GTX 260 SLI driver problems?


Limp Gawd
Jun 23, 2009
Computer specs listed below.

Windows 7 x64.

When trying to run Mass Effect 2 it will play like 2 fps then lock up on the intro screen. Installed nhancer with the ME2 profile and that will make the game run correct about 50% of the time. Sometimes requiring a reboot.

Mark 06 benchmarking will not run at all.

When I try to play movies my PC will lock up when its output is set to TV. (Dvi to hdmi adapter)

Power supply is a mod extreme pro 700watt. I read online that it should be plenty.

Latest nvidia drivers. Also have nvidia raid drivers on my control panel if that matters.

My question is, am I going to have to download all the nhancer profiles for all my games? Also when I turn nhancer on I only get the splash screen no configuration screen although task manager says its running.

What am I missing in order to get these to run flawless?