GTX 780 Coil Whine


Nov 2, 2004
Picked up the MSI Gaming GTX 780 on the Newegg sale a couple weeks ago. Works well and is quiet in everything so far including BF 4 and Dishonored, but when the kids fire up Sims 3 it whines very loudly. I guess this is my first experience with coil whine. Is it common that coil whine only happens in certain games? Because so far it's silent in everything else.
It's a 750 W PC Power & Cooling Red power supply. Was running in my other PC until I got a 1050 corsair for X-fire R9 290's.
I haven't had any coil whine issues with the 2 780's I've owned. usually it's just an annoyance
Is the framerate uncapped in the Sims?

I've seen some cards exhibit coil whine when FPS was through roof. I ended up RMA'ing, as it happened while stress testing a customer build.
I had coil whine on the MSI Gaming R9 280X, switched to the 780 Lightning and no more whine.I think it is something with their gaming series.
I also bought the MSI Gaming R9 280X from newegg.
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Is the framerate uncapped in the Sims?

I've seen some cards exhibit coil whine when FPS was through roof. I ended up RMA'ing, as it happened while stress testing a customer build.

Sims 3 does not have Vsync.. It have to be vsync'd throught control panel... And you are right most cards that have coil whine are due uber high FPS numbers... However i never had any whine with my 780.. But yes with my oldie 660TI in 3dmark13 first graphic test..
Well I was wrong about the video card coil whine. I opened the case and put my ear up to it and it's the power supply. I thought PCP&C was good quality, at least back when I bought this. I have been running X-fire HD 7950's in it for a year, and even X-fire 290's in it for a couple weeks and it never made any noises until I swapped it into this other PC with the GTX 780. I suppose I could swap the previous Antec 650 back into it, but it's getting a bit old now. Anyway, I think this discussion now belongs in the Power Supply forum...
Well I was wrong about the video card coil whine. I opened the case and put my ear up to it and it's the power supply. I thought PCP&C was good quality, at least back when I bought this. I have been running X-fire HD 7950's in it for a year, and even X-fire 290's in it for a couple weeks and it never made any noises until I swapped it into this other PC with the GTX 780. I suppose I could swap the previous Antec 650 back into it, but it's getting a bit old now. Anyway, I think this discussion now belongs in the Power Supply forum...

Just because it has coil whine doesn't mean it's not a quality PSU. Many CX430s used to whine which is really bad, but they were still good PSUs.