GTA 4 Ads To Be Pulled from Chicago City Buses

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
After what can only be described as a horrendous weekend of violence in Chicago, the city transit authority decided to pull GTA IV ads from city buses. The CTA decided to pull the ads after media outlets like Fox (and others) questioned the judgment of placing the ads during the same weekend that 36 people were shot, 2 stabbed and 9 died of their injuries.

The report notes that GTA ads had been criticized previously in Chicago and other urban areas. In 2004, Governor Rod Blagojevich spoke out against transit ads for Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Two years later, Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston forced the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority to pull ads for GTA Vice City Stories.
Jeez, who cares about them pulling GTA 4 ads…the real question is what the hell is going on in Chicago?!?!?!
They need to pull all Wonder bread advertisements from the busses too because studies suggest that 90% of all the alleged suspects ate bread products the day before committing violent crimes.
No $hit. I'm sure all of the people commiting these acts of violence had played their fair share of violent video games...I mean there can'tbe any other explanation :rolleyes:

Crackheads play Quakewars too!
**I am NOT endorsing this** BUT

I think their reasoning is that 29 kids have been killed in school (CPS) in the last 3 months. ( AGAIN , lol I am just saying what has been said)
As much as I hate scapegoating video games, I have to agree with this decision. GTA just takes it too far IMO.
Sounds like there was a big anger party and everyone invited brought their guns.

I was so looking forward to the GTA/Uzi package that Best Buy was gonna have. I bet they pull that too because we keep killing each other after playing the game. :confused:

I mean I know for a fact that when they released easy-bake ovens back when, the number of child-stove deaths increased 5000% in just 2 weeks. They must be on to something here :rolleyes:
With me being African American also living in chicago and just letting the readers know that these were all African American Urban Male violence acts. The black Community is killing itself and they know they are.

living in the black community in chicago, there is no whites brainwashing blacks, All we do is try to get money and smoke weed, dro, and get drunk. for those who do that, i HOPE they die out, they are the ones who give us blacks a bad name.

this doesnt have anything to do with video game violence (its been here way before game violence, its always rap music with Lil Wayne, Jeezy, and gucci mane etc.) but i'm not surprise they pull gta IV ads.

instead of pulling images of violence off the streets, they need an ENTIRELY different way of warning blacks, thats why they have thought of gun laws, capital punishment, and at this point, its absolutely needed.

I'm ashamed in the black cmmunity (and i live in it, i plan to move out while in college)
Yeah they can pull the adds now. Thanks to FOX news they get all the free press they could have ever dreamed of in Chicago, and pretty much anywhere els.

This is unintended reverse phycology on a grand scale. :D
do the plan to pull ads for violent gorefest movies (saw series, ect) and semi-snuff films (hostel, ect) ??
With me being African American also living in chicago and just letting the readers know that these were all African American Urban Male violence acts. The black Community is killing itself and they know they are.

living in the black community in chicago, there is no whites brainwashing blacks, All we do is try to get money and smoke weed, dro, and get drunk. for those who do that, i HOPE they die out, they are the ones who give us blacks a bad name.

this doesnt have anything to do with video game violence (its been here way before game violence, its always rap music with Lil Wayne, Jeezy, and gucci mane etc.) but i'm not surprise they pull gta IV ads.

instead of pulling images of violence off the streets, they need an ENTIRELY different way of warning blacks, thats why they have thought of gun laws, capital punishment, and at this point, its absolutely needed.

I'm ashamed in the black cmmunity (and i live in it, i plan to move out while in college)

Amen, brother. This is the most intelligent forum post I've read in weeks. Thank you. :cool:
Sadly, these criminals are ruining the fun for all of us. Do us all a favor, next time you see a robber, shooter, or whatever, take one for the team and run them down :D jk
The act of removing the ads and all the following media coverage will give GTA even more advertisement time than it would have got.
Sadly, these criminals are ruining the fun for all of us. Do us all a favor, next time you see a robber, shooter, or whatever, take one for the team and run them down :D jk

I live in Ohio about an hour away from Cincinnati. And out here you rob us, you get shot and the body is dumped in a pig farm. :D I don't know anyone in this town that doesn't sleep with a loaded gun under the pillow.

I cant wait for GTA IV.

and +1 for the WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN CHICAGO question
They need to pull all Wonder bread advertisements from the busses too because studies suggest that 90% of all the alleged suspects ate bread products the day before committing violent crimes.
Another day, another miserable failure at an analogy on the internet...

Note that nowhere does it seem to mention that anybody was pointing the finger at an unreleased game as having been the cause of the crime spree. Not anywhere I can see, anyway. The concern was raised over how tasteful leaving up "Grand Theft Auto" posters would be, when, you know. The guy next to you just got shot in the leg by some crazy mofo.

panties --> unbunch
I can't wait to get my copy. I get a nifty safety deposit box with a rockstar keychain. Plus I get to kill people in VR.
**I am NOT endorsing this** BUT

I think their reasoning is that 29 kids have been killed in school (CPS) in the last 3 months. ( AGAIN , lol I am just saying what has been said)

GG, try again. :rolleyes:

29 kids have been killed.

They all were chicago public school students.

They were not killed IN school.

Media = 1

You = 0
As much as I love the GTA series, and that i think the ads are not linked or even in bad taste, I think that tact is always the lesser evil in such a situation, and you can never be bad in showing respect for the families of dead children...
Yeah and we also don't have 29 people getting killed in a single weekend. See any news of such from either Tulsa or Oklahoma City?

The Chicago gun ban appears to be working quite well. :rolleyes:
The real question is when are they going to make GTA Chicago?

Who needs a game? It seems you can just grab a gun and be a part of the real world counter-part.

And for all the news organizations, the game was modeled after this kind of crap going on, not the other way around.
GG, try again. :rolleyes:

29 kids have been killed.

They all were chicago public school students.

They were not killed IN school.

Media = 1

You = 0

One kid that went to my school was shot killed outside of school at the end of saturday school

Media labels it at cps students because the source of all this violence has come from the 15-20s year group. that is where they have the worst influences, this especially applies to the black community (FACT: most if not, ALL of the killings that have happened in chicago these past months were of african american students). we are committing genocide upon ourselves.

if you have been watching chicago news... an average of about 3-4 cps students are murdered every weekend. a cps student dies literally every weekend
Yes, because the ads make people kill each other... or is it the ads kill people? I don't know, I still don't see why ads would influence anything. Cigarettes don't promote people to suicide, and in time, if enough, they could kill you. I just don't see the point, but, ignore me.
With me being African American also living in chicago and just letting the readers know that these were all African American Urban Male violence acts. The black Community is killing itself and they know they are.

I'm ashamed in the black cmmunity (and i live in it, i plan to move out while in college)

I love people like you. seriously. You are one of the few awesome folks. :cool:
One kid that went to my school was shot killed outside of school at the end of saturday school

Media labels it at cps students because the source of all this violence has come from the 15-20s year group. that is where they have the worst influences, this especially applies to the black community (FACT: most if not, ALL of the killings that have happened in chicago these past months were of african american students). we are committing genocide upon ourselves.

if you have been watching chicago news... an average of about 3-4 cps students are murdered every weekend. a cps student dies literally every weekend

But it's not just the black kids. The hispanic kids are in on it too. One of the kids that was shot after saturday school was hispanic. And those shootings happened at a school about 4 blocks away from my own house. Not that isn't anything new as growing up in a bad neighborhood and getting shot at many times (for just being a neighborhood kid - never was in a gang but all is fair to idiots) was normal.

I hated gangbangers and I always will! I always hope that they take each other out without killing any innocent bystanders. But they always seem to get a few.

But they needed to pull those ads. We don't need any more of that BS here. And I don't accuse games like CS, Quake for Splinter Cell for causing idiots to start shooting, but GTA? Knowing the mind of the average idiot quite well (remember I grew up in that environment,) it does have an influence.

Now as for the crime in Chicago, when the economy was going well, crime was down. The mayor was taking all of the credit for making the streets safer. The streets were indeed safer for a few years and the statistics showed a good decline in shootings. But NOW? Shit...the poor communities are going to pick up where they left off after losing the little jobs they had....killing each other.

Oh, and that whole CPS student shit. WTF does the CPS have to do with it? Why not just say "kids?" Another "CHILD" was gunned down today... Not a CPS student. That's irrelevent. They're not killed at school or near it for that matter. They're just killed. PERIOD! (Yes there were a few outside of school but NOT ALL OF THEM!) Most were at parties or on the street hanging out. I hate the media too.

I'm out.
I thought guns are banned in Chicago? How can people be dying from gun shots?!? So much for gun control. I wonder why there is less crime in cities that actually allow their law abiding citizens to own guns... :rolleyes:
With me being African American also living in chicago and just letting the readers know that these were all African American Urban Male violence acts. The black Community is killing itself and they know they are.

living in the black community in chicago, there is no whites brainwashing blacks, All we do is try to get money and smoke weed, dro, and get drunk. for those who do that, i HOPE they die out, they are the ones who give us blacks a bad name.

this doesnt have anything to do with video game violence (its been here way before game violence, its always rap music with Lil Wayne, Jeezy, and gucci mane etc.) but i'm not surprise they pull gta IV ads.

instead of pulling images of violence off the streets, they need an ENTIRELY different way of warning blacks, thats why they have thought of gun laws, capital punishment, and at this point, its absolutely needed.

I'm ashamed in the black cmmunity (and i live in it, i plan to move out while in college)

I'm not black, but I must say that the black community in Atlanta is quite bad as well (being the rapper capitol of America). I really hate the idea of discriminating based upon race, but unfortunately I have no choice but to use caution every time I see a black guy in Atlanta. Nearly all of the crime around here is from black people :(. It's hard to say exactly what's causing it, but I would venture to guess that rap music plays a large part. Young black people look up to rappers because they are of the same race (so they have something in common) and have become very wealthy and famous. So kids probably think that rappers became wealthy and famous by doing what they sing about (drugs, violence, sex). Anyways, my point is that if rap music can have an influence like this, then it's safe to say that video games (such as GTA) could as well. Some people say it's the parents' fault for not instilling the right values and discipline, but many poor parents work all of the time at low paying jobs just to feed their children and don't have ample time to teach their children wrong from right.

I love the game, but I'm glad they pulled the adds. The less kids without proper parenting see this type of stuff, the better off they'll be.
its just as bad in new orleans, and its sad that the bad blacks give the good blacks such a bad name. but i don't know how you can stop it when every time some one(the cop) tries to do some thing like stop all the blacks waking around at midnight and cheek them for guns that the naacp and other groups make such a big deal about it that the cops just say fuck it the murders just start back up. its really a shame that we spend so much money in Iraq and other places yet our county is a dam war zone and no one is doing a dam thing to stop it and when some one tries people just call it recast when its not because when you look at the murders their like 99% black on black
This is a pretty sticky situation. The Chicago Transit Authority is "an independant government agency (" This makes it similar to things like the EPA, CIA, FTC etc. These are the type of agencies that typically scare the begesus out of me. They are under judicial review but they are not specifically outlined in the Constitution, so their existance is questionable.

I can think of 2 ways to interpret this. First off is this is censorship by a government agency. They found a reason to say something (which is very politically charged) is offensive and pulled it off of the buses. But it's really hard for me to believe that. If you put yourself in that sitation, where you are the person who is in charge of a company, you would take current affairs into consideration when you chose your advertisers. Everyone can agree here that people under the age of 17 should not play games like GTA, even libritarians believe the rules for children should not be the sameas the rules for adults. Having lived in a big city (St. Louis), and being forced to take the bus (my car was broken into so many times I could no longer afford new windows...I had to sell it) I can say whenever I saw someone on the bus who was carrying a gun it freaked me out. St. Louis had a large population of pretty unstable people and I can only imagine Chicago is much the same way.

I don't think that when Rob Huberman made the decision to pull the adds that it might be interpreted as censorship even crossed his mind. He didn't say that he thought the game was personally offensive, it sounds like his press release mearly said that with so many people DYING in the last week he found it inappropriate for the company which he is in control of to appear to condone such things. Their are people out there who do worship violence. Hell, I've met some of them. The way their minds work isn't like the way that your average person's does. Looking at this situation objectively no real censorship took place. GTA is a game where you go around and blow up or kill anything that you like (or, if you play for the plot, become a pimp or crime lord). Their are some people who should, for the sake of their own mental stability, not play this game. It's not like you would put a convicted sex offender in a movie theater playing porn. Just like you don't give a game like GTA to a person who is mentally unstable.

Basically I guess I don't understand why this is news. It would be like your local Jazz bar not letting a Death Metal band take the stage. Censorship is the active and willful destruction or abridging of materials. The game itself hasn't been altered, and Rob Huberman certianly didn't say that the game shouldn't be made. The world around Rob Huberman changed and he reacted to it. I think in a pretty intelligent way.
Concerning the Rap influence; I am thoroughly dissapointed at the fact that no-one in the mainstream media or any of the politicians have reasoned it properly. Infact it is quite sickening how they have so easily blamed "Rap music" for so many problems and have made it a complete joke to even bring it up now.

The problem with Rap music, is not Rap music, it is those who are currently using it to feed their own egotistical and greedy ends. Rap music was borne out of the soul of an oppressed people, it was a way to let off steam and express their woes, sorrows and joys! Therefore, being born of such a desire, its carries alot of weight among the decendants of those who experienced the oppression.

Rap was (still is at times) a beautiful, wonderous thing; until those people at the top forgot the essence of what it was and looked at it for purely their own gain.

The people at the "top" of rap music have ravaged paradise and really don't deserve their status, they have sold out all that was inherently good in Rap. Its no longer about sharing their life and experiences, its all about selling pre-packed images for the masses, so they can excert their control and influence on others.

What Rap needs is some good role models again, people who stand for wholesome and respectable ideals; like fighting tyranny and oppression. Not people who sell their own oppression with claims of grandeur and frivilous excess.