GTX 470 Overclocks

cpuz shows the oced specs under custom

on the side note
core 750
memory 1900
ran the kombuster for 5 hours only 1080p 32x post fx
ran fine
99c from hour 4-5
but all spades in games then hardlocks
Woah, that's far too hot
1.087v looks a lot for 750 core, take the voltage down and put the fan speed up slightly. Also take the memroy down as well, the vram on these cards do not overclock so well.
back at 1037 volt
but fans on auto
but stays on 55 hmm...
and temp even on 2d mode stays at 60c...
Edit the fan profile (Settings --> Fan) you can adjust the graph however you want. I have mine on 35% upto 50c and from there it goes in a straight line to 80c/82c then after that it's steep to 100% @ 95c
No sorry it goes like this

So it's stays at 35% until 50c then it increases slowly the hotter it gets until about 82c where it increases faster upto 100% if it gets to 95c
No problem :)
Lol it's ok, you'll get used to it..
Best thing to do i find is read as many reviews as you can on overclocking whatever it is you want to overclock before you start, so you get some sort of idea.
On water my galaxy reference card is set to:
776 core
1552 shader
1823 memory

This is stable for me and put in about 70 hours in new vegas which is just awesome by the way, and didn't have any artifacting, just normal game crashes because of the engine. The card doesn't get above 50c and my water temp usually teeters around 32-35c. I guess that's good. I'm sure I can volt the card more to get higher clocks, but I don't really see the benefit, this card seems like just an ok oc'er.
On water my galaxy reference card is set to:
776 core
1552 shader
1823 memory

This is stable for me and put in about 70 hours in new vegas which is just awesome by the way, and didn't have any artifacting, just normal game crashes because of the engine. The card doesn't get above 50c and my water temp usually teeters around 32-35c. I guess that's good. I'm sure I can volt the card more to get higher clocks, but I don't really see the benefit, this card seems like just an ok oc'er.


I must have a pretty good example then. It is an MSI N470GTX-M2D12-B

With stock air cooler, 1.087V 850-875 core, 1700-1750 shader (depending on room temperature, more on cooler days, especially if I open the window) and 2000 (4000) Ram...

I played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl at 1920x1200, everything maxxed, 16X AF, and 8XMSAA for almost 40 hours without any artifacting or a crash. This gave me min framerates of ~40fps. Temps were a little on the high side at the low to mid 80s, but I am not concerned, as maz temp appears to be 100C or above...
Zarathustra[H];1036383151 said:

I must have a pretty good example then. It is an MSI N470GTX-M2D12-B

With stock air cooler, 1.087V 850-875 core, 1700-1750 shader (depending on room temperature, more on cooler days, especially if I open the window) and 2000 (4000) Ram...

I played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl at 1920x1200, everything maxxed, 16X AF, and 8XMSAA for almost 40 hours without any artifacting or a crash. This gave me min framerates of ~40fps. Temps were a little on the high side at the low to mid 80s, but I am not concerned, as maz temp appears to be 100C or above...

His is probably OCCT Error Check stable.
His is probably OCCT Error Check stable.

That's basically what I did, though I used ati-tool. Is there another one out there which works slightly better?

I am honestly disappointed with this clock after buying the card and then the block for 115, but I can't complain since I snagged the card at fry's for 270 with tax. Are my clocks to be expected in order to be artifact free?

Also, since I have a quad rad on top of my 800d pulling air into the case with only 1 140 fan as an outtake, I think I might have too much positive pressure in the case which is affecting temps. With the front panel off my water temp stayed around 23-25c but with it on it's now around 30-32. Guess temps are ok since my cpu usually maxes at 48-50 and my gpu gets to about 45-50.
OCCT Error Check Is the best and most thorough way to test GPU stability


That being said, there are two different philosophies when it comes to overclocking.

1.) Test it to death to make sure that it is 100% stable under the most adverse conditions. Then you know that you have a stable overclock that will work like stock.

2.) Who cares if its stable under all conditions. All I care about is, is it stable in the application I am running. Some apps will require lower speeds, others I can boost it higher.

I see the point of 1, but I tend to fall into 2 myself more often, as it allows me to get that extra little bit out of some games, which may be the difference between being able to run 2x MSAA and 4X MSAA at acceptable frame rates :)
Speaking of OCCT when I ran the damn thing my UPS alarm went off. Pulling to much voltage I would assume.

I have an asus sabertooth x58 board with a geforce 470
Im using MSI Afterburner to overclock my video card..

Is the MSI afterburner a bad tool to use to overclock my card on the asus board?

Currently im at
core clock 750
shader 1500
memory clock 1800
i run anywhere from 50c-65c depending on what im doing

MY concern is in WOW, ill be in one spot and my Shader/core clock will drop to stock settings until i move to a differnt part of the map.
ALSO my GPU% will skyrocket to 88-90% down to 45 and spike from 45 to 75 back and forth..

WHY is WOW using SOOOO much GPU??
and why is my core clocks dropping ?

Another concern is.. i run vsync so 60fps is my max frames... the problem is ill drop to 30frames for a few seconds and than it will jump back to 60... than it flaps around from 50-60frames.
I have a i730 oc to 3.5 and my ram oc to 1666 with the correct timing and voltage...
Why is my videocard failing at running wow?
TF2 i run a solid 60 and it never drops.

SO to sum it up
What is a good OC program
What voltage should i be running it at in bios and on the OC tool
Why is my frames dropping
and why does the core drop randomly?

all power saving options should be off...

Please help! damn wow shouldnt be too much for a ddr5 card.. Also what settings should i set things too in the nvidia control panel?
I have the most dated drivers
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wow while writing up my post
my gpu spiked in the high 90s to 99 in wow just standing there
and the game froze and my windows reverted back to the windows theme bars instead of Aero.

lol WTF is going on with my card?
temps are 40C right now

On the graph is where windows changed my theme and wow froze.. The MSI burner is my current settings.. if you look in the top right hand of the picture, it shows you what my CPU is doing.. so i know its not a memory/processor issue..
Maybe the voltage is too high? i also have constant voltage turned on in the OC program for my card

That's quite a high voltage, unless you have it on 95%/100% on full load that card will hit high 90's, especially in a warm case.
I run those clocks, memory is a bit more though 750/1500/1850(3700) but at 1.037v and see previous page/s for the fan profile i use.
Hmmm, so long as you've got the latest afterburner and the "Unlock Voltage Control" box is checked and restarted Afterburner, it should work and give you access to move the core voltage slider across and apply.

Should look like this, but you may as well tick the start with windows and minimised.


If you're still having problems it may be the card BIOS.

Rossi your afterburner is out dated
you're missing the force constant voltage option.

Are we supposed to be using the "Force Constant Voltage" option?
There is no point in forcing constant voltage other than wasting power.
Rossi your afterburner is out dated
you're missing the force constant voltage option.

Are we supposed to be using the "Force Constant Voltage" option?

No it isn't, that's just some random image i googled for reference and stole (hence it says 5800 (AMD)). I have the latest version.

is MSI afterburner a bad tool to use on an asus board?

Nope, i have an Asus GTX470 and i use afterburner to overclock, it works fine. You can use it with any make of GTX 470/480
Thank your thus far!

When i did the OCCT test. it had my GPU @ 0.71V instead of 1.037v(current setting in afterburner)
why is that?
When i did the OCCT test. it had my GPU @ 0.71V instead of 1.037v(current setting in afterburner)
why is that?

How long did you let it run? It idles for 60seconds before it starts. Also, make sure you use Error Check.
Do the clocks stay in 2d mode as well?
Does the same happen when using Kombustor?
I dont use Kombustor i cant find a legit download.

I let it ran for 45mins and it still had the gpu@ .071v

why does my coreclock drop from 750 to 450 in wow sometimes?
I wouldn't consider overclocking a GTX470 using a 520W PSU... It may be your problem there dude, the GTX470 & 480 both drink 12v by the gallon load when overclocked and that PSU has 480W available on 12v. What's the rest of your rig specs?
As a little safety feature the card will clock down (as well as voltage) when the card either becomes unstable or too hot. This could be the issue you're having. I'd run OCCT Error Check or play WoW for a while with the card at stock clocks just to verify this.

Kombustor --

well wow is running alot better with the voltage turned down
sitting @ 65c with the fan settings you have

i rarely drop frames now.
I wouldn't consider overclocking a GTX470 using a 520W PSU... It may be your problem there dude, the GTX470 & 480 both drink 12v by the gallon load when overclocked and that PSU has 480W available on 12v. What's the rest of your rig specs?

Couple HDD's, Q9550 OC'ed to 3.4, 6 case fans, DVD burner.

I agree it's probably running real close with that PS.


I'd stretch a little further and get this --

850w of seasonic silver 85% efficiency :)

Though it's not modular so may be a bit messy...So if i were to choose out of the Silverstone PSU, they're just as solid and reliable as corsair, plus you get the extra wattage.