GTX 470 Overclocks

what should I expect oc from oem fan, auto fan and no voltage increase?

700-725MHz ish. Why would you not want to increase the voltage, the heat output from more voltage is only really noticeable in a big increase. Also, you can have a custom auto fan profile :)
oh just don't want the fan to be blowdryer loud haha

Well overclocking doesn't really change that unless you up the voltage loads, then it's like a jet.

Anything over 75% is a hairdryer imo, with my overclock it rests at 74/75% in furmark.

700 - 725MHz core and as the core/shader clock is linked that'll give you 1400-1450 and as for memory, that may depend on what brand, some cards really struggle with overclocking the memory.
I picked up an EVGA GTX470 SC yesterday to compare it to the EVGA GTX460 SC I have and I was able to push it to 800/1600/1700 stable by upping the voltage.

After benching both I will say the GTX460 at 850/1700/2000 is DAMN pretty close to the GTX 470.

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Middle number is the shader, last number is the memory. I used MSI's Afterburner to up the voltage.

opps I see that the core and shader is synced
and is the msi afterburner the best oc program?
hows that compared to galaxy or evga?
Had a few stability issues, turned out to be the memory, had to drop it from 1900 (3800) down to 1850 (3700)
So it's 755/1510/1850(3700) @ now 1.037v
Yeah the memory on this EVGA is crap also. Won't even do 1725 without shitting the bed.

For me the following is mostly stable:

Core: 875Mhz
Shader: 1750Mhz
RAM: 2000(4000)Mhz
Voltage: 1.087

Cooler is a reference design MSI cooler.

This is - however - not furmark stable for me.

I'm not the kind of overclocker that sets one setting that is rock solid and then leaves it.

I overclock on a per game basis. The above has proven to be rock stable for most things DX9 for me, so when I fire up a new game, I test this setting first, and then tweak up or down a little from there to eek the most out of that particular title.

I would not expect this to be rock solid on more intense and DX11 titles. When I fire up the likes of Metro 2033 or Civ5 I have to ise lower settings. I don't have them memorized, but I believe around 750mhz core in the summer. Probably more now that it is cooler.
You just enter a number under the Core Voltage (mV) setting, hit Enter and then click Apply. Nothing else to fuss with. Make sure your Fan Speed is set to Auto.

For voltage I entered 1087 hit enter and then clicked apply.

I was playing with OCCT Error check last night. It appears any voltage over 1.037v crashes during testing hmmmm.
Im considering leaving it at 750/1500/1700 but i may play around with the voltage again tonight :p can't leave it alone!
hardcrash with 650/1300/1700
had the spades affect
no up volt
Looks like you may have to flash the BIOS on your EVGA 470. It's locked by the BIOS for some reason?
Try the latest EVGA Precision tool --

Scrap that.
In afterburner -- go to the settings icon at the bottom right corner of one of the tabs you will find a box to unlock voltage control, check it, save it, restart afterburner
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Hmmm, so long as you've got the latest afterburner and the "Unlock Voltage Control" box is checked and restarted Afterburner, it should work and give you access to move the core voltage slider across and apply.

Should look like this, but you may as well tick the start with windows and minimised.


If you're still having problems it may be the card BIOS.
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what is a good number to go for in volt
and core clock and memory clock then i run kombuster?
what is a good number to go for in volt
and core clock and memory clock then i run kombuster?

There isn't really an overclock i can suggest you could just apply, you every card will differ slightly, so you'll have to find it on your own. There are many reviews and guides to overclocking on the internet however, e.g. --

I suggest you put it at 700 core and stock memory first, with no voltage increase. Get Kombustor running, and increase the core by 10MHz every 5 minutes until it starts to artifact. Then when it starts to artifact, increase the voltage by 1 step (you will notice you have to go in steps that it allows) and then apply.
Repeat this until you see fit or when it cant go any further

Some people put the voltage to max (1.087v(which is apparently safe)), and then get Kombustor running and increase the core by 10MHz every 5minutes as per the other method, until you get artifacts then back off about 20 MHz to be safe.

Have fun :)
what do you all set your fans to? usually mine is on auto
but putting it on 75-100 is so loud!!!
I have mine on auto but changed the profile (settings --> fan). Max in Kombustor = 80c @ 75%
what do you all set your fans to? usually mine is on auto
but putting it on 75-100 is so loud!!!

Make a custom fan profile with afterburner, I'm pretty sure you need afterburner running for it to work though. That and game with a headset :p
trying it on
auto fan
754 core
1906 memory
what settings should I put kombuster on
stab test? full screen?
how long? do you run it?
thanks in advance for the guidance
Stability test, i dont run it full screen so i can using afterburner at the same time if needed. I run for about 30-45 minutes for a full check, but 10 minutes for a quick test.
is it weird
I am running oced level of the kombuster on the left
but the graph on the right is showing I am running in stock core/memory