Guild Wars 2/MMO noob...Help? Resources?


Oct 21, 2004
Like the thread title says, I've been sucked into the GW2 hype and after installing and playing for an hour or so last night, I realized I have no clue what is going on. The controls are so different, etc....

In the past I've gravitated towards FPS and action games, with the odd RPG (Fallout 3, Skyrim, Diablo 3) and RTS thrown in. But I've never played an MMO, not WoW or anything.

Any suggestions/tips on how to get started? Good links/resources for a beginner? Sorry to start another thread but the main GW2 thread might be a little too ponderous to wade through!
the gw2 website has a decent starting tutorial and information... not sure what you need to know - WASD to move, 1-0 keys for actions.... it's pretty straightforward.

Questing is fairly unique in GW2 though in that there is only one quest line so to speak for your character - the "my story". Any other questing is through events and tasks that are scattered across each zone map - see the empty heart icons on the map or orange circles/icons on the minimap when events are active.
Check out their forums. During the beta, there was a huge thread started with a ton of valuable information. GW2 operates a little different that WoW, EQ2 and similar games. Patience can be a valuable resource as well :)
the gw2 website has a decent starting tutorial and information... not sure what you need to know - WASD to move, 1-0 keys for actions.... it's pretty straightforward.

Questing is fairly unique in GW2 though in that there is only one quest line so to speak for your character - the "my story". Any other questing is through events and tasks that are scattered across each zone map - see the empty heart icons on the map or orange circles/icons on the minimap when events are active.

thanks. The controls were just taking some getting used to since I wasn't using the mouse to look.

the my story info is very helpful. thanks.
Check out their forums. During the beta, there was a huge thread started with a ton of valuable information. GW2 operates a little different that WoW, EQ2 and similar games. Patience can be a valuable resource as well :)

I'll definitely do that. thanks
Yeah. Having to press the right mouse button to mouse look gets some getting used to. That was my biggest issue. Is there a way to turn on mouse look all the time? For spamming specials, I just use the number keys, and have a few bound to my other mouse keys.

In the begining, the GW2 forums were down for days. I hope they are back up again.
Don't hesitate to ask questions. GW2 isn't very newbie friendly so there isn't one linear path you take like in other mmos. The game rewards exploring so don't hesitate to just wander.
The more you play, the more you'll understand, it can be very overwhelming at first and this is coming from someone that played the original GW for over 5 years. GW 2 is at least 3-4x bigger than the original in every aspect. They added so much new stuff to do and then changed a lot of things that were done originally in GW so it feels like almost an entirely new game other than the lore. I had a good bit of learning curve too for the first few days. I've logged a total of 90 hours so far and I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface, but I do have a pretty good handle on most of the mechanics, tasks, combat, etc now. I'm still learning the trading post though.

Hang in there, it will all come together for you piece by piece. There's a tutorial video on the log-in screen when you try to log into the game.
If I want to play with a friend and I didn't choose the same world, do I have to pay to move?
Bind forward and backwards on W and S, strafe left and right on A and D. Then hold down right mouse button while your moving around. This allows you complete control of you character at all times.
A couple of things I wish I knew when I first started:

1. Buy salvage kits, and salvage everything you won't use (at least for awhile).
2. Send all crafting material to your Collection (right click, send to collection). Your Bank/Collection is shared by all characters on your account. This allows for all your characters to pool resources for crafting.
3. Buy the harvesting tools and harvest everything you see - it's easy exp, and you can send the mats to your collection so they don't take up space
4. Crafting (discovering recipes) is a great way to earn exp. Also, crafted gear is on par with drops.
A couple of things I wish I knew when I first started:

1. Buy salvage kits, and salvage everything you won't use (at least for awhile).
2. Send all crafting material to your Collection (right click, send to collection). Your Bank/Collection is shared by all characters on your account. This allows for all your characters to pool resources for crafting.
3. Buy the harvesting tools and harvest everything you see - it's easy exp, and you can send the mats to your collection so they don't take up space
4. Crafting (discovering recipes) is a great way to earn exp. Also, crafted gear is on par with drops.

rather than right click send to collection for each item, just use the Gear/cog icon in the top right of your inventory (i key by default) and select 'deposit all collectibles' I believe. They will stack in a separate area in your bank that holds 1 stack of each item (250 items/stack for most if not all that I've found)
If I want to play with a friend and I didn't choose the same world, do I have to pay to move?

Currently server transfers are free while populations across all the servers are settling. They will cost a fee after some undetermined time they've said.