GTX 470 vs GTX 260 sli anyone?


Limp Gawd
Sep 13, 2008
I've looked around the web and couldn't really find any benchmarks putting the a pair of 260's up against a single 470. Just wanted to see the preference difference. If anyone has seen this kind of test run please post it here so i can take a look. Thanks!
On the Unigine Heaven Benchmark the 260gtx running sli is roughly 10 fps faster than a single gtx 470 from my experience.
On the Unigine Heaven Benchmark the 260gtx running sli is roughly 10 fps faster than a single gtx 470 from my experience.

is that with both setups running the dx10 API or dx11 vs dx10?
hmmm its the dx11 support thats really getting me. I could just get another 260 for $150 but that just seems risky. i'm not sure what to do.
Sell the 260 you should get 150 to 180 for it put it towards a dx11 card
yea i'm thinking about just selling my 260 and running my back up card until i can buy a 470.
But i would still like to see some benchmarks of the 480,470 and the older 200 cards in sli.
I get about 35fps more with the 470s than the 260s in Unigine DirectX 10 Benchmark
I'm still running on a e6600 anyways so it would be pointless for me to get another 260 or especially a 470. to much bottle necking, i think i'm being bottle necked by my e6600 right now.
depends on if you want nvidia's surround, which requires you have sli. i couldn't afford two 470's at the moment, so i'm going to try it with two 260's when it comes out.
just sell it, you'll get more resale value if you wish to upgrade from a 470 compared to 2 260