GTX 460 Issue


Sep 2, 2005
So I have a Gigabyte GTX460 and for the past two weeks it's been having weird issues. When I play a game such as Mafia 2 or Starcraft 2 at random moments the games would crash to desktop, sometimes even BSOD. This could happen anywhere from 15min into the game to about an hour into a game. However, when I just use the computer everything is fine. When I ran Furmark for 40 odd minutes, everything was fine. My idea was to return the card back to Newegg and get something different, now I'm stuck with this dud that I have to RMA. Does anyone know if it is a specific game issue? A hardware issue? Or a driver issue? So far I have tried the 258.96 drivers and the 259.31 beta drivers and neither work. Any help or insight would be much appreciated.

System specs:
- Phenom II X4 BE
- Gigabyte MA770
- OCZ fatal1ty 550w
- Some OCZ ram
- Win Server 2008 R2

Just played singularity for 40min and no issues. I'm beginning to think its the drivers/game.
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