GTX295: Worth keeping for CUDA? How will it work with i7 920 b/c of heat?


Jun 6, 2004
Hi guys. Would love to know what you think.

I play games about three to four times a week. It's mostly what I use my computer for. But I also like to code. I was attracted to the GTX 295 because it supported two nVidia GPUs on one card that both were CUDA capable.

My processor is a E8400 @ 3.0 GHz (two core). I just bought a i7-920 (it's in the mail).

I'm going to have to handle the heat from the 295 (MASSIVE HEAT), if I'm going to want to overclock the i7-920 at all. I think getting the i7-920 to 3.6GHz will require me water cooling, at minimum, the 295. Doing so will be expensive. How expensive? $180 for the waterblock for the GPU + $80 for pump + $50 res + $80 for rad + $30 for supplies = $420 or so.

I bought the card at $510 dollars back in March.

Is this card worth keeping with an i7 920 for near $900 or so bucks? I mean... it'll be the only option I have to have two GPUs that are CUDA capable, unless I sell it, and buy two 285s. Don't know how much that'll be or if my 850 watt Corsair PSU can handle it. Will the heat from two 285s throw off a good 920 overclock?

Also, the new ATI card is coming out. It brings DX11 and a good jump over the 295, if rumors are to be believed. Is it stupid to try to breath life into the 295 by putting it through water? Or will the results from the overclock be good enough to keep me gaming at my max res of 1920x1200 and still be able to program for CUDA if desired?

What do you guys think I should do?
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If you're really looking at that much expense, then it makes intuitive sense to wait for the less-heat prone HD 5870s. Of course, if you're looking to Crossfire them (or get a HD5870X2) you're probably back at square-one, but at least you got an upgrade while you were at it. :p
There is no reason you should have to water cool ther 295 or the i7 to run the i7 at 3.6Ghz.
I live in Miami,'s hot as hell outside and my a/c is off...

My i7 920 is currently [email protected] with cores between 66-72 degrees while folding for like 3 weeks straight along with two gtx 260s folding as well. I seriously doubt liquid cooling is a necessity.
I with newxperiment +1 you don't need water. Good air cooler will do the job, Coolermaster Hyper 212 or Xigmatek Dark Knight.
Good info guys... its just as it stands sometimes I have to crack my case open now (with the e8400 at stock) because my MOBO starts beeping. Than again, I am just on the stock intel cooler for now. It's the 295 I think that makes the most heat. I like it because it's CUDA capable. I don't like the fact that its so damn hot.
A well ventilated case will help keep the temps in control.
i7 920 @3.5Ghz (really should up to 3.8) with two 9800GX2s. Folding whenever it's on and no heat issues.
I live in Miami,'s hot as hell outside and my a/c is off...

My i7 920 is currently [email protected] with cores between 66-72 degrees while folding for like 3 weeks straight along with two gtx 260s folding as well. I seriously doubt liquid cooling is a necessity.

Why the hell would your AC be off out there?
You should be fine with that setup. My wife's computer is an OC 920 with GTX295 in an antec p180b and the fans are all on medium. If you are in Florida, you may want to get a new case. I really like the HAF932, cool as heck with my config and I am running a friggin' Franklin Stove over here'!
Oh ya and you don't need to upgrade from the gtx295 for 1920x1200. That would be sheer madness!
Wait a week for the new ATi cards to come out.
If you don't like them, prices on the nVidia cards will drop, too.

F@H, fingers crossed the ATi client is fixed.
You should be fine with aircooling. You might want to look into an aftermarket cooler for the 295 if it is running too hot. You could also get a better cooling case if you don't have one already. You didn't specify what you have. A HAF932 goes for $140 shipped at the Egg right now. I just got mine today and it's very quiet and has good airflow.

PS What happened to your AC and what is your ambient room temperature?
Haf is a nice case. I still like the appearance of the 900 more, but I built a rig for my buddy out of my old parts, and the cpu ran the same temps. Everything was perfect and a good idea when I built too. I like CM.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Why the hell would your AC be off out there?

I personally don't mind the heat, and I don't care for expensive electric bills...I'm from Wisconsin and just think of -50 degree winters, and suddenly the heat isn't so bad :D

I was wondering the exact same thing. That's asking for heat issues.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

As I stated in my previous post...I haven't had any heat issues...with the processor 30 degrees below TJ Max, I'm not worried.
I run a gtx295 and a i7 920 (only clocked to 3ghz) with stock cooling and two 120mm case fans running at "low" speed and I have no temp issues at all.

I don't see why you would have any problems unless your case has no airflow at all.
Definitely wait until we actually see concrete benchies and then make your decision then. Thats only a couple weeks away
I like hearing all of the people who came out and posted that they are running O/C'd 920s with hot video cards on air and no problems. It probably does come down to having the right case. I'd prefer keeping the 295 if I can because its the only one that will support CUDA. I don't think AMD is showing any love for OpenCL yet, like nVidia has. I couldn't really care less about Directx11 for now until games mature for it. And speed and power is great, but at 19x12 with an i7 920 at 3.6 or higher, I should be golden.

Thanks for all the feedback. I think I'll be opting for a air solution. I'll make sure to keep you guys posted for those interested.
With a single gpu 5870 beating a would wonder why you aren't selling it.
I've got a 295 on an ASUS Rampage II Extreme, 12GB DDR3, and am running the CPU at 3.2GHz. This in a a Lian Li PC-60FB. I did have to add one fan in the case to move HDD heat as there seemed to be some build up toward the front of the case. Otherwise it works great.

That said, I'd love to have a fast, single GPU card again. I too like CUDA and even the little bits of PhysX stuff that I've seen here and there, so I also want to stick with NV for similar reasons. I'll probably be waiting a while though. If ATI was on board with this stuff, I'd buy their hardware as well.