GSOD is back


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2003
Well looks like this ugly bug is back with Cayman.

Games I GSOD on stock settings (1 and 2 video cards)

World of Wacraft
Black Ops
Bad Company 2
Metro 2033
Aliens Vs Predator

I usually defend ATI and drivers and there cards, but 2 generations of GSOD problems is making me seriously think of never going ATI again.

Anyone else with this problem "AGAIN"?
I have no idea what you are talking about. :eek:
I will, however, blame CrossFire.
Wow seriously! Dashit are you sure? I have heard noone else mention this up to this point now. That's on a few different forums. :confused:

BTW are you using DVD-d or displayport for your setup?
Had it for the first time when plugging in a 2nd monitor into my 4850 the other day, after which my computer spontaneously restarted. This was on 10.12, mind you.
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It does it with a single or crossfire setup. I tested both....

using the 10.12a drivers too.
Yeah it hasn't happened to my 6950 (yet) on about a dozen games.

Although my 5850 only had a GSOD happen about 5 times total during the 13 months I used it.
I have a real problem. Seriously, real bug found.

Full screen Plants vs Zombies stops rendering every so often. The 2 last frames just switch back and forth while it sounds like the game is continuing fine in the background. Windowed mode has no problems. No problems on nvidia, intel, etc. I hope AMD can put guys working in shifts to solve this critical problem. :(
I have been gaming like crazy for a week now with a 6970 crossfire setup (Metro 2033, Mass Effect 2, Black Ops) and I have not had any GSOD so far. My computer is 100% stable.

OP's problem may result from faulty hardware (memory, video card, motherboard) or windows corruption, etc...
It is impossible to determine the culprit without appropriate testing.
This is my first ATI Card in 20 years and what a big mistake.
I tried every driver from 10.4 to 10.12 with no success.
I get white/grey/blue screen than freezes and sometimes it restarts.
And also colored spots all over the desktop screen.:( and GSOD
I think I might sell my card which is only 8 months old and I paid $989 Aus:(
This is my first ATI Card in 20 years and what a big mistake.
I tried every driver from 10.4 to 10.12 with no success.
I get white/grey/blue screen than freezes and sometimes it restarts.
And also colored spots all over the desktop screen.:( and GSOD
I think I might sell my card which is only 8 months old and I paid $989 Aus:(

Sounds like your card is dying, just RMA it.
14+ hours of gaming and I haven't seen it.

I have crashed to desktop twice but that's because I was playing FONV, which is the buggiest POS game ever released.
I haven't seen a single GSOD. My cards (6970 XFX) 10.12a have been performing admirably, albeit hot (80-85 under load).
I have a real problem. Seriously, real bug found.

Full screen Plants vs Zombies stops rendering every so often. The 2 last frames just switch back and forth while it sounds like the game is continuing fine in the background. Windowed mode has no problems. No problems on nvidia, intel, etc. I hope AMD can put guys working in shifts to solve this critical problem. :(

using IE9? I had the same issue when I wasusing IE 9 and when I reverted back to 8, the issue went away
I'll admit, I've had a GSOD or two with my 6950s. The issue I found, however, is that it only did it when I was OCing the memory too much. Since backing off my memory OC I haven't seen a GSOD.

I tried every driver from 10.4 to 10.12 with no success.

Wait, are you using vanilla 10.12 or 10.12a? You need 10.12a for Cayman cards.
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How could it be driver related when you've tried 8 different driver sets and still get random lockups, restarts and desktop artifacts?

These sort of posts make me believe people want it to be driver issues just so they have an excuse to go back to nvidia.
What is the best driver to use then with my ATI HD 5970 Card

I am using 10.12 not 10.12a
If you see "colored spots all over the desktop screen" your card is probably overheating or dying.

The colored spots are not every day it could be once a week and BSOD once in 3 to 5 days it depends on which drivers I installed.

I use MSI afterburner and my GPU1 and GPU2 are roughly around 34 to 37 temperature

Also if I play games it freezes sometimes but not in every game
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You shouldn't see artifacts ever, and they're probably not driver related.
You said your temps are safe, so tone down your OC if you have one, if they persist then the card is definitely dying.
The colored spots are not every day it could be once a week and BSOD once in 3 to 5 days it depends on which drivers I installed.

I use MSI afterburner and my GPU1 and GPU2 are roughly around 34 to 37 temperature

Also if I play games it freezes sometimes but not in every game

Okay well. The ONLY drivers that work with the 6900 series Is this one. Trying ANY driver earlier than the 10.12A revision of the december drivers will result in problems, since NONE were meant to support the cards.

I have had a single GSOD, only when pushing my 69*70 VRAM much too high.
You shouldn't see artifacts ever, and they're probably not driver related.
You said your temps are safe, so tone down your OC if you have one, if they persist then the card is definitely dying.

I never Overclock.

And thanks for everyone's help. I try to use the 10.12a hotfix and see from there.
I never Overclock.

And thanks for everyone's help. I try to use the 10.12a hotfix and see from there.

I remember talk before about one 5970 having an updated bios and everyone was flashing the 5970s to that bios to get rid of problems that you described. I really don't remember more than that so you might want to bing it
I've had the 5970, 5850, and now 6970....never experienced any GSOD...sorry to hear OP
No GSODs here. There's many variables, it could be another component in your system causing the GSODs. I'd try backing down all your OC settings to stock and see if the issue persists.
When I had my 5850, I would get a GSOD when overclocking or when the temps got a lil high. I solved it by flashing the stock HIS bios with a modified Asus bios.

I think most of the GSOD issues stem from some of the mfg's stock bioses have problems.
Anyone here play Bad Company 2? With my XFX XFire 6970 I notice occasional screen flickers only in BC2. I think it might be a driver issue.
Stupid question, but where do you find what version you have in internet explorer in Windows 7 64bit?

And I also put in 10.12a hotfix hope it works
Open up your IE, then on the top right of the window you will see a ? surrounded by a blue circle. Click it and select "About Internet Explorer". The window that pops up will tell you what you have. Most likely it is Version 8.

I also agree with the above posters, if you see artifacts then your card is overheating or broken/breaking down. RMA it while you still can. I would also be sure to clean out all of the old drivers in safe mode with driver sweeper before installing whatever card comes as a replacement.
Open up your IE, then on the top right of the window you will see a ? surrounded by a blue circle. Click it and select "About Internet Explorer". The window that pops up will tell you what you have. Most likely it is Version 8.

I also agree with the above posters, if you see artifacts then your card is overheating or broken/breaking down. RMA it while you still can. I would also be sure to clean out all of the old drivers in safe mode with driver sweeper before installing whatever card comes as a replacement.

Thank you it's version 8.
I see how I go with 10.12a drivers if I get another artifacts I will RMA.
This issue is the sole reason I'm hesitant to bite on the $200 Sapphire HD 5870 available from Newegg right now. Loads of reports of this GSOD in the Newegg reviews, many of which are fairly recent. :(
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no issues on my 6970.

I originally had issues on my 5870 with the early drivers, but after a couple catalyst versions, most of my issues went away. After the last bios update (back in March) on my 5870, the GSOD was all but gone. Maybe still happened once in a blue moon.
This issue is the sole reason I'm hesitant to bite on the $200 Sapphire HD 5870 available from Newegg right now. Loads of reports of this GSOD in the Newegg reviews, many of which are fairly recent. :(
Doubt you'll see it, (and if it was related to bios) mine has a bios compiled in August 2010 and the GSOD issue was fixed in drivers nearly a year ago. I also have a 6950 that's been running for 2 weeks and no issues there.
The only GSOD I ever experienced in 1+ year was not related to my 5870, but rather a failing PSU. Confirmed & changed it, and aside from that never had an issue. I even do GPGPU stuff on it like milkyway and never had an issue.

IE9 however, even the most recent beta is hmm... randomly problematic I'd say. Went back to FireFox and all is good again. Wasn't GSOD, just randomly crash or just not display some stuff on pages

How could it be driver related when you've tried 8 different driver sets and still get random lockups, restarts and desktop artifacts?

These sort of posts make me believe people want it to be driver issues just so they have an excuse to go back to nvidia.

Sounds like it to me too..