longer screws that came with another hsf, but ppl use zipties ALL the time. as for the fan, note which pin is ground and which is voltage on the card, then use needle nose plyers to pull of the white plastic thing that holds the fan plug in place. a 3pin fan will plug right on once thats off, and its not glued or anything, it just sits on the pins.

Thanks for the tip. Will a fan bigger than 80 mm work? Or do you think a 120 mm fan is unnecessary since its just a 9500 pro?
not only unnecessary, but prob pretty awkward. a 80mm fan looks big on these cards.
Cool. Thanks for the info. I'll post how it went once I get a fan and set everything up.
Alright... I have a fan now. Only problem is it is 3 pin and the card needs 2 pin. I have been doing some reading and apparently it is pretty easy to fix this problem: the white cord is for monitoring fan speed and unnecessary for my purposes. So can I just cut off the 3pin connector, strip the red and black wires, and put them in the 2pin connector from the other fan (after removing the old cords)?
mnewxcv said you could probably cut out the white wall around the 2 pin header, and just plug in the 3 pin; just try not to pry on it (probably use a pocket knife or exacto knife). Or you could solder the wires on.

the white thing circled in pink, needle nose plyers will pull it off, just pull straight up, and it will leave the pins, and a regular 3 pin fan connector will sit on them just fine and you wont need to mod the fan or anything

the white thing circled in pink, needle nose plyers will pull it off, just pull straight up, and it will leave the pins, and a regular 3 pin fan connector will sit on them just fine and you wont need to mod the fan or anything

I tried plugging the fan on it in every diff. combination and the fan still didn't turn on. Since it's an older card, does it only turn on at a certain temp? (I figured red and black would it, but it still didn't kick on..)
Eh who cares, just wire the 80mm to 7v via a molex (12v to positive, 5v to gnd) that way the fan will always be on and you don't need to worry about overloading the connector

Otherwise base it on the old connector and if you want.. splice the wires together to get the connector. I suppose its possible the output voltage/amperage is too low to get the fan to spin up.
Eh who cares, just wire the 80mm to 7v via a molex (12v to positive, 5v to gnd) that way the fan will always be on and you don't need to worry about overloading the connector

Otherwise base it on the old connector and if you want.. splice the wires together to get the connector. I suppose its possible the output voltage/amperage is too low to get the fan to spin up.

I don't have a converter.. Could you post a more detailed process to wire it into a molex?
im telling you, just pull off the white fan connector on the 9500! its very easy!

I did pull it off. And it didn't turn on.. Unless I was applying pressure. There was a chip on the card where the white wire (fan speed control) would normally be, so the connector was not flush with the card. So I just made my own converter using some pliers and a file...
Voila! 2-pin connector for a 3 pin fan.

Bottom view (pc on side when I took pics). I zip-tied it around the card.

Crazy glued the connector to the side of the fan because it would not stay in tight.

Side view... 2x as thick as the card itself!

I zip-tied in a way so that when pressure was applied to the zipties, they would push on the fan and be noisy. I stripped some bread twist-ties to just wire and tied the zipties to the fan grille.
GJ. Hey it's ghetto but when it's functional, that's all that matters. :D

Now overclock that baby and post yer results lol.