Great Fall of 2008 -- PC Games Release Schedule


Mar 30, 2006
I'm so jazzed about all the great games coming out for PC this fall. I've got a brand new system and most of what I intend to do when I'm not working for the next few months is play all the great games coming out:

October 21
Far Cry 2

October 28
Fallout 3

November 11
COD 5: World at War
Mirror's Edge

November 18
Left 4 Dead

November 30

If anyone posts more release dates I'll add them to this top post.

I had been looking forward to Left 4 Dead the most, but now it's starting to look like a bit of a glorified TF2 meets Ravenholm mod. I hope that's not the case. Recently I've been getting more excited about Fallout 3.

In reality, I'll probably have to put off playing some of these games. Not a bad thing. The older I get, the more I appreciate games. These days I always have to have a new game. I'm currently playing through Crysis: Warhead a second time, since the first time I pretty much used it to bug test my new build. This time around I've got all the settings cranked and it's really impressing me.
Thats going to be a lot to download! :p
I kid.
I will be getting GTA4 for the mods and such, just sold my PS3 copy. I want L4D, but $50 will be steep. Mirror's Edge is already pre-ordered but on PS3....

This fall is amazing for gaming in general.
They pushed back GTA4 pc :mad: .......

Fuck CoD5, I'm interested in far cry 2, and maybe left 4 dead.
Indeed this is a good season for PC gaming. With FC2 and FO3 hitting back to be I figure to be busy with those babies for awhile. I have said it before and I'll say it again. I have some high expectations for both these titles and I sure hope they deliver.
what did they push IV back to? all the sites still say the 18th of November
I believe Mirror's Edge got pushed back to early 2009.

Don't forget about Dead Space and Prince of Persia.
looking forward to COD5 and FC2 the most. good time for gaming, bad time for my bank account.
FC2 and Fallout 3 seem sweet.
But I won't be getting them right a way, I just reinstalled Oblivion the other day and been hooked on it.
Maybe after the new year, the prices would have come down and my Oblivion thirst would have been quenched.
I am looking forward to Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, Mirror's Edge. I still need to get Warhead.
Too many games that I want to play... & managing finances during the barrage of new games is tough. :(

Far Cry 2 (maybe), Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, & Left 4 Dead.
I'm mostly looking forward to Farcry 2, Fallout 3, and Left 4 Dead. Plus, I still haven't picked up Warhead or Stalker: Clear Sky.....I'm kinda waiting for the kinks to be worked out of CS, which is mostly why I haven't bought it yet.
Fallout 3 is win.
Farcry 2 is a toss up so far.
CoD5 will probably tank since its being developed by the guys who brought you CoD2: Big Red One and CoD3. :rolleyes:
Left4Dead shows promise.
And GTA IV should be great if Rockstar keeps their word about the added features and quality.
Fallout 3 and Left 4 Dead seem to be the only real gems to look forward to IMO... definitely worth saving up some moolah for. :)
There's an impression that it's just a source engine mod, something that had 75% of it's tracks already layed.

There are plenty of full fledged unique titles out there that use the Source engine, just like there were plenty that used Id's Quake engine, Quake II engine (The original Half-Life engine was a heavily modified Quake II engine), Doom III, etc, etc.

Meh, more gaming goodness for me!
There's also Saints Row 2 due around November 10th I believe. Pretty much only looking forward to Left 4 Dead, Far Cry 2, and maaaybe COD5.
Gotta be honest on COD5: not very interested right now. Maybe its WWII burnout
mirror's edge is coming out for consoles in november... but the pc release date was pushed back to an undisclosed time. Also might want to add Dead Space, another game that has already came out for consoles but the pc version is coming. The release dates given by various sources as Oct 20 - Oct 31 =/
im looking forward to most of them games, FarCry 2 is starting to peak my interest even though originally I wasn't really looking forward to it, look too similar to Crysis in the desert, L4D looks cool still, I want to try fallout3 and give them the benefit of the doubt, CoD5 doesn't look too bad.
I paid for left 4 dead, but don't feel like it warrants the same release price as a normal, 'premium' game.

FarCry2 piqued my interest enough to warrant a pre-order, as dit Fallout3. I can wait for CoD5, since it's unlikely to be a true CoD.
Why does $50 look so steep to everyone for Left4Dead?

These are for me personally.

#1 No single player storyline. I only state this because games with storylines generally have much more in terms of content that needs to be created. Do not get me wrong, I am sure L4D will be a polished game by the time it comes out.

#2 Price point compared to other source engine games. I cannot even remember the pricing one year ago but I am pretty positive Orange Box was sub $60. I want to say it was $50 but I do not remember and do not feel like looking it up. Orange box had much more content and included TF2 which is a huge success. I do not see L4D becoming as big as TF2 is and in all honesty do not see the the worth in pricing. Ideally I would pay $30-40 for L4D.
I'm so jazzed about all the great games coming out for PC this fall. I've got a brand new system and most of what I intend to do when I'm not working for the next few months is play all the great games coming out:

October 21
Far Cry 2

October 28
Fallout 3

November 11
COD 5: World at War
Mirror's Edge

November 18
Left 4 Dead

November 30


This is my opinion, but i think it it will break down like this.

Far Cry 2 : DRM. Will be like Crysis/Warhead. Mediocre w/ good graphics.

Fallout 3/Fall-blivion : Decent but wont live up to hype.

COD5 : Another WW/ shooter?

Mirros Edge : This one stumps me. Has potential, and could be 2008's Portal. I dont know though, I have a bad feeling it will fall short. I hope it surprises me.

LFD : Not worth the price of admission based on what I've seen so far. I think a lot of gamers will be reluctant to drop 50.00 on it. Cant blame them.

GTA4 PC : I think this will sell well/download well amongst PC gamers, most will have already played it though.

I'm still looking for that PC sleeper hit that no one saw coming. I am currently trying Kings Bounty.
This is my opinion, but i think it it will break down like this.

Far Cry 2 : DRM. Will be like Crysis/Warhead. Mediocre w/ good graphics.

Fallout 3/Fall-blivion : Decent but wont live up to hype.

COD5 : Another WW/ shooter?

Mirros Edge : This one stumps me. Has potential, and could be 2008's Portal. I dont know though, I have a bad feeling it will fall short. I hope it surprises me.

LFD : Not worth the price of admission based on what I've seen so far. I think a lot of gamers will be reluctant to drop 50.00 on it. Cant blame them.

GTA4 PC : I think this will sell well/download well amongst PC gamers, most will have already played it though.

I'm still looking for that PC sleeper hit that no one saw coming. I am currently trying Kings Bounty.

I have to agree with you on that. I am hoping Far Cry 2 does not fall short but from all the hype and the developer promises for some reason I think they might miss the mark.