GTR Demo 2 - Has anyone got this to work?


Aug 28, 2002
I have tried nearly everything to get the 2nd GTR demo to work! Every time I try to run it, one of two things happens: 1. I get a black screen, then get kicked back to the desktop with an unhelpful error message; 2. I get a black screen, then it minimizes and asks if I want to replace one of the folders it installed ('spa'). And no matter what you click in this dialog box, you get greeted with another unhelpful error and it crashes.

I'm definitely not alone with this issue. I have been looking for solutions on this board: and I have tried everything I have come across to get it to work. Still no luck.

So, since this is a pretty specific problem, my hope is that someone who has encountered and overcome it will stop by!


*The International version of this game was just released, and I am worried that the problems I am experiencing in the demo may carry over to the retail version.