GRAW 2 Lock-Up Problems

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
There has been a lot of discussion of lock-ups in GRAW 2 at the official Xbox forums.

IF YOU HAVE THE GAME, could you please let us know if:

A.) It is locking up on you and the conditions under which it is doing so.

B.) If it is running fine

I got my copy yesterday for review and haven't had a single issue so I am turning to you guys.
Finished the game on normal and have over 12+ hours in mp invested.

I had 1 lockup on the part just before the mexican rebels shoot mortars at you (the same level as the demo) I rebooted and the game has never locked up on me since.
I've been playing it on elevated risk, and it has locked up once during loading a level, and once when i hit the guide button, walked away for 3 minutes, and came back.

So far, no reoccuring freezing.

That being said, on the 4th to last mission, or near the end of day 3, you talk to an NPC and escort them to an extraction point. When i died during the skirmish before the chopper came, when the level reloaded (it loads after the point you have a dialogue with him) I could not get the NPC to head to the extraction point, and the mission will not end unless that NPC makes it to the chopper. i imagine its like this for everyone so, you get one shot at it, or else you have to start day 3 all over again. (shooting him to try to make him move didnt do it... in fact, he just dies... go figure ;) )

P.S. - Steve, if you want some help filling up an MP game for your review, let me know, i'll gladly help you guys play test all the different settings. GT: Johnny NG (you might want to delete TheDigitalNiNjA or DT Warmonkey as that account is lost for good.)
Well my cousin not me...has graw2 and he said it already locked up on him in the first level. I was thinking about getting it but since there's a lot of people sayin it locks up I might stay away until they get a patch.
Not one single lock up and almost done with the game. I have noticed on the official forums that the people having lockups have launch consoles.
I only had a chance to play GRAW2 for about an hour or two yesterday, but did not encounter any lockups. However, I get them in Rainbow 6: Vegas. All of them immediately after loading up a map but before all the textures are loaded. Sometimes it happens if I attempt to immediately move, but it happens the most if I immediately try to change weapon rate of fire or put my silencer on. I bought my xbox360 new in Nov of '06 and have an Intercooler on it and its located on top of the 55" so its got really good airflow. Only other game to have lockups has been Madden '07, but I don't seem to get them anymore.
I rented the game today. I have played it for a few hours and have not had any problems, yet. Who knows, it may happen soon. I will let you know if it does Steve.
I'm getting lock up in the campaign mode. I go to the first objective (yellow box) and it locks up. I can play online just fine. This is the only game that has locked up on me.
Im reporting in cousin just played multiplayer today and he has some major problems. It seems 5 sec within multiplayer it will lock up. It has happen 6 times and we can seem to play a multi game without it being locked up. Anyone have this problem? What can we do? wait for an update?
So far after playing for 3 hours or so in the single player campaign i haven't gotten any lock ups. I'll check back in if i do.
I've had one lock-up in the singleplayer but haven't had any issues since. It happened in like the third or fourth level and I'm now a good couple of hours past that with no more problems since.
Been playing it for about 2 hours so far, and havnt noticed any lockups.
Guess i spoke too soon. I started having a bunch of lockups in single player. Didn't seem to be any trigger for it, it was pretty random. It stopped after about 30 mins or so. Was pretty frustrating though.
no problems here, have gone through most of the sp, and did about 3 straight hours of mp tonight and it didnt freeze or anything.
I've had one hang right around the beginning of Act 2... restarted the 360 and no further issues with hangups. (MP drops is something all together different)
Played it halfway through on easy, stopped, restarted on Realistic and played the whole game. Started again on elevated and am about halfway through on elevated. Haven't had a single lockup yet. That includes also doing a couple missions on quick mission mode, mostly the helicopters purely for the fun factor of big explosions.
I had a brief issue with the mule in the part where Mitchell is helmet-less (he has an ugly bald head!!!!:eek: )
After I got by the bunch of bad guys and made it to the mule, it would float up and down in mid air......after a bunch of mashing the Y button the mule came to its senses and away I went.
Otherwise no issues at all.
I have a release issue 360 (10/06)
Dig the game,btw.
Hi, I am having the same problems. I have made it past the first training level with no problems. Now I am in my first full mission it is freezing every time I play it. At the moment the single player mode is just unplayable. When are ubisoft going to apply an update? Go they not check their games before they send them out?
I beat the game over the course of three days and never experienced lockups of any kind. My non-modded 360 has a manfactured date of March 30, 2006 with latest Live updates.
My sp campaign it totally unplayable.I cant even get past the training mission.If I skip the training mission it freezes right when I hop off the chopper.I have been all over the ubi forums and They are basically ignoring the issue.Their so called tech support is just an automated finger pointer made to deflect blame from ubi.I have tried all the home remedies prescribed by other gamers to no avail.No other titles lock up my xbox,and when I say lock up i mean it locks up hard.I have to turn my console off at the source.Multiplayer works ok except the drops that have also been getting reported by other gamers.I will probably never buy another ubi title again,which sucks because when graw works it is a pretty fun game especially co-op campaign.It really sucks that I had to pay 60 bucks to beta test their game for them.I mean launches always have some bugs but come on,HALF the game is unplayable.There are those lucky few that arent having any problems.But anybody planning to buy this game better beware cause its a 50/50 chance it wont work so good luck.And on a side note why the hell cant you turn off that annoying theme music in the menus and lobby.
Perhaps its just coincidence but my 360 rarely froze, if at all, before playing the demo of GRAW2. The demo would freeze just as a multiplayer map was beginning. And ever since then I have not been able to do a thing with my 360 becuase it now boots up with the 3 red lights and the few times it starts up normally, it freezes within the next 30 seconds.

But like I said, maybe its just a coincedence, I don't see how simple demo locking up can cause my system to die like that.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I have a couple of freinds who got the dreaded 3 red lights and it usually means imminent xbox death.I think you will be sending it in for service in the near future.
Already have.;)

Just waiting for that empty box to show up at my house so I can send it in.
I have over 20 hours so far in both multi-player and single player and have not had any issues what so ever.

My Xbox360 is sitting on its side (I heard it makes a huge difference)
I have over 20 hours so far in both multi-player and single player and have not had any issues what so ever.

My Xbox360 is sitting on its side (I heard it makes a huge difference)

Thats interesting, I should mention that mine is on its side as well, and I still havent had a single lockup, and ive gone through the single player campaign and about 10 hours of mutliplayer now.
When my 360 is standing up I notice a lot more lockups. I have no idea why, maybe something to do with the way the drive grabs the disk.
I had it freeze up once a couple days ago, I have no idea where it did it at during that time. Otherwise has been running fine.

Completed the game earlier this week, need to try out MP