GTA:SA hidden sex game discussion

versello said:
Quit trolling this thread.


haha :D
WickedAngel said: now sales are indicative of quality? Not by a longshot, genius. Madden outsells competition ever year, yet it is also following the same formulaic regurgitation method that the GTA series has fallen into.

The only thing that sales of San Andreas have proven is how ignorant the main demographic of the PS2 is.

Madden outsells the competition because its doing something right... People keep buying it because people enjoy it. Thats how it works in the real world (opposed to inside your head) Something is good people buy it, when something isnt good, people stop buying it and it is redesigned to meet the needs and wants of the people.

Also I love how call the PS2 community ignorant. "Gee, I think this game is no good, so even though it sells a shit load the entire PS2 community must be ignorant." Fucking please, give me a break and get off your high horse. And not to mention the GTA series originated from the PC. You must be an Xbox !!!!!! arn't you...
Big Worm said:
And not to mention the GTA series originated from the PC. You must be an Xbox !!!!!! arn't you...

I still remember playing the original I got for free on my voodoo2 because my brother's friend who bought it didnt have a 3d accelerator.

So you don't like the non-deviating formulas of GTA. I understand this, but what I don't understand is why its a problem? Why not get a game that suits your tastes instead of complaining about this one? I don't know about anyone else, but it makes sense to me at least.
Bo_Bice said:

So you don't like the non-deviating formulas of GTA. I understand this, but what I don't understand is why its a problem? Why not get a game that suits your tastes instead of complaining about this one? I don't know about anyone else, but it makes sense to me at least.

Because as long as millions of people support it they'll never bother to change it. I was a big fan of GTA and GTA3. Vice City was even fun for a while. Now I see that they're content with staying formulaic instead of innovating (Basic online multiplayer being ignored, for example).

If people keep buying it they'll keep making it. That's why the Madden franchise has grown stagnant since it was released on the PS2.

Big_Worm said:
Madden outsells the competition because its doing something right... People keep buying it because people enjoy it. Thats how it works in the real world (opposed to inside your head) Something is good people buy it, when something isnt good, people stop buying it and it is redesigned to meet the needs and wants of the people.

Sorry guy, but no, that isn't how it works. The only thing that EA is doing right is monopolizing the football genre in the gaming industry by buying exclusivity to every license.

The ESPN football franchise was as good or better than Madden ever was and it sold a fraction of what Madden did. Every single review of the ESPN NFL games supports this.

Enter the Matrix sold millions of copies, despite the fact that the game wasn't even finished when it was released and couldn't even be completed due to a bug that actually prevented you from beating a certain level.

Halo 2 is another example. Quality AI and multiplayer but the single-player missions were lacking. The environments were varied but the story really didn't go anywhere at all. It has sold over 7 million units to date, I believe (6.5 for sure).

Point? Shit sells as look as fools like you fail to question developers and the publishers that are whoring franchises.
From what I read, I highly doubt this was made by Rockstar. I mean, unfinished code left in the PS2 version I can see as a mishap, but letting that slip into both the PC and XBox version? Especially something which could be as damaging as this. They may be crosiising some lines, but they're not dumb.
WickedAngel said: now sales are indicative of quality? Not by a longshot, genius. Madden outsells competition ever year, yet it is also following the same formulaic regurgitation method that the GTA series has fallen into.

The only thing that sales of San Andreas have proven is how ignorant the main demographic of the PS2 is.

By the way, if you don't want opposing opinions then get the fuck off the internet.
You're whining is a thread as usual? Big surprise.

Graphics not good enough for you?

Heres your...
obyj34 said:
From what I read, I highly doubt this was made by Rockstar. I mean, unfinished code left in the PS2 version I can see as a mishap, but letting that slip into both the PC and XBox version? Especially something which could be as damaging as this. They may be crosiising some lines, but they're not dumb.
I think its one of those "we'll "accidentally" leave the code in there, see if the modding community finds it" sort of things just to get around the stupid rating system. I've seen the mode, nothing is revealed, its like... cartoon sex... its no worse than the puppet sex in Team America ffs, and that got an R rating instead of an NC17 rating (comparable to the AO rating).
The same people who are bitching about graphics, are the same people who'd be bitching about the size if the graphics were better.

Some people just like to bitch, I know, I have several of them in my family.

Best thing to do is to just ignore them, after awhile they get tired of hearing their own voice and shut up.

They will sell thousands more copies just for this....and tenfold that will be PtoP'd just to see it.

"Johnny? Are you doing your homework?"
"Uh, yeah mom. Down in a minute!"
The 3D GTA games really haven't changed much at all, but they're still entertaining enough to play; that is if you can forgive the bugs and the ancient graphics. In the end isn't that what counts?

And I agree, sales aren't always indicative of greatness. Remember that Deer Hunter outsold Deus Ex. :eek:
I never heard of any bugs for the PS2 version.

Must suck to play a crappy port to a crappy console, or to PC. :eek:
WickedAngel said:
Useless blabber

This folks, is a prime example of class A bitching and whining.

Ok ok, you must be right, video games that sell millions cant be good, and good job taking Enter the Matrix as an example, the reason why it sold a bunch is because it had the background of the hit movies and a huge budget for advertising.

GTA series has sold a shit load because people think they are great games.. now all you have to do now is just admit you were wrong, thats all.
Big Worm said:
Random drivel of yet another moron in [H]ardForums.

Sorry kid, but you're wrong yet again. Sales do not equal quality. What is it going to take to get this through that tiny brain of yours? "Class A bitching and whining"? If that is your way of saying "Pointing out obvious flaws of a stagnant franchise", you got it right.

Please show me where I said that games that sell millions can't be good. You can't because I never said such a thing. You're pretending that the fact that a game sells millions makes it good; in short, you're a fool.

Komataguri said:
The same people who are bitching about graphics, are the same people who'd be bitching about the size if the graphics were better.

...or maybe you're just too ignorant to admit the obvious.

There have been bigger games than San Andreas that featured far superior environments/visuals. Morrowind was just as large or larger than San Andreas. It came out several years ago and had better visuals. MMORPGs are another example. They host tens of thousands of characters and, for the most part, look far better than anything in San Andreas.

The vast majority of you need to learn the meaning of "delusions" because you're obviously suffering from them.
WickedAngel said:
There have been bigger games than San Andreas that featured far superior environments/visuals. Morrowind was just as large or larger than San Andreas. It came out several years ago and had better visuals. MMORPGs are another example. They host tens of thousands of characters and, for the most part, look far better than anything in San Andreas.

The vast majority of you need to learn the meaning of "delusions" because you're obviously suffering from them.

Then why don't you go play your precious morrowind and stop bitching about a fucking game you apparently don't even like.

Oh, I are a
You do realize that forums are places where people of opposing viewpoints come, correct?

I mention one thing about graphics and it immediately turned into a flame-fest. I didn't even focus on the fact that the gameplay has been the practically the same since we encountered it in Liberty City, but I digress...

When you kids escape puberty and learn to speak like adults, feel free to share your opinions. Posting childish pictures only shows how ignorant you truly are.
WickedAngel said:
You do realize that forums are places where people of opposing viewpoints come, correct?

I mention one thing about graphics and it immediately turned into a flame-fest. I didn't even focus on the fact that the gameplay has been the practically the same since we encountered it in Liberty City, but I digress...

When you kids escape puberty and learn to speak like adults, feel free to share your opinions. Posting childish pictures only shows how ignorant you truly are.

You've already expressed your opinion and obviously it has been met with disagreement. You can either leave or continue to fan the flames; so do the smart thing. :)
I first played the GTA franchise as GTA3 on the PC. For whatever reason, I just couldn't get into it. Then I saw GTA:VC on a friend's PS2 and damn near went out and bought a PS2 just for that game alone. I eventually waited for it to come to the PC and I played the shit out of it, completely finished it (with the help of some online walkthru guides) and still occasionally fire it up when I need a mindless violence fix. GTA:SA doesn't appear to be terribly different from GTA:VC (at least what I can tell from the ads) but to me that's a good thing. I really enjoyed Vice City, so I expect I'll enjoy San Andreas too. Hell I download this mod and I don't even own the game yet, but I plan too ;)
WickedAngel said:
You do realize that forums are places where people of opposing viewpoints come, correct?

I mention one thing about graphics and it immediately turned into a flame-fest. I didn't even focus on the fact that the gameplay has been the practically the same since we encountered it in Liberty City, but I digress...

When you kids escape puberty and learn to speak like adults, feel free to share your opinions. Posting childish pictures only shows how ignorant you truly are.

How old are you? You keep refering to everyone as kids, please disclose your real age to all of us.
"Sales do not equal quality. "

Not entirely, but its a good basis if there ever was one. I will put my money on a video game with outstanding sales before I would on one with poor sales if I *had* to.

"Class A bitching and whining"? If that is your way of saying "Pointing out obvious flaws of a stagnant franchise", you got it right.

No its my way of saying you are bitching and whining, dipshit.

"Please show me where I said that games that sell millions can't be good."

You are saying that via your retarded logic. Otherwise you would give good reasons to WHY a game sells and continues to sells after many months, reviews, and sequels.

"You're pretending that the fact that a game sells millions makes it good; in short, you're a fool."

No I am not, I am saying a game that sells millions upon millions, sequal after sequal, with MANY previews before they are even released makes it a pretty fucking good game in the publics eyes. YOU are the one saying its a bad game all together, based off your own personal preferences, you fool.

"The vast majority of you need to learn the meaning of "delusions" because you're obviously suffering from them."

Ok go back to playing morrowind and MMORPGs instead of trying to convince a gaming forum that a particular game is actually no good. You retarded opinions are noted, goodbye.
this is the sort of thing that makes it harder for games to get respect from the people that hate them already.
Big Worm said:
Ok, go buy those games then and stop trolling in a San Andreas thread moron... Its funny how SA,VC,GTA3 out sells any of those titles by a long shot if they are so shitty.

PS: I don't even own a PS2 or an XBox, My PC can handle SA max everything + max draw distance (which is way further then PS2 or Xbox), so I dont know of this texture draw distance problem you speak of :rolleyes:
HA so can mine and in VC i get INVISIBLE STREETS FOR 10SECONDS I IVE STOPED ON THEM,then it needs time to draw a sharper tecxture then the curbs
Ballz2TheWallz said:
HA so can mine and in VC i get INVISIBLE STREETS FOR 10SECONDS I IVE STOPED ON THEM,then it needs time to draw a sharper tecxture then the curbs

I had the same problem with VC, seemed VC had problems managing texture priority etc. It also started happening more when I downloaded high poly cars. SA seems to have eliminated this problem, I cant even get it to have a problem like that. I think its because they adopted new way to handle textures. Like they render foliage on the fly and other details that are not important at a distance. Just one of the small improvements over the last GTA games.
Noodle Boy said:
I've seen the screenshots, and I think they are disgusting. If you want video game pr0n at least get Leisure Suit Larry lol
I'm trying to understand the whole concept of Video Game pr0n to begin with... BMX XXX, DOA XBV, GTA, LSL. If I want to see actual girlie type boobies, I'll load up one of my many CDs of pics and vids, thank you :rolleyes:
Wally said:
Yeah, except that people have done it for them already in the form of Multi-Theft Auto

I'm fully aware of the dedicated people that are making Multi Theft Auto. Only I have 2 problems with it.

1. It's a third party mod that piggybacks on the GTA engine, slowing everything down. Rockstar has the ability to make multiplayer part of the Engine. I would be happy with just MP - on a small map - for starters :)

2. The MTA is closed source wich means you can't tell what their program does, guess you'll just have to trust them ;). If they really wanted to help the community they would open source it!


lol people are bashing the graphics on a game that came from the ps2.

gee, i wonder why it looks so bad. :p
Well hell I see this is the usual flame GTA when it releases thread. True the graphics arent any better than previous versions. But most people who play do so for the fun of it so, it doesnt really matter much. It is alot like playing Postal. Just pure violence and, mayhem for its own sake. So the way I look at it is if you dont like it or, the company that produces it. Dont buy it! Strange concept isnt it. I personally do not buy EA games because, of the way they look at PC gamers, they consider counsels as, their bread and, butter. I will probably get SA just for goog old mindless fun. And isnt that why we buy games in the first place. To kill off those boring moments.
WickedAngel said:
Pointless bitching


I don't like GTA either. In fact, I kind of hate it. But going to a message board and telling people that their game of choice sucks is TROLLING. Nice to see your |337 +r0||!|\|g $k!||z are up to date. You must have downloaded the newest patch before everyone else because you're obviously so much better. gg kthnxbye
You resurrect a thread from two days ago and I am the one who is trolling?

My first post in this thread was aimed entirely at the game. Everything I said was 100% true. The only true change that has been made in the past three games is the location where they occur. The graphics haven't changed much, the mechanics haven't changed much, and online play hasn't been added by Rockstar. Bitching? Perhaps. I'm entitled to complain about a $50 expansion pack that was advertised as something new and improved.

Don't like opposing viewpoints? Feel free to go somewhere else.
WickedAngel said:
I'm entitled to complain about a $50 expansion pack that was advertised as something new and improved
Actually its only $30. CompUSA has it for $30, and everywhere else will price match it. Even if you bought it the day it came out, you still have 30days to Price Match.
Hell, this game is amazing. I haven't had this much fun with a game in a long time. The game itself is way more fun than Vice City and GTA3 combined.

I don't know where you guys are coming from, but this game is excellent.
fat_al said:
Hell, this game is amazing. I haven't had this much fun with a game in a long time. The game itself is way more fun than Vice City and GTA3 combined.

I don't know where you guys are coming from, but this game is excellent.

Same here. I haven't played a game this much in a long time.
BBowermaster said:
I price matched it at Best Buy just fine. Its in CompUSA's ad. Seems like you find any reason to bitch and complain.

Is the average IQ of America dropping or is it just you? Reading comprehension must not be your strong point. Do the nation a favor and off yourself.

There is no Best Buy around here. There is no CompUSA around here. That means there are no adds of theirs to use as price-matching options. Online adds are not accepted locally due to supposed "fraudulent activity".

Seems like you find any reason to flame. Shouldn't you be playing GTA3: San Andreas?
WickedAngel said:
Is the average IQ of America dropping or is it just you? Reading comprehension must not be your strong point. Do the nation a favor and off yourself.

There is no Best Buy around here. There is no CompUSA around here. That means there are no adds of theirs to use as price-matching options. Online adds are not accepted locally due to supposed "fraudulent activity".

Seems like you find any reason to flame. Shouldn't you be playing GTA3: San Andreas?

Can we stop this argument already? Do we really need TechHead in here again? Just leave for goodness sake; these people like the game, you've stated your opinion, now you're trying to convince the guy that he didn't get a pricematch when he aparrently did. It's OK for people to like a game that you don't like and it's OK for you to not like a game that the majority likes, comprende? This place is starting to sound like the Cars/Motor Vehicls forum. :rolleyes:
heatsinker said:
Can we stop this argument already? Do we really need TechHead in here again? Just leave for goodness sake; these people like the game, you've stated your opinion, now you're trying to convince the guy that he didn't get a pricematch when he aparrently did. It's OK for people to like a game that you don't like and it's OK for you to not like a game that the majority likes, comprende? This place is starting to sound like the Cars/Motor Vehicls forum. :rolleyes:

Yet again, you're talking to the wrong person. I let this thread go until one of many village idiots around here called me out again. Look at the times that post #67 and post #68 were made and you'll see what I mean.

I really couldn't care less whether or not these people are happy that they wasted money on an expansion pack.
I like how they changed the missions up a little bit in San Andreas. I like how there are less timed missions in SA. As far as I can recall, Vice City had a lot of timed missions - perfect for boiling blood pressure.
I played GTA on the PC since GTA3.
To me GTA3 was so-so, but I loved Vice City.
Ive tried SA on the PS/2, and I like it, but I hate consoles, so im eagerly awaiting my PC copy (in the mail.)

1) I am a mature 33 y/o.
2) I act responsible and mature in real life, but occasionaly enjoy games that allow me to act like a complete tard. GTA is the poster child of how people should not act or treat each other, which is why its so much fun to play.
3) not much HAS changed from GTA3, which doesn't bother me. For me, its a winning combination, dont screw it up too much.
4) Graphics, while important, are soon forgotten while gameplay keeps you coming back, or not. GTA, while infantile and anti-social, is quite fun, and thats why I play. Both HL2 and Doom 3 kick WoW's ass graphically...and yet both are collecting dust while I still play WoW 10 hours a week.