GTR Racing Framerate drop


Limp Gawd
Feb 16, 2004
Mods, not sure where to put this.. thought here for more exposure since it is a video related problem.

Playing GTR Racing with the 1.5 patch. Playing with machine in sig. I've tried 81.98 and 82.65's. Problem is when in the game the framerate drops from in the 100's to somewhere in the teens when there are other cars visible. Now, I understand the extra workload when other cars are visible, but damn. I'm running the game at 16x12 and 4aa.. And, like I said before, awesome framerates when the car is solo. Also, I have used winlauncher to set affinity to one cpu or the other and it makes no difference.

Any ideas?
I'm using 81.94s right now and don't notice any issues with GTR....I think you should probably head over to the GTR forums and see if anyone knows there.
Posted over there and no real help.. as I figured. Since I first posted, I've gone back to 81.98's and reinstalled the game.. Still no difference.

I can't figure it out and it's driving me nuts!

Any other help will be greatly appreciated.
jeez....did this problem occur in earlier versions of the game?
ChronicTrees said:
Maybe its just too taxing for the 7800 gt with that res and level of AA?


my 6800gt can run it at a similar IQ with the same results. It's not a very visually taxing game...
Yeah, it's not too taxing for my feeble little system.. hehe j/k

On my old system, I didn't notice a huge drop, granted I wasn't running this level of detail, but c'mon, a P4 1.8 with a ti4200 128... pretty big difference in hardware. Also, I tried it with the different patches available.. no difference either. This is a fresh install of XP also.. running SP2.. all drivers are most recent except for the aforementioned Forceware versions. Comp is virus/spyware free.. and all HDD's have recently (week) been defraged.

My dad's system which is an A64 3200 and a 9800 Pro handles it fine.

Just doesn't make sense.

Oh, and every other game I run runs great, ie: BF2, COD2, Raven Sheild 4 (demo), Quake 4...
I emaild 10tacle about the problem. This is their response.

Dear Mr Fetter,

Please go to your bios at startup and change your agp aparture to 128 mb,
then up to your vidcard settings and put your Antialiasing and Anisotronic
Filtering on determined by application.

* Disclaimer: Editing your BIOS can cause system failures; please don't
attempt this if you are not sure what you are doing. We do not take
responsibility for your actions, do it at your own risk.

after that run your 3DConfig located in the GTR-folder and put your FSAA on

Please make sure to try an aperture of 256 mb as well.

If this will not help, please make sure to write us again.

With kind regards,

Fabian Baumgarten

I emailed them back saying:


I don't have an apeture control on this motherboard. I know that with AGP cards there is an apeture setting, but this is PCI-express 16x. I do have a couple of options that I wasn't familiar with, all of which I set to "auto".

PEG Linkmode
options are: Auto, Disabled, Normal, Fast, Faster

PEG Root Control
options are: Audo, Enabled, Disabled

PEG Buffer Length
options are: Auto, Long, Medium, Short

The BIOS describes the PEG as: "Enhance performance on PCIE serial graphics card

I'm not sure what to do with those. Please let me know.

Thank you,


Anyone here know what all of that is and what it should be set at?
