GTX 275 1792Gb and GTX 285 2Gb

IMHO, only useful in multi-gpu for very high resolution with highest quality settings.
Would never buy one for a single card setup. Not even the 285 has enough horsepower to drive the settings needed to use over the 1Gb on the standard model.

Even then.........there is only one engine I can think of that needs that much memory. It's name shall go unmentioned.

Interesting find though. Hadn't heard of the 275 coming out that way.
Such things could possibly find a use in the hand of 3D-artists. If you have to load large datasets in Maya or 3DS MAX these things might come in handy.
Wow, the 285 is an extra $100($405). What a sham. Anyone with that sort of money might be better off getting dual 260's for that price or cheaper.
Such things could possibly find a use in the hand of 3D-artists. If you have to load large datasets in Maya or 3DS MAX these things might come in handy.

Exactly. If gaming is your priority and you dabble in rendering this is a good card.
Very interesting. I am building a i7 PC right now. So should I get the GTX275 with 1792MB or RAM or the ATI 4890 with 1GB of RAM? I am either going to do SLI or Crossfire with whatever card I get. I am leaning towards the 4890 unless this new 275 with more memory beats it.
Very interesting. I am building a i7 PC right now. So should I get the GTX275 with 1792MB or RAM or the ATI 4890 with 1GB of RAM? I am either going to do SLI or Crossfire with whatever card I get. I am leaning towards the 4890 unless this new 275 with more memory beats it.

What resolution?
what games do you play?

now isn't a good time to grab a card. with the dx11 cards up to bat soon.

My PC is 4 years old and I am going to build a new one here in 2 weeks. Currently I only play CounterStrike Source, Americas Army, and BF2 but I will get into newer games when I build my PC. I can't wait 4-6 more months for the these DX11 cards to come out. I am willing to shell out $600 for my video cards.
@ 1920x1200 it's a close call. Sounds like your gonna keep them a while as well.

hmmmm If your plan is to eventually have 2 of them and your upgrading the system to give them the horsepower they need, they might be just what your looking for.

I wouldn't worry too much about DX11 cards at least for this first generation. With what your planning you'll hit the DX11 generation probably right when it's hitting it's stride.

I'm gonna ride my 4890 Crossfire until the DX11 refresh.
are you guys nuts? at 1920x1200 and with those games a single 4890 or gtx275 is more than enough.
@ 1920x1200 it's a close call. Sounds like your gonna keep them a while as well.

hmmmm If your plan is to eventually have 2 of them and your upgrading the system to give them the horsepower they need, they might be just what your looking for.

I wouldn't worry too much about DX11 cards at least for this first generation. With what your planning you'll hit the DX11 generation probably right when it's hitting it's stride.

I am buying and building all of the parts to my new PC 2 weeks from today. I am currently either going to buy 2 4890's or 2 GTX275 1792MB. I have the 4890's in my wishlist but if this new 275 beats it I will switch to this instead. Their isn't any reviews that I can find on this new 275.
what games do you play?

now isn't a good time to grab a card. with the dx11 cards up to bat soon.
so if he wants to play games he should wait a couple months till ATI comes out with their DX11 card? then maybe he should wait a couple more till Nvidia comes out with theirs? then maybe he should wait till a refresh?

with prices as low as they are for good cards waiting would be about the dumbest thing to do if he needs a card now...
sorry if I am bit confused what does being a software engineer have to do with playing those games?
nvm...Just stating that I tend to go overboard with what ever I do and I am a bit of a hardware nut. Details mean a lot to me as I programming 99% of the time with my job.

Anyways back to the subject. So does anyone know if 2 of these new GTX 275's would outbeat 2 4890's? I guess it is all speculation and I am going to have to flip a coin as their are no benchmarks and no one has any real world experience with this card as it just came out.
nvm...Just stating that I tend to go overboard with what ever I do and I am a bit of a hardware nut. Details mean a lot to me as I programming 99% of the time with my job.

Anyways back to the subject. So does anyone know if 2 of these new GTX 275's would outbeat 2 4890's? I guess it is all speculation and I am going to have to flip a coin as their are no benchmarks and no one has any real world experience with this card as it just came out.
the extra memory would not really help a gtx275 at 1920x1200. 896mb is plenty for that res. the ONLY game that would benefit at 1920 would be GTA 4 and even then the 896mb can play it just fine from a gpu standpoint. I personally wouldnt waste money on 2 cards for 1920 since 1 will more than get the job done especially in those games you listed. now if you are wanting to play Crysis or Clear Sky maxed sure but the games you listed could be maxed on even a much wimpier single card than a 4890 or gtx275.
the extra memory would not really help a gtx275 at 1920x1200. 896mb is plenty for that res. the ONLY game that would benefit at 1920 would be GTA 4 and even then the 896mb can play it just fine from a gpu standpoint. I personally wouldnt waste money on 2 cards for 1920 since 1 will more than get the job done especially in those games you listed.
The crossfire 4890 benchmarks show that I gain a ton of headroom over a single card. Plus I want to play games that are coming out this summer as well. And yes I want to play Crysis. =)
I am buying and building all of the parts to my new PC 2 weeks from today. I am currently either going to buy 2 4890's or 2 GTX275 1792MB. I have the 4890's in my wishlist but if this new 275 beats it I will switch to this instead. Their isn't any reviews that I can find on this new 275.

It's going to perform exactly like a 896MB 275. Trades punches with the 4890 depending on the game. Where their gonna be useful is at 1920 and above, when you want to run those fancy dual gpu AA modes, they'll have the memory to do so. A lot of the newer games can use over 1GB of memory even with modest AA @ 1920 and above. Cryengine 2 games, GTA IV somebody mentioned, Clear Sky......I'm sure there are more and it's only gonna get worse. I always hate to use the words future proof when talking about these things but if your gonna skip a couple of releases, I wouldn't mind having the extra memory just in case.

Some will say, and it might be true though, that SLI 275 doesn't have the horsepower to drive the settings you would need to use to exceed a 1GB framebuffer. Debateable for sure. This would definately make an interesting article for review. "Can SLI 1792MB GTX 275's use the extra memory or is it a gimmick?" I think they probably can but your right, nobody has done the tests to say.
The crossfire 4890 benchmarks show that I gain a ton of headroom over a single card. Plus I want to play games that are coming out this summer as well.
well I understand but this summer we will have newer ATI cards. I would still stick to just 1 4890 for that res and then this summer sell it and get a single 5870. the 5870 will likely be fairly close to 4890crossfire without out all the dual card issues plus it will be 40nm and with better tech features such as DX11. the 4890 is already strong enough for games at 1920x1200.
It's going to perform exactly like a 896MB 275. Trades punches with the 4890 depending on the game. Where their gonna be useful is at 1920 and above, when you want to run those fancy dual gpu AA modes, they'll have the memory to do so. A lot of the newer games can use over 1GB of memory even with modest AA @ 1920 and above. Cryengine 2 games, GTA IV somebody mentioned, Clear Sky......I'm sure there are more and it's only gonna get worse. I always hate to use the words future proof when talking about these things but if your gonna skip a couple of releases, I wouldn't mind having the extra memory just in case.

Some will say, and it might be true though, that SLI 275 doesn't have the horsepower to drive the settings you would need to use to exceed a 1GB framebuffer. Debateable for sure. This would definately make an interesting article for review. "Can SLI 1792MB GTX 275's use the extra memory or is it a gimmick?" I think they probably can but your right, nobody has done the tests to say.
you can already look at the gtx295(equivalent of 2 gtx275 cards) to see that the 896mb framebuffer is plenty even for for 1920x1200. only at 2560 would having more than 896mb be beneficial and even then only in a couple games.
well I understand but this summer we will have newer ATI cards. I would still stick to just 1 4890 for that res and then this summer sell it and get a single 5870. the 5870 will likely be as fast without out all the dual card issues plus it will be 40nm and with better tech features such as DX11. the 4890 is already strong enough for games at 1920x1200.

It's enough if you don't mind running with no AA or consider low 30's playable. I tried to make a go of it @ 1920 with a single 4890 and I consider it on the ragged edge at that resolution.
well I understand but this summer we will have newer ATI cards. I would still stick to just 1 4890 for that res and then this summer sell it and get a single 5870. the 5870 will likely be fairly close to 4890crossfire without out all the dual card issues plus it will be 40nm and with better tech features such as DX11. the 4890 is already strong enough for games at 1920x1200.

+ 1

if you're not gonna be playing GTA4 or Crysis on max settings right when you get your computer, you should stick to a cheaper card for the next few months that satisfies your current needs and then get two of the best when they come out instead :D

It'll last longer :)
you can already look at the gtx295(equivalent of 2 gtx275 cards) to see that the 896mb framebuffer is plenty even for for 1920x1200. only at 2560 would having more than 896mb be beneficial and even then only in a couple games.

I can appreciate that the reviews you saw may have shown that. There are indeed games that will exceed 1GB framebuffer at 1920x1200. Don;t make me go all posting links on you but there are reviews where the 295 definately falls off @ 1920 when lots of AA and AF are used.
And remember, he's talking about having them for a while.

He wants to buy 2 cards NOW and forget about it.
I can appreciate that the reviews you saw may have shown that. There are indeed games that will exceed 1GB framebuffer at 1920x1200. Don;t make me go all posting links on you but there are reviews where the 295 definately falls off @ 1920 when lots of AA and AF are used.
well at least point me to one review that shows that so I will be more informed.
To be fair, the places where the 295 falls off it is against the 1GB 285 SLI so it's hard to say of more than 1GB would have been useful.
And remember, he's talking about having them for a while.

He wants to buy 2 cards NOW and forget about it.
thats NOT how you do video cards normally though. overbuying now to try and hold you hold for the future is silly. something cheaper and faster will come out to make all the money you just spent on old tech seem silly. we are within a couple months of getting new 40nm DX11 cards from ATI so spending 500 bucks on a video card setup might not be a good idea. if he really needed now for 2560 then I would say go for it but a 1920 a single 4890 will certainly get the job done. then in a few months just sell it and get a 5870 and then he wont be missing a thing.
so if he wants to play games he should wait a couple months till ATI comes out with their DX11 card? then maybe he should wait a couple more till Nvidia comes out with theirs? then maybe he should wait till a refresh?

with prices as low as they are for good cards waiting would be about the dumbest thing to do if he needs a card now...

i cut my post short. was going to say, why spend 300+ on a card that in a few months could be better spent on a newer card that is more powerful. wanted to see what games he was playing atm.

jeez chill a bit
Aren't the larger memory SKUs for most high-end video cards almost always just cash-in cards with 1-2 fps benchmark gains when it comes to gaming. I can't remember one card where the 1GB had a significant edge over the 512 version, ect. I mean, it comes down to bottlenecking and I am guessing that the original versions usually strike the best balance between price/performance.
i cut my post short. was going to say, why spend 300+ on a card that in a few months could be better spent on a newer card that is more powerful. wanted to see what games he was playing atm.

jeez chill a bit
well you can see from the rest of posts that I agree to a point. I was just saying in general that if someones needs a video now that waiting is not the answer.
well you can see from the rest of posts that I agree to a point. I was just saying in general that if someones needs a video now that waiting is not the answer.
Yes I can't wait and need to know now. I would like to play crysis maxed out when I build my PC =). Besides, if the newer cards are THAT MUCH better, I don't mind spending another 500 here in 6 months. That's just me though.
Aren't the larger memory SKUs for most high-end video cards almost always just cash-in cards with 1-2 fps benchmark gains when it comes to gaming. I can't remember one card where the 1GB had a significant edge over the 512 version, ect. I mean, it comes down to bottlenecking and I am guessing that the original versions usually strike the best balance between price/performance.
you cant really generalize like that. lower end cards are usually a waste when they add more memory than the reference card because they dont have the power to utilize it. also many low end and some midrange cards have slower memory put on them when they up the amount which usually does more harm than good. as for high end cards additional memory can be useful especially when going with sli. of course the card itself, the game and res will all determine the usefulness of the additional ram. at 1920 having 1024mb seems to be enough for any current game. at 2560mb having more can certainly be useful in a couple games but you will also need a strong gpu setup to push it in the first place.
Yes I can't wait and need to know now. I would like to play crysis maxed out when I build my PC =). Besides, if the newer cards are THAT MUCH better, I don't mind spending another 500 here in 6 months. That's just me though.
then just go with the dual 4890 setup you currently have in your cart. that will certainly keep you happy for many months.
okay...I think I will do that then.
after looking back over your cart I have a question. are you choosing 3 30gb SSDs to be your only hard drive??? I notice you only have a 74gb hd listed in your sig now. that certainly isnt enough to store games on.