GTX480 In-Stock Thread::

It seems the 480's there have been in stock for a while. 2 reasons I think they have been in stock for a while is because 1) people aren't familiar with Galaxy. I know I've never heard of them before until yesterday, and 2) people probably aren't checking with Tiger Direct much.

I think it's more of #1 more then anything though.


3. Lots of people don't know about bing cashback so tiger direct's price appears high when it's actually the cheapest
4. Maybe tigerdirect just got a shitload of galaxy cards in.
Damn it!
8 hours working in front of computer and nothing...on my way home the decide to add the Gigabyte card...this has been the worst luck for me hunting for a card ever :-(
well, I did say it's gonna go fast :D Check back, it might come up alive again today - already happened with PNY and Galaxy.
EVGA is in stock @ newegg ... just bought it :D

EDIT: OOS again...

Thank you for shopping at

We regret to inform you that your order could not be completed

I got two one without BING and one with Bing....I am trying to cancel the first one without Bing but I am afraid that then the second will not get the card somehow.....I do want to get that nice cash back though
Looks like I was able to snag my second standard eVGA GTX 480 from mWave for $530. I've got one on the way that should be here tomorrow.

Anyone seen this part number before? EVGA 015-P3-1480-TR

Looks like mWave is selling some sort of eVGA card WITHOUT a lifetime warranty, this card only has a one year warranty. The part I ordered today from mWave was the EVGA 015-P3-1480-AR that comes with the lifetime warranty. The part I ordered yesterday was described as the EVGA 015-P3-1480-AR but then mWave did some funky inventory change and the part I ordered yesterday is showing up as the EVGA 015-P3-1480-TR one year warranty model. I've still got email with the original part number that I thought I ordered in case mWave tries to pull a fast one.
It seems the 480's there have been in stock for a while. 2 reasons I think they have been in stock for a while is because 1) people aren't familiar with Galaxy. I know I've never heard of them before until yesterday, and 2) people probably aren't checking with Tiger Direct much.

I think it's more of #1 more then anything though.

I have always bough EVGA, but Kyle really stands behind Galaxy so I went for it. This purchase is backed by AR-15.
Looks like I was able to snag my second standard eVGA GTX 480 from mWave for $530. I've got one on the way that should be here tomorrow.

Anyone seen this part number before? EVGA 015-P3-1480-TR

Looks like mWave is selling some sort of eVGA card WITHOUT a lifetime warranty, this card only has a one year warranty. The part I ordered today from mWave was the EVGA 015-P3-1480-AR that comes with the lifetime warranty. The part I ordered yesterday was described as the EVGA 015-P3-1480-AR but then mWave did some funky inventory change and the part I ordered yesterday is showing up as the EVGA 015-P3-1480-TR one year warranty model. I've still got email with the original part number that I thought I ordered in case mWave tries to pull a fast one.

I noticed the same thing. First mwave called me saying that they had it in stock and was going to ship it out today. At that time I upgraded to overnight shipping. Not even 10 mins later they called me yet again (about 2 minutes prior to their closing time) They stated that the EVGA was OOS and that they will be willing to send the zotac also for same cost. Anybody ever heard of zotac's warranty support, quality etc? Should I go ahead and approve the order OR cancel it?
I noticed the same thing. First mwave called me saying that they had it in stock and was going to ship it out today. At that time I upgraded to overnight shipping. Not even 10 mins later they called me yet again (about 2 minutes prior to their closing time) They stated that the EVGA was OOS and that they will be willing to send the zotac also for same cost. Anybody ever heard of zotac's warranty support, quality etc? Should I go ahead and approve the order OR cancel it?

The Zotac does have a lifetime warranty so that is at least an apples to apples swap and they get good reviews from the places that use Zotac cards.

Yeah I have no idea what mWave shipped yesterday, its either the AR or TR eVGA. Funny thing is that the TR, the one with only the one year warranty costs MORE than the one with the lifetime warranty.
Not even 10 mins later they called me yet again (about 2 minutes prior to their closing time) They stated that the EVGA was OOS and that they will be willing to send the zotac also for same cost.
That's an illegal bait-and-switch (OK, not so illegal since they've asked but still iffy) so I wouldn't go for it. The very least you should ask for a partial refund since it's not the same brand you've purchased originally.
That's an illegal bait-and-switch (OK, not so illegal since they've asked but still iffy) so I wouldn't go for it. The very least you should ask for a partial refund since it's not the same brand you've purchased originally.

I am willing to do the switch since these 480s are close to impossible to get. With OOS <2 minutes on every major site. evga, newegg, td, etc. I was hoping to get the EVGA but I can settle with the Zotac esp since it also does come with a lifetime warranty. I'm just concerned about Zotac's customer support. After google searching for time. I have found about 3 threads about zotac lack of warranty support when the end user FAILED to read the terms and conditions. I was also wondering do they stick with reference design and components or use cheaper parts to help increase profit margin. Was thinking about starting another thread to see how many people use Zotac's cards and if they have had good or bad experiences with the customer support.
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Well, I ordered the evga gtx 480 sc with cashback earlier this evening. 2 hours later, tigerdirect calls me and confirms the order, they just wanted to make sure I didnt make a mistake, because I ordered a galaxy card also. I told them that I ordered both, and I wanted both. They confirmed the order, and told me they will ship out first thing in the morning. I check my acct info 2 hors later, and it says the evga card is on backorder. I call TD, they tell me they dont have it in stock anymore, but are going to get a order later this week sometime. I cancelled both cards. There goes a $1000+ sale, and I wont be dealing with TD ever again.
Yup, we dealing with sellers here. These people are salespeople - some of these people are just unscrupulous by nature.

If you've had a problem, or if something has gone wrong, then bloody well post about it. That said, if you've had a great experience, then try to do likewise.

For example, I've just ordered my first card from TigerDirect, so the post above has obviously sent shivers down my spine.

Newegg, on the other hand, has NEVER screwed me. I've always had a great experience with them.
Newegg have in stock daily, but only for few minutes.....then sold out
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I ordered my first galaxy 480 yesterday from newegg at 3 and it just shipped today. I just got the tracking number 3 hours ago.

Ordered my second Galaxy 480 from Tiger Direct today. Shipped today and I got the tracking number before newegg got it to me.

Overall excellent experience.
same thing with the 5870. in fact i see more of these things out there than i did the 5870, either that or the demand for the 5870 was higher.
Update on my bait and switch: I tried using their online chat, they were unable to understand that I was willing to keep my order, but i wanted to wait for a new batch of EVGA cards to come in. I have never had a person that typed broken english at best? Seroiusly WTF. They were unable to understand even the simplest of questions. I tried calling them afterwards, I got ahold of another woman that had a heavy oriental accent. Once again she was unable to understand that I was not willing to accept the Zotac branded card, but I was willing to wait for a new batch of the EVGA cards to come in.

In my opinion poor service overall. So I canceled my order and will not every try to shop mwave again.
FYI- The PNY 470 is now showing up at local Best Buys- according to their website there is one in stock near me- they want $399 for it.
I have two 480 GTX (Galaxy + ASUS) "instock" in the FS thread ;)
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