GTX 670 / 680 HDMI question


Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2007
Hey guys and gals...
I would greatly appreciate some feedback from those of you who currently have a 670 or 680 and are running HDMI output to a TV or a monitor.

I'm looking to upgrade my 580 to a 670 or 680 purely because I am lazy !!!
I have 2 main monitors at my desk, and also a TV that I use for my simrig. The 580 can't output to 3 screens at the same time, so currently I have to unplug one of my monitors (DVI) so that the TV (HDMI) can be used when I want to race.

I have read that there are some problems with the 670 (680 also?) where the HDMI cable has to be unplugged and replugged for the TV to work.

Case in point

Before I spend money for "nothing", could those of you who have a 670 or 680 give me some advise...

Are these people having bad luck with their hardware, or is this a real issue with the 600 series cards ?

Thanks for your time and help with this matter.
Using 1 DVI, 1 DP, 1 HDMI at the moment on a 680, my only problem is the DP is currently finicky at best, but HDMI works like a champ
Thanks for the input.

If you turn the power off on the HDMI connected monitor, when you turn it back on, does it work properly, or does it mess with the resolution, etc..?
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