GTX780 crashing, fan stops

Aug 3, 2006
Hi guys, I've had my galaxy gtx780 for a little over a year now. Two days ago I was playing BF4 (the new dragons teeth maps) when my monitor shut off. The display on my logitech g510 which normally displays evga precision information about the gpu scrambled all the numbers as well. The display did not recover, the computer was still on as the hd activity light was still active and all the fans were still spinning (or so I thought). I popped the side off the case and the GeForce emblem on the gpu was off and the FAN WAS NOT SPINNING. I immediately pressed the reset button on my case and the fan started spinning rapidly and the computer rebooted without issue.
I'm using the latest nvidia wqhl drivers, all motherboard drivers and bios are current. This happened out of the blue. No hardware changes lately. Windows 8.1 is fully updated.
The gpu temp at Time of crash was 75c.
In event viewer there are around 30 nvidia driver crashes which recover then the final one seals the deal. This has happened a total of three times.
I ran heaven benchmark overnight last night and woke up to it purring along purrfectly lol
No other games were tested yet to see if the hard crash occurs with anything other than BF4

I'm quite concerned about the goddamn fan shutting off while at load temps though!!
Can anyone provide any insight into this crash??
If the GEFORCE light was off, that means the video card itself shut down, not just the fans. If the card is working without issue after reboot, I wouldn't be concerned that it was an overheating issue that was the cause. With how hot GPUs get I'm sure any thermal damage that occurred during that time would have fried it.

I would investigate any issues that could cause the video card to lose power. Power supply, PCI-E slot, PCI-E cables, PCI-E power inputs on video card, etc. I think logging the +12V and watching for issues would be a start.
I'll have to confirm again whether the light was out due to power failure on the PCI-e slot or due to the GeForce experience led setting that I had it on (the one that decreases and increases the brightness depending on gpu load)
I just remembered that I had played with the fan settings in evga precision the day before to compensate for the increase in summer temps. I wonder if it was a fan setting issue with precision that possibly shut the fan off. When I ran the heaven benchmark last night it was without precision installed....
So the issue seems to have disappeared. Pretty sure it was a corrupt fan curve setting issue with evga precision. Since uninstalling it I haven't had any issues. I installed MSI afterburner and set a new fan curve ( same program basically, I know ) I've gamed for a bunch of hours since and haven't encountered any issues.