GTA IV Misses $400M Mark…Hits $500M Instead

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
All those people that predicted GTA IV would sell $400 million in the first week were totally wrong. The game hit the $500 million mark instead and is going strong thanks to amazing sales on both consoles. ;)

Take-Two Interactive today announced that Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto 4 has done a whopping $500 million in sales since the game's release last week. Some 6 million copies of the game have been sold worldwide, 3.6 million of those coming in just the first day. Although the numbers exceed industry predictions, Take-Two was confident about selling six million copies before launch.
Cool. Maybe the revenue will keep the big bad EA away. We don't need a small company that does it right gobbled up by a big company that does it all wrong.
How much does the game cost?

because unless its more than 80 bucks theres no way 6 million copies make 500 million dlls
How much does the game cost?

because unless its more than 80 bucks theres no way 6 million copies make 500 million dlls

60 bucks, 90 for the collectors edition. I doubt they sold all that many collectors editions though. If they are a bit over 6 million though, it seems feasible.
They got my $60, and so far I have played about 10 hours and I would happily give them another $60 for the next 10 hours, but I am happy I don't have too. I know I have spent a the same amount and gotten a lot less.
so you think they will miss the opportunity to capitalize much more (effortless) millions on the PC market???
I don't think so.
60 bucks, 90 for the collectors edition. I doubt they sold all that many collectors editions though. If they are a bit over 6 million though, it seems feasible.

Well yeah, a bit over 6 million, like a million more :D

Impressive numbers none the less, now wheres the pc version?
This game cost what, $100m to make? Sounds like their investment paid off. :) I can't wait till my roommate finishes (or sends his xbox into MS to be repaired-- mine's in the living room right now >.<) so I can play some.;)
The game costs 60.00 here but in europe it costs more. Amazon UK is selling it for 78.00 US.
They could have broke $501 million if they released on the PC too! :p :p
Well the PS3 version sold out the first day here in Sweden, still a few Xbox 360 copies around but they are going fast.

About the price, you over there are lucky to pay only $60 for a copy. Over here the price is $100-120 for the basic and around $200 for Special Edition.
let's see...
6million*60=360million, that's not 500mil.
5mil*60=300million+90million for the SE is still only 390-400 million.

wtf is going on?
furthermore, $100million around 3-4 yrs of development (plus they're re-using a lot of previous GTA assets) + marketing of $50million+distribution of $5million max is 160-180million MAXIMUM the studio spent on this means $500(according to them)million-180million=320million profits! whoa, time for all of us to start developing games =P
let's see...
6million*60=360million, that's not 500mil.
5mil*60=300million+90million for the SE is still only 390-400 million.

wtf is going on?

The weak dollar. They are clearing well over $100 for each regular copy sold in Europe, and a ton more than that on the SE editions. Remember a weak dollar can really benefit an exporting company.

i say screw the console versions i want my damn pc version :mad:

You'll get your PC version after the censors/Jack Thompson's of the world have had their way with it. :p
$500 million in sales...

but the actual profit is less.. need someone from an inside sourse to break down what Microsoft and sony get as kick back per unit and what normal wholesale cost is to a small and large retailer or even better what distributors cost is per unit.

best buy, gamestop, etc have to make money.. so they are not paying $60 per copy :p

$30 a copy? $40 a copy?

then bite out what the deal is for publishers on each system.....

even $250 million for the studio is a great week.. not denying that :cool:
Take-Two was confident about selling six million copies before launch.

should that read "before lunch?"
I spent $60 on it and bought the stupid strategy Guide for $16 at FYE. The guide is decent coffee table material, especially for the kids. =) But anytime that a game recoups its development costs in the same day it's released, you know it's good.

Weird thing is, I really like the multiplayer, I just hope the do something about the lobby system. It takes too long to find a decent game to play or actually play one. But when you do, it's fun. They could really benefit from some sort of dedicated server support.
$500M in legal sales
$100M in illegal sales...

Where is the news about that? :p
Well the PS3 version sold out the first day here in Sweden, still a few Xbox 360 copies around but they are going fast.

About the price, you over there are lucky to pay only $60 for a copy. Over here the price is $100-120 for the basic and around $200 for Special Edition.

Considering the Xbox 360 version sold 514,000 units and the PS3 version sold 413,000 units in the UK alone...and let's say the average selling price was $120, that is $111,240,000.00.

$500 million is EASY to see.
Where is my pc version, they could double their sales with a pc launch.
and game companies complain of losing money and piracy ending the world...

Proof: Make a good game = good sales!
Where is my pc version, they could double their sales with a pc launch.

No they wouldnt,be cause many people would not of bought it for a consoleand instead bought the PC version, that would likely of cut into profits

where as if they release the PC verions 8 months + down the road, people who likely already own it for console are possbily going to buy it for PC as well.
Looks like the "GTA vs Iron Man" idiots couldnt have been more wrong, they both cleaned up!

What game do you think everyone played after seeing Iron Man :D
and game companies complain of losing money and piracy ending the world...

Proof: Make a good game = good sales!

Actually, they built in there anti piracy strategy by not giving it to us PC gamers......

Make a good game
Make it hard to pirate
good sales

Just sayin... not saying it's right or wrong, I want a PC version too...
No they wouldnt,be cause many people would not of bought it for a consoleand instead bought the PC version, that would likely of cut into profits

where as if they release the PC verions 8 months + down the road, people who likely already own it for console are possbily going to buy it for PC as well.

Shhh, don't tell them that. :p :D
They deserve it. GTA:IV is by far the most fun I've had in a game in a long while... single player and multi player.
Actually, they built in there anti piracy strategy by not giving it to us PC gamers......

Make a good game
Make it hard to pirate
good sales

Just sayin... not saying it's right or wrong, I want a PC version too...

Hard to pirate? The PS3 version, sure. The X360 version was being pirated en-masse before the game launched. The X360 only requires a torx wrench, free software, a dual-layer burner, and some dual-layer discs and you've got yourself ready for illegal games.
people who think it is hard to pirate consoles, dont know much about consoles.

as said above 360, ya easy, out the door, ps3 is another story, it has nothing to do with piracy, it has to do with how GTA has always been done, consoles first, pc port over 8+ months later.

come back to this thread in 8months, maybe sooner and you can tell us how the PC version is.
it has to do with how GTA has always been done, consoles first, pc port over 8+ months later.

Umm, what? Please do some research to reveal the fact that GTA started on the PC in DOS. It was then ported to Windows and consoles. GTA 2 was released for PC, then ported to the consoles. It wasn't until GTA 3 that RSG released for consoles first and then PC.
Quoted for troof!


No they wouldnt,be cause many people would not of bought it for a consoleand instead bought the PC version, that would likely of cut into profits

where as if they release the PC verions 8 months + down the road, people who likely already own it for console are possbily going to buy it for PC as well.

i'd buy it for again for PC if it came out tomorrow. wally-world would have a returned PS3 to contend with then. i'd want the collectors edition for PC.

...force me to buy a playstation....:p i lose to market for games like this.