GTX 460 SLI issues with specific games


Jan 20, 2007
So, at the moment I'm having problems with two games.

The first is Crysis Warhead. I get all kinds of shimmering objects and weirdness in that game with SLI enabled. Toning down the visual detail has no effect.

The second is Starcraft 2, which runs pretty well in game, albeit with the occasional hitches, but has major problems at very specific points during the in engine cutscenes. It will stutter and pause at the exact same points every time.

Disabling SLI and running just one card fixes both problems and I've tried both cards individually, so it doesn't seem like there's anything actually wrong with either card.

Plus other games, like Bad Company 2, function flawlessly in SLI.

Any ideas? Is there some funky driver setting that's just causing those two games to throw tantrums?
Guess I'm the only one :(

Time to wipe the drivers, uninstall the cards, and start over. *sigh*
having problem here too.
Getting same scores single/sli in 3dmark06
RE5 runs slower if i run sli
In SC2 I get flicker about 5 sec after game loads.
Well, I'm glad it's not just me. At least that means there's some hope it gets fixed. A driver wipe and reinstall didn't change anything.
Hi to all!
Have you tried to alter the settings in the 3d application tab in the nvidia config screen?
Go to--> nvidia config -->3d applications settings --> "your game".
Try less or more pre rendered frames and try different sli settings.
Let me know if it helps!
Also Vsync on or off, try it. Good luck
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One lesson to take from this is that SLI is not always guaranteed to work. (CFX more so.)
In Just Cause 2, enabling brokah filter with SLI enabled = 10FPS framerates then crash. It works fine with no SLI though.
Have you tried the config?

Changing pre-rendered frames settings and SLI modes didn't have any effect, but turning vsync on completely fixed it.

It introduced mouse lag though, as usual. So I turned it back off and the problem stayed gone.

Really weird, but it worked. Never would have thought to bother with Vsync. Thanks.

Haven't tried Starcraft again yet.
I don't realy have these problems. Sli scaling is oke in just cause 2, crysis, far cry 2, metro 2033, alien vs. predator, heaven benchmark, Battlefield bad comp. 2,. All test just fine. Although enabling HBAO drops fps by 20 or 30. HBAO is real time shading instead of using pre defined shades. maybe a x58 problem? Something to do with the chipset? I don't know.
Well, I'm on an 1156 board, not X58.

On another note, I did test Starcraft yesterday. It's very slightly improved with that pre-rendered frames setting set all the way to zero, but it still stutters during the same spots in the same in-engine cutscenes. In-game is still mostly fine except for some very occasional weird framerate drops. It got choppy looking at one section during the instructional part of one of the challenge missions, but then when I actually played the mission I could look at the same area all I wanted and didn't have any issues. Only happens with SLI enabled.
yeah, right :rolleyes: and CFX does .... quit spreading lies.

I think, in his own engrish way, he was trying to say CFX is worse than SLI. Which is correct.

But it's still bullshit to say SLI cannot be depended upon. There are very, very few games where it doesn't provide a significant performance incrase.

SLI can be depended on.

His Starcraft 2 issue probably has nothing to do with SLI. I haven't played in a few weeks, but when I was playing, if you had the settings maxed there was terrible performance out of NVIDIA's cards during cut-scenes. I'm not sure if this has already been fixed. I'd love to dig up more details, but I can't find anything I posted on [H] about the issue. Probably something that needs to be / has been fixed in NVIDIA driver updates.

And Crysis is a crazy game. No matter how much graphical horsepower you throw at it, you just can't max it out. Its like the harder it works the more it chokes. FFS, SLI GTX 480's can't even average 60fps at 2560x1600, 0xAA, 0xAF. CFX 5870's barely average 40fps at that resolution!

His Starcraft 2 issue probably has nothing to do with SLI. I haven't played in a few weeks, but when I was playing, if you had the settings maxed there was terrible performance out of NVIDIA's cards during cut-scenes.

That would help me feel like this makes more sense, but turning off SLI and going to one card for Starcraft completely solves the problem and all the cutscenes are smooth as can be.

Starcraft's performance on one card really isn't a problem. I just don't want the hassle of switching between SLI and Singlecard mode every time I play one game.
I'm still having problem.
I'm keep thinking its power problem but I just got new power for it!
coolermaster 750w 60a single rail
2 gtx460
athlon II x4 635
3 harddrives
2x2 mem
1 dvd drive

My screen goes blank and comes back on in mid game of SC2.
I tried reinstalling drivers, chipsets, and even windows.
Tested cards and they are good.
It only happens if I run surround.
I have to run 2 screens extended(sli wont let u run 3 screen extended) to run it right.
They need to hurry up and come up with new driver.
All you guys having problems I'll suggest checking under global driver settings then under advanced 3d settings (specific game) and see if your anti aliasing is forced to override or enhance the application. Try setting it to application controlled. Sometimes those settings dont play nice with certain games.

Otherwise I'm not sure what could be causing this issue. Try removing any other cards from the system besides the 2 graphic cards and see if the problem continues. I'm not sure it's a driver issue cause there would be more people reporting on it besides the 3 or 4 people here. BTW are these the 768 or 1gb models of the 460?
Anti Aliasing has never been forced in my drivers. If a game doesn't have an in-game AA setting I never bother with it.

Oh and mine are the 768mb cards. That said, it's not a texture memory issue. It can't be. Again, I can play SC2 with just one card and it's very, very smooth. If I turn on framerate monitoring it almost never drops below 60, even in the cutscenes with everything cranked up. As soon as I enable SLI I can watch the same cutscenes and it stutters in exactly the same places.
I can't speak to the other game issues, but with the video stutter in Starcraft 2, I found that by changing "transparentshadows" in the variables.txt file from a "1" value to a "0" value, my stuttering went away. I run GTX 460 in SLI.
I can't speak to the other game issues, but with the video stutter in Starcraft 2, I found that by changing "transparentshadows" in the variables.txt file from a "1" value to a "0" value, my stuttering went away. I run GTX 460 in SLI.

Thanks, I'll try that next time I start the game.
Sweigh, good sir, you have solved the problem. That transparentshadows setting cured both the issues I was having with SLI and Starcraft 2.