GTX295 fan speed...


Mar 22, 2006
So finally today i installed vista 64 and some games to be able to really enjoy...i have to say it...DX10 made huge improvement in quality of the games.

But after playing for 20 min or so the system would boot it kept doing this for 4 times before it finally hit me. The fan on the card was set at 40% at all times...and it would get over 90C.

I downloaded rivatuner and set the fan to 80% and now the gpu won't even touch 80C after playing GTA4 for 3 hours.

How do I set it so that when in 2d mode the fan goes to low speed and in 3d it goes high speed? I thought this was suppose to be on auto, but i guess now every time i play a game i have to manually set the fan to high?
That's odd it doesn't ramp up with temperature, the BIOS has a temperature-dependent profile (or it should). First, reboot your machine and track the fan's behavior with rivatuner's hardware monitor just to make sure that it wasn't a fluke. Also make sure that no other programs are affecting the behavior of the fan (EVGA precision? dunno, just throwing it out there, maybe nTune as well). If for some reason it's still at 40%, also make sure that rivatuner isn't forcing a fan profile at startup. After checking all that, go under low-level fan control in rivatuner and select the auto profile, and see if that fixes it. The auto profile should read whatever data is in the BIOS and control the fan accordingly. The auto profile has about 7 numbers/values associated with it, post them here and we'll see if they're in the right ballpark. See if that fixes it, if not, I'll use the data you give me to give you some options on how to go about fixing it (as there are many ways to do it :)).
Riva Tuner has issues. I don't like that program. I think the guy Wizzard who does it is doing a really good job trying to make this thing work, and it does, but I think it's better to go for the BIOS utility. The BIOS utility makes all software like Riva/ATi tools/eVGA precision etc obsolete.
I have a GTX 260 Core 216 and use the EVGA tuner proggy for my 3d/2d clocks and fan speeds. When i go to play a game i just right click on the notification icon and pick the profile. The same thing can be done with rivatuner. You can also set a keyboard shortcut to change the overclocking and/or underclocking profile to your liking.

I'm going to change the BIOS and flash it. I hate all these software bandiads.