Groupon Files its IPO Papers

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Groupon filed for an initial public offering with the Securities and Exchange Commission today. Are we taking any bets on how well the IPO will go? Personally, I think the people saying the company is worth $20 - $25 billion are smoking crack.

The daily-deals company says it wants to raise $750 million and has hired Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, and Goldman Sachs as its bankers. That number can, and often does, change from the first IPO filing papers. And Groupon did not include information about the number of shares it intends to sell, which would give a valuation for the company itself. Some reports say Groupon could be valued at between $20 billion and $25 billion.
Quick, lets go public and grab money before Google Offers steals our steam and puts us out of business! :p
Yes, there is absolutely no way the company is worth the numbers they've been shitting out. It was 15-20 yeterday, now its 20-25 billion... that's so far off its not even funny.
Time to pile up a little bit of money to throw at this at hour 1 and sell at hour 24
With Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs rolling the numbers, I'm sure it's worth as much as they say it is:rolleyes:
GroupOn might just be kicking themselves...with the jobs report and downward revisions to GDP, the market is tanking and they might have missed out on the short lived crazy train.
Does anyone else remember the .com bubble? Am I the only one?

Just like last time, everyone thinks they're smarter than everyone else, and THEY will cash out before it crashes, don't worry! And for the most part, the big investment houses will. It'll be the regular joes who jump in at the last minute holding a lot of the bag.
Never used it. Never will. It's not a good concept for me to use. Of course, I'm not much of a gambler tho. :p
i'd invest in pandora or zynga, the groupon stuff has already gotten some major negative feedback. Though seemed everyone on the stock market recently has been nom'ing these internet IPO's like popcorn.
Well, now we will see if the $6 billion offered by Google is something they should have taken vs. their 1st week of trading.
The only one of these new wave tech companies I'd be willing to consider investing my money in is Facebook. I'm no Warren Buffet, but I tried to get my father to buy into Google when they filed for their IPO and he didn't bite, I don't want to let that happen again. :p
Am I the only one that didn't know what the fuck was Groupon before I had to look it up?
Time to pile up a little bit of money to throw at this at hour 1 and sell at hour 24

That was my first thought as well. This will make a lot of money for some people, before it tanks and takes a lot of people down.
Once they go IPO, people will line up to frivolously sue Groupon. :rolleyes:

That's not good. I'm sure we'll hear Cecila owns 98% of GroupOn. Its true! It's signed a contract on a stained napkin that he just forgot about for a better part of 5 years till it went IPO.
That's not good. I'm sure we'll hear Cecila owns 98% of GroupOn. Its true! It's signed a contract on a stained napkin that he just forgot about for a better part of 5 years till it went IPO.
LOL, yeah, maybe it'll get a movie on it and the Whineyvoss brothers will want a piece of the pie.

I read earlier this year that CEO Andrew whatever-his-last-name-is turned down a $6B acquisition offer from Google. :eek:
I wonder where they are getting the numbers from, maybe they are looking futures instead of present. I just heard this on the radio and was thinking uhhmm.. can't be worth that much for a coupon.
definitely only good for a quick money grab.

this shit's a scam.

have you seen the groupon deals? they are absolute shit. here in los angeles, they are selling laser treatments at a health spa for $80. WTF.

these deal sites are a dime a dozen. $25 billion my ass.

$25 billion Monopoly money, maybe.
I purchased Tennis lessons from Groupon a couple weeks ago from a local private club, it was an excellent price.

What sucks is that for an entire city of millions (Buffalo), Groupon has only 7 deals you can buy right now. And its been that way since I joined a few months ago... I think once it was as low as 3 deals. Its good stuff, but few deals.
What companies are "worth" has very little to do with sense or reality, e.g. $8.5b skype, "$50b" facebook. Its just a nonsense number.
I know one thing, with the money they make off each sale they should be flush with cash.

I was contacted by their sales, and there is no way in hell I would even consider giving them that. I would basically be loosing money in hopes to up sell once I got in the customers home.
could someone tell me how soon will their stock be offered on the market?
wondering the same thing will they announce the day before they start selling? just wondering
If you read the filings, is basically insolvent. They have more debt then assets, due to the reacord setting growth ... Plus they've had over $1 billion in private funding over the last year or 2, and they've just used it to pay off the original investors (Doesn't that sounds like a Ponzi scheme?) ... I think that there model is too easy to copy (Living Social, Google, local companies, etc...), and the growth obviously isn't sustainable ... I like them as a consumer, but I'm not thinking it is a good long term business model.
yes, but im not fluent in anything stock related, wasnt amazon the same way? and itd still be great to do a quick flip
Will Groupon have a Groupon sale where you can buy 2 shares of its stock for the price of 1? That would be classic. :cool: