Guild Wars 2 reviews & user thoughts

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I'm playing it, and for the most part enjoying it, and I will continue to play it at my very casual rate, but it hasn't blown me away like it has for some.

My main disappointment is that it all feels so familiar and samey, not compared with GW1 but rather every other recent MMO. Yes, it does the odd thing differently here and there, but overall I've had a distinct sense of "here we go again". Which some people evidently think is a good thing, like having a head-start on the game because you already know how everything works.

Years ago when they first presented ideas like the world events it all sounded fresh and interesting, but a bunch of other games have since beaten them to the punch so now it's just more of the same. And while there might be lots of places to go I still get the familiar feeling of being hemmed in by impassable mountains everywhere, so for me at least the world doesn't really feel "large".

So like I said I'm sort of enjoying it, but I feel like somewhere along the line they've lost something of the original character that GW1 had and become Just Another MMO, albeit a fairly polished, pretty one with a couple of minor unique selling points.
This thread is pretty funny. A bunch of guildwars 2 fans ganging up on someone who told us what he thinks of the game.

That being said: If I wanted a theme park, I'd go back to WoW.
Here is how I feel about this thread, if GoldenTiger really made most of these points in the official thread where most everyone is posting than I don't see the need for a separate thread.

What I have to say in response to his opinion, I find it bothersome that you post a review with negative views on the game then add your own negative views and really its just a complete rehash of exactly what I read in the review you posted. Nothing new or different at all it was like deja vu.

What I will say though, is that I agree with some of your talking points about Guild Wars 2, I find myself bored with the game and its forced event based leveling. At times it is even frustrating that I can't use Pvp for leveling since I am not enjoying the PvE setup as much as I thought I would.

Maybe its the fact that I am on a kick with RIFT since launch and that game has so many features now it is hard to get into something even if it is different. Graphics wise, I love Guild Wars 2 atmosphere and I am and have been a fan of GW1 since launch.

The combat isn't bad I am just having trouble staying interested in the events I must use it in to get as far as my good friends in this game. Hell I got the big CE x2 one for my girlfriend and myself. No buyers remorse though I love the things it came boxed with including the figure which is so big I was floored by its size and quality. And the game having no monthly fee makes it something that I can come back to whenever I just need s break from RIFT even if it's not enough to keep me around for hours each day.
"Yeah, that has NEVER happened in an MMO before , no one's ever helped someone against an overpull or accidental agro they were going to die from. That's surely worthy of 10/10!"

Already pointed this one out.

"Combat feels boring and clunky, with it requiring you to button-mash one main attack and every 30-40 seconds you get to unload a few cool special abilities."

And now it becomes obvious that you didn't even play the game.

"The PVE is a pretty bad setup... you run around in a swarm of locusts to do so-called "dynamic" events that actually just are on loop every 5 minutes for the next person to zerg on"

Some dynamic events repeat often. Others depend on a huge chain of events.

Just what did ANet do to you to make you so bitter anyway?
Just what did ANet do to you to make you so bitter anyway?

What is ANet? Annette? A net?

Sure, you're mad he started a thread outside of the "official" one... he has a different opinion on a game you, I presume, like? But, why do you read it and then post multiple times within it? So what if he feels different, why does it matter to you? Is it effecting your immersion?
I canceled my preorder. The code still works even now, through the five day grace period. I am confused as to why you care?

P s lol at the people who can only cry troll because oh no, I disagree with them about a video game!

Starting a new thread about a game you don't like with quotes from another thread that you disagreed with and links to reviews that you disagree with... you've taking the axe-grinding to another level, and it's weird, man.
I love reading reviews like this. Always good for a laugh. Critique everything yet make zero suggestions on how or what can be done to improve it. C'mon, let's hear your ideas on how you'd make a clearly superior Guild Wars 2 if you were a designer at ArenaNet.

It's not a reviewer's responsibility to provide suggestions on improvement, but solely to evaluate the game's quality.
Agreed...if those evaluations are at least honest.

Are you implying that he is dishonest and does this to hurt the sales of GW2?
So he secretly likes the game but makes a dishonest review of it?

Are you implying that he is dishonest and does this to hurt the sales of GW2?
So he secretly likes the game but makes a dishonest review of it?


Your reading comprehension skills need work, and as a result, the conclusions you drew from false premises are naturally flawed.

His criticisms themselves are inaccurate as I have previously pointed out. And his intentions are not sincere. He is not looking to review the game, he is looking to bash it to serve his own purposes.
9.5 out of 10.

Its a great game, I am enjoying it. I feel better playing it because I don't have an extra bill on my card every month.

Same here and one of the reasons I originally started playing the original GW. Subscriptions are a bad idea and the longer people give into them, the longer they will be around.

Anet gets my money.
Almost every post you make is like, "Hey I have don't like this. I don't like that. But I'm not going to offer suggestions on how to improve." Yet it's repeated over and over again. Then, you cry about how people are disagreeing with you on a video game. I am calling you a troll because you are doing this:

1) Make redundant post, multiple times in general thread. No one really listens because of what happens in the next few points. So you make a new one!
2) People disagree, yet you condescend them about disagreeing with you. Except, they are just tired of seeing you post the same thing 10 times over. Get over it, and move on. Otherwise, yes - you will be called a troll.
3) Make silly arguments that if a user review or game magazine review is glowing that they must be paid by the sponsor. Yet then makes a completely opposite review. What if people accused you that you were paid by TSW? You obviously like it and hate GW2. You *MUST* be paid by the TSW dev team. Don't you see how ridiculous this sounds? Yes, there are people who may have been "paid" but the amount of people who are - are in a very small minority. Claiming otherwise is just asking for conspiracy where there is none.

Do you really need to post a completely separate post for your criticisms that you've made time and time again (made clear in the GW2 thread)? Heck, anyone looking to buy the game would look at that thread rather than this anyhow. Just because somebody disagrees with you and thinks the game is fun - doesn't mean they were paid by ArenaNet. Christ. It's like the opposite of a fanatic fanboy. You make it painfully obvious you are out to discredit the game. Let me take a cue from your post, "but just how much money did TSW pay out on these ones?"

Here's an "honest" review: GW2 has issues. I really hate the fact they made choices to the security on their accounts. I don't like the trading post is constantly down. I don't like that I can't trade to someone nor use the guild bank due to a bug. But overall, I enjoy the combat. I enjoy the event system. I like the graphics. The game runs well for me and I have a less powerful computer than you.
There is a GW2 thread, this thread is trolling.

QFT. It's kinda sad really. I get the feeling he's butt hurt or jealous in some strange way.

BTW, this game is amazing. It's got some bugs that need to be worked out for sure, but it takes a shit on every MMO currently out. The amout of content you get for the money is insane. The level of details, down to the smallest things is staggering.
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QFT. It's kinda sad really. I get the feeling he's butt hurt or jealous in some strange way.

BTW, this game is amazing. It's got some bugs that need to be worked out for sure, but it takes a shit on every MMO currently out. The amout of content you get for the money is insane. The level of details, down to the smallest things is staggering.

Hear hear. :cool:
Before I begin, this is MY opinion of the game. I do enjoy Guild Wars 2 and will continue to play it. The "end all, be all" statement is "to each his own;" nothing I say will change your overall opinion, and nothing you say will change my overall opinion. I just want to comment on your points to kind of show both sides of the debate.

Combat feels boring and clunky, with it requiring you to button-mash one main attack and every 30-40 seconds you get to unload a few cool special abilities. Everyone has a zillion hitpoints so combat lasts forever and a day in PVP, making the fights boring and very drawn-out with no tactics really entering play. Animations felt unresponsive, especially on my Thief.
I have to disagree with you on this point, at least from the PvE standpoint (I actually haven't gotten around to PvP'ing, so I'll refrain from commenting too much on that). Like others have said before me, I've been switching between weapons to use use different skills while using the conditions my auto-attack applies to my advantage. I maybe use auto-attack only for three seconds before using another skill. I think a 30-40 second wait time is a bit of exaggeration unless you're talking about the Healing/Utility skills (skills 5-9 I think?), which need to be on a long cooldown timer otherwise the game would be stupidly easy.

The chat box can't be moved other than a pair of pre-set spots. You can't move anything, much, actually. Basics like confirmation dialogs on many actions (such as clicking "Leave Guild") simply aren't there. The UI needs lots of love, with poor placement of many things and no modifications possible through add-ons/etc.
I agree that the UI could use some work, I wouldn't mind an option to slim down the UI a little more than just the party window. I'm sure as time goes on ANet will add these things or make improvements (as a player of GW1 for about 4-5 years, this is typically how ANet does things; however, they do take long times doing some of the things the community requests sometimes).

World vs. World is horrid. If you can even get in with the queue, you end up running for 5, 6, 7, 8 minutes to get to a fight, die in 30-60 seconds in a zerg battle, and then spend the entire time running back across the map again like a good little zergling for another several minutes. The "Downed" state is ridiculous for 1on1's... I can kill someone, try to finish them off with the finisher but then die of a DOT or they teleport with their "downed" ability, then they come back to life and kill/finish me off despite my having won the battle. TERRIBLE game design. Additionally there's no reason to care about the actual fighting seeing as how there's no risk/reward, nothing to be gained, nothing to be lost, just "for the fun of it" for fighting as nothing changes in the world or your character other than a simple cosmetic change or whatnot of your armor, for winning. Like mashing a button in Farmville to feed your cows over and over, it gets boring very quickly with no greater overarching goal.
Not gonna comment too much on this as I haven't tried it, but the reward for WvW is the Power of the Mists bonus, which in my opinion is an apt reward.

The PVE is a pretty bad setup... you run around in a swarm of locusts to do so-called "dynamic" events that actually just are on loop every 5 minutes for the next person to zerg on, and they're pretty much all "click on five of these items while everyone else does the same" or "WOW you became a cow! Oh wait now you're a chicken in this one, how innovative! Run, run, follow that NPC!" for gameplay. No unique things like Warhammer Online had or RIFT where you're attacking/defending multiple points and doing actual dynamic fights, sieges, and needed some tactics, for defeating zone events and Public Quests.
I've actually found the dynamic events, for the most part, to be fun. Actually, last night myself and a bunch of random people took on the fire elemental in the Thaumanova Reactor and the key to that is constant dodging, paying attention to adds, and making sure you don't stand on the bridge (a choke point). I found, for a low-level area, that took some tactics to complete and the best part was that it didn't suffer from the usual "gather this many people with these classes, get them all on a VoIP service, and so on" deal so I could just hop right into the fight with everyone else and take on a giant fire elemental.

The game makes a big point of trying to tell you "GO EXPLORE!" but you are supposedly getting some exploration and sense of amazement seeing things that everyone's obviously already seen 20 million times before? The game basically holds your hand showing you where to go, what to do, etc.
Yes, the game shows you that a vista is here or a point-of-interest is there, but iirc it only shows up if you've managed to make it to that general area. Then you have to make your way to the vista/POI. If you're expecting something to be completely unseen by anyone else, I think you're going to be sorely disappointed with more than just Guild Wars 2.

Even basics like the camera feel off, almost like it's off-center or something and more of an "over the shoulder" view which is clunky and feels weird + unresponsive.
I haven't noticed any unresponsiveness or clunkiness myself. However, this is opinion and what may be clunky for you won't be clunky for others. I do wish the FOV was extended just a wee bit sometimes, there are some areas where my camera is going through a wall even though I have my camera scrolled all the way out; that does get a little annoying. For the most part though, it's fine.

Other EXTREMELY basic things like having a functional mail system, trading window, and auction house that other games got knocked for, are simply glossed over by reviews and forum fans, not to mention having to pay to buy simple things like bank space and bag slots (oh, you thought I meant gold? No, I mean real money! Oh, and did I forget to mention you can buy gold essentially through the in-game store, to get the best gear right away when someone's selling it? Yeah, pay-to-win on the extreme!).
I do agree that the mail system going down and the AH still being down as of last night is a bit of a bummer, and it should have been worked through before release. However, if something is broken, they've got to fix it and I'd rather they take their time fixing it now so that when I'm at the higher levels dealing with items that are worth more, there won't be any error in receiving payment for the item I've sold or the item I may buy.

The whole gold to gem thing is ANet's way of combating gold sellers. I'm quite content with my bank space and bag space well; I don't NEED that to do well at the game, it's only a convenience I have to pay for as are many things in life. I'm in no rush to compete with others for the best gear because realistically many people including myself WON'T find the best gear because we're too busy with our lives. I have friends who will help me out when it comes to getting gear; besides, if someone who buys the best gear hasn't played the content, the gear isn't going to help them much if they don't know to roll out of the red circle that appears on the ground before a bunch of fire appears there.

Finally the game just doesn't run well for me, and I'm on a powerful machine. Performance is all over the place and typically runs 25-30fps with occasional spikes to 40, at 2560x1600 with a 2600k, gtx 670, ssd, etc. in my rig. Changing the settings down seems to barely affect anything either.
I agree here, the game needs some more optimization. My system isn't high-end by any means (Q9550, GTX 275) but it should run better than it does. I would assume this will be fixed as newer drivers and more updates to the game are released.
This thread is pretty funny. A bunch of guildwars 2 fans ganging up on someone who told us what he thinks of the game.

That being said: If I wanted a theme park, I'd go back to WoW.

I guess you haven't been following his post in the GW2 thread. He pretty much question other gamer's credibility when people disagree with his criticism. Its like you have not played other MMO or don't know what a MMO should be if you like GW2. He behaves like he's an expert in MMO and everyone who disagree with him is wrong.

Different people have different taste. He dislike GW2, others love it. He could have just leave it at that but no. Instead, he seem disturbed by the fact that others are liking the game and as evident in this thread, he keeps pushing his agenda against GW2.
I thought GoldenTiger was just trolling the GW2 thread also, but after seeing first hand the ban for selling food to a vendor and another guy in the GW2 thread that got banned for dropping turrets in PVE and going to the bathroom or surfing the web I have to change my stance on GW2. I'm sorry that I convinced one of my nephews to play last night now.

Fun game being run by incompetent GM's.
I thought GoldenTiger was just trolling the GW2 thread also, but after seeing first hand the ban for selling food to a vendor and another guy in the GW2 thread that got banned for dropping turrets in PVE and going to the bathroom or surfing the web I have to change my stance on GW2. I'm sorry that I convinced one of my nephews to play last night now.

Fun game being run by incompetent GM's.

Don't say that man, it's just shitty scenarios. I'm positive you're smart enough to realize that there are...A LOT...of people still playing, that haven't had any issues. Don't let it deter you or your family from a great game.
Fun game being run by incompetent GM's.

They never ruined the first game, I have no doubt they won't ruin this one either. Hackers, botters, and exploiters can find another game to ruin. Anet keep up the good work!
I think it's funny that people will come down hard on other games for things like charging for additional things (bank space) or "pay to win," and yet have no problem with it when it's in the game they like.

I don't have the game, but all of this guy's complaints seem reasonable. Especially the small stuff like AH, mail system, etc. There's no excuse for that.

I was thinking about picking this up, but it looks like it's just "more of the same" with a couple new ideas.

No thanks.
They never ruined the first game, I have no doubt they won't ruin this one either. Hackers, botters, and exploiters can find another game to ruin. Anet keep up the good work!

The bans being complained about are NOT hacks, NOT bots, and aren't exactly big exploits either. Exploiting implies a bug, and it's hard to call "selling food to vendors" a bug. If the price was wrong, that isn't a bug. The price is exactly what Anet set it to be. There isn't even an in-game economy to "ruin" cuz the trading post is perma-down.

The bans being complained about are for: being AFK, swearing (which is obviously acceptable given they HAVE A BUILT IN PROFANITY FILTER OPTION), and buying and selling from vendors.

That being said, the game itself is excellent. Not sure why GT needs to make these threads.
Starting a new thread about a game you don't like with quotes from another thread that you disagreed with and links to reviews that you disagree with... you've taking the axe-grinding to another level, and it's weird, man.
I didn't take quotes from another hard thread with my op. 90 percent of the responses have been drivel and fans trying to discredit and troll 4chan style a poster instead of actually responding but I will respond to the people who posted actual thoughts once I am at my desk :).
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I think it's funny that people will come down hard on other games for things like charging for additional things (bank space) or "pay to win," and yet have no problem with it when it's in the game they like.

I don't have the game, but all of this guy's complaints seem reasonable. Especially the small stuff like AH, mail system, etc. There's no excuse for that.

I was thinking about picking this up, but it looks like it's just "more of the same" with a couple new ideas.

No thanks.

You'd be missing out man. There is no pay to win in GW2 either. It's an ethical setup from what i have seen.
You'd be missing out man. There is no pay to win in GW2 either. It's an ethical setup from what i have seen.

Errr... here's GW2's pay-to-win:

1) Buy gems for real-life money in infinite quantity from ArenaNet.
2) Sell gems in-game on the instant exchange for tons of gold.
3) Buy the best crafting mats or drop items in existence for said gold. If doing the latter, skip step (4).
4) Craft the best items that can be made.
5) Equip items and slaughter everything and everyone in sight with your not-legitimately-obtained goods and boast about your amazing skill for spending $100 to grab the best gear.

Oh, and did I remember to mention you can only buy bag space and bank slots, among other things, with said real-life paid gems?
The bans being complained about are NOT hacks, NOT bots, and aren't exactly big exploits either. Exploiting implies a bug, and it's hard to call "selling food to vendors" a bug. If the price was wrong, that isn't a bug. The price is exactly what Anet set it to be. There isn't even an in-game economy to "ruin" cuz the trading post is perma-down.

No one was banned for selling food to a vendor. One guy was banned for streaming an exploit he knew about and raked in over 1000g from it. Not one other person was banned for selling the food. Get your facts straight first.

The bans being complained about are for: being AFK, swearing (which is obviously acceptable given they HAVE A BUILT IN PROFANITY FILTER OPTION), and buying and selling from vendors.

They are targeting casual botters, exploiters, and if they are hitting people for swearing or harassment then learn some other language to express yourself with in public. Every single other MMO in history has done the same thing, it is common practice and anyone with any MMO IQ knows better than this. Yes, it sucks to get banned but guess what? It is 72 hours. If you feel it is unjustified then guess what? Email them and explain the situation or ask for clarification.

That being said, the game itself is excellent. Not sure why GT needs to make these threads.

Because he feels the game sucks and wasn't getting the attention needed in the official thread.
Good for you, I guess? What exactly was the point of posting though?

What exactly was the point of your posting?

What is ANet? Annette? A net?

Sure, you're mad he started a thread outside of the "official" one... he has a different opinion on a game you, I presume, like? But, why do you read it and then post multiple times within it? So what if he feels different, why does it matter to you? Is it effecting your immersion?

Anet = ArenaNet

So I suppose we should spam the H forums with "I hate XXX game" now despite the existence of threads discussing the positives and negatives of XXX game. Let's start with his precious...TSW.
Before I begin, this is MY opinion of the game. I do enjoy Guild Wars 2 and will continue to play it. The "end all, be all" statement is "to each his own;" nothing I say will change your overall opinion, and nothing you say will change my overall opinion. I just want to comment on your points to kind of show both sides of the debate.

That's fair enough... I don't have *anything* against other people's opinions, just when people yell and whine about someone disagreeing with them and go out of their way to make personal, silly attacks. :)

I have to disagree with you on this point, at least from the PvE standpoint (I actually haven't gotten around to PvP'ing, so I'll refrain from commenting too much on that). Like others have said before me, I've been switching between weapons to use use different skills while using the conditions my auto-attack applies to my advantage. I maybe use auto-attack only for three seconds before using another skill. I think a 30-40 second wait time is a bit of exaggeration unless you're talking about the Healing/Utility skills (skills 5-9 I think?), which need to be on a long cooldown timer otherwise the game would be stupidly easy.

A lot of the skills on my Guardian's shield for example had 25-45s re-uses, the torch etc. as well. I had one basic attack usable any-time, a ground-pbae circle every 8 seconds, and a shield-aoe every 25 seconds, for example on the main-hand mace, then the long-reuse shield skills, and then my healing/utility skills (which rightfully so have good re-use timers). The weapon switching is interesting but I find it tedious, like a Shadow Warrior was in WAR, to have to switch "stances" constantly.

I agree that the UI could use some work, I wouldn't mind an option to slim down the UI a little more than just the party window. I'm sure as time goes on ANet will add these things or make improvements (as a player of GW1 for about 4-5 years, this is typically how ANet does things; however, they do take long times doing some of the things the community requests sometimes).

Yeah, MMO's don't launch perfect, I'm well aware. I was just pointing out the (existing) flaws.

Not gonna comment too much on this as I haven't tried it, but the reward for WvW is the Power of the Mists bonus, which in my opinion is an apt reward.

This wasn't messaged well in-game, but they're decent... not exactly huge but something to look forward to if you're doing well, then.

I've actually found the dynamic events, for the most part, to be fun. Actually, last night myself and a bunch of random people took on the fire elemental in the Thaumanova Reactor and the key to that is constant dodging, paying attention to adds, and making sure you don't stand on the bridge (a choke point). I found, for a low-level area, that took some tactics to complete and the best part was that it didn't suffer from the usual "gather this many people with these classes, get them all on a VoIP service, and so on" deal so I could just hop right into the fight with everyone else and take on a giant fire elemental.

I found it to feel the same as WAR's public quests for the most part, and I feel like Rift offered better overall "dynamic events" with zone invasions and varied Rift gameplay (especially in Ember Isle for example later on). While it's nice to have things you can do with a pick-up group, I also like having tougher challenges to tackle with a guild group/whatnot.

Yes, the game shows you that a vista is here or a point-of-interest is there, but iirc it only shows up if you've managed to make it to that general area. Then you have to make your way to the vista/POI. If you're expecting something to be completely unseen by anyone else, I think you're going to be sorely disappointed with more than just Guild Wars 2.

Nah, I just meant with how the game presents it... it goes out of its way to kind of make it "look" like it's supposed to be some native, untouched ground, and hems on the point. Of course you won't find much if anything that others don't all know about in an MMO, let alone other game types, but most games don't try to act differently.

I haven't noticed any unresponsiveness or clunkiness myself. However, this is opinion and what may be clunky for you won't be clunky for others. I do wish the FOV was extended just a wee bit sometimes, there are some areas where my camera is going through a wall even though I have my camera scrolled all the way out; that does get a little annoying. For the most part though, it's fine.

It's opinion, part of it may be the FOV for me, and I also dislike the added sway when rotating (it doesn't just orbit linearly, it seems to kind of curve around the character at an increasing sharpness in angle).

I do agree that the mail system going down and the AH still being down as of last night is a bit of a bummer, and it should have been worked through before release. However, if something is broken, they've got to fix it and I'd rather they take their time fixing it now so that when I'm at the higher levels dealing with items that are worth more, there won't be any error in receiving payment for the item I've sold or the item I may buy.

Yeah, it's rare for a game to have these missing but other recent games (such as TSW) have had them taken down temporarily as well. The big thing in my opinion is just that people were bashing other games hugely for it, but in GW2's threads they gloss right over it as though nothing's wrong.

The whole gold to gem thing is ANet's way of combating gold sellers. I'm quite content with my bank space and bag space well; I don't NEED that to do well at the game, it's only a convenience I have to pay for as are many things in life. I'm in no rush to compete with others for the best gear because realistically many people including myself WON'T find the best gear because we're too busy with our lives. I have friends who will help me out when it comes to getting gear; besides, if someone who buys the best gear hasn't played the content, the gear isn't going to help them much if they don't know to roll out of the red circle that appears on the ground before a bunch of fire appears there.

I can understand a company wanting to "get in on the action" but I still think it completely diminishes the actual game experience... "Oh yeah, I just finished this awesome boss and got this phat sword of awesomeness... but I already saw some guy who bought it for $49.99 run by with it last week and smack me down in PVP thanks to the stats, not quite as cool I guess." Gear can't make up for skill assuming people have equal gear eventually, but before then it's an issue.

I agree here, the game needs some more optimization. My system isn't high-end by any means (Q9550, GTX 275) but it should run better than it does. I would assume this will be fixed as newer drivers and more updates to the game are released.

Performance varies for people it seems in the threads I'm seeing... but it's a "real" issue for a good number it seems, including myself when I tried the game.


What exactly was the point of your posting?

I posted because I'm the OP of the thread and that post was directed at me. Why do you ask?

So I suppose we should spam the H forums with "I hate XXX game" now despite the existence of threads discussing the positives and negatives of XXX game. Let's start with his precious...TSW.

Have fun. If you have played the game and have actual things to talk about, go make a thread. That's what I did. Just don't be surprised if you are called a hypocrite at that point ;). You might want to go crusade on the video card forums for people making threads about the same brands repeatedly, while you're at it.

Because he feels the game sucks and wasn't getting the attention needed in the official thread.

Because I wanted to post my own review about it, and the official thread is full of 4chan fans jerking eachother around with glee of how awesome GW2 is and it would never even be seen despite having some effort put into it? Oh, well, it seems you people have shown up here anyway :p.
I really don't care for it either. Lvl 16 or so, and I just can't get into it. The biggest issue with me is the combat. It feels sluggish. Very unintuitive. I know I am jaded by Tera, but bare with me a bit.

I HATE that I have gaps where I need to wait for a skill to recycle and I am stuck on auto attack. Speaking of auto attack...Something is off there. If I use a certain skill, I stop auto attacking I guess? Maybe it's any skill. I don't know. It just sucks. This is an easy fix. Auto attack doesn't turn off ever if a mob is targeted.

I hate that my leap skill or whatever it's called seems to always come up short of the target. Easy fix. If I am too far...don't allow me to trigger the skill.

Skills that have long cooldowns should do great amounts of damage or offer a substantial bonus or whatever. This just doesn't seem the case at my meager levels. Bump up the damage or whatever on these skills. Make them FEEL useful.

I hate the weapon swapping thing. I just do. And if you wish to do decent dps you need to always be swapping. This I have no solution to really.

The zerg fest to level is just bad IMHO. Lets be real. It IS a zerg fest in the utmost definition of the word. Not sure how to change this. It is the core of their game really.

This leads to another issue. Because of the zerg fest, lots of mobs tells are "hidden" underneath the pile of bodies trying to get in on the zerg. They need to emphasize tells a bit more. Like a color change or whatever to the mob. Anything so I KNOW that mofo has his ass in a twist now, and I better back off.

Mobs tells are too short in a lot of cases. They just happen it seems, requiring the reflexes of a damn puma to dodge em. Lengthen this IMO. Not by much, just so my old ass can react.

Some of my abilities are straight useless. Lets take my knockdown and knockback skill when using a 2handed hammer. It does hit hard...I will say that. BUT the mob is up and attacking ME before I even get to him again most times. Forcing me to use a wall to knock him into to take advantage of the knockback/down. Give me a complimentary skill even at 16 to take advantage of that shit!

The instancing and zoning is sooo 1995. And there is a lot of it. It takes a lot away from the immersion. Also a lot of times when I accept the instance change I get stuck with mobs that are too high a level to be messing with solo. I get why they do this, but I don't want to follow the zerg! Resistance is NOT futile!! I would make a lot of the instancing seamless. Allow only so many people to partake in an elite mob fight. Make me feel like I matter.

The world is lush and huge. I LOVE that where ever I explore I can almost be guaranteed to find an event. The best thing is that the events that are smallish in size are the ones I remember. (Mostly because they are off the beaten path I guess). Example would be where I need to protect the fireworks form the fanatics trying to stop the display. There was four of us to complete that event the 1st time. Was nice because it felt just right for four peeps. I liked it so much, I went back again. This time there were like 20 people. I swear Locutus was leading the borg defense that time. Shit sucked.

I like the skill point thing. It forces you to explore, and find events. Well done. I hate the vista thing...I must be missing something, I don't see what you get out of it.

Anyway...Can someone, and I REALLY mean this tell me how this game is meant to be played?
GoldenTiger said:
That's fair enough... I don't have *anything* against other people's opinions, just when people yell and whine about someone disagreeing with them and go out of their way to make personal, silly attacks.

:rolleyes: ...

I've responded civilly to anyone who hasn't been throwing out tantrums *shrug*. Not sure why you're rolling your eyes at that statement. You throw down shit and I'm not going to bother caring about walking around it.
I think it's funny that people will come down hard on other games for things like charging for additional things (bank space) or "pay to win," and yet have no problem with it when it's in the game they like.

I don't have the game, but all of this guy's complaints seem reasonable. Especially the small stuff like AH, mail system, etc. There's no excuse for that.

I was thinking about picking this up, but it looks like it's just "more of the same" with a couple new ideas.

No thanks.

I wanted to buy a BMW, but someone said they all break down, so I went and got a Toyota. :rolleyes:

Please, the game's great, and if you enjoy the type of game that it is (an MMO, with solid PvE and PvP), you won't be disappointed.
Please, the game's great, and if you enjoy the type of game that it is (an MMO, with solid PvE and PvP), you won't be disappointed.

If all you want to do is zerg with 100 other people mashing your autoattack button... have at it! Except for the small amount of solo "story" content every few-to-several levels, and the occasional dungeon (which also rewards that gameplay but with five people instead of 100, with no tanks, no healers, no dps, there's no strategy... you have to bounce agro and hope for the best) that's about all there is to do.
If all you want to do is zerg with 100 other people mashing your autoattack button... have at it! Except for the small amount of solo "story" content every few-to-several levels, and the occasional dungeon (which also rewards that gameplay but with five people instead of 100, with no tanks, no healers, no dps, there's no strategy... you have to bounce agro and hope for the best) that's about all there is to do.

Just go back to your already-dead MMO and stop with the trolling already.
If all you want to do is zerg with 100 other people mashing your autoattack button... have at it! Except for the small amount of solo "story" content every few-to-several levels, and the occasional dungeon (which also rewards that gameplay but with five people instead of 100, with no tanks, no healers, no dps, there's no strategy... you have to bounce agro and hope for the best) that's about all there is to do.

Look, I know TSW is your love-child, but it's not that original and incredible either. Both games are solid. Hell I still think WoW is great, even though I've played it for years and years, doing the same shit over and over again. That's what this is about, doing the same shit over and over again, in a social environment. It's not going to change.

I'm all set with arguing, done with it.
Look, I know TSW is your love-child, but it's not that original and incredible either. Both games are solid. Hell I still think WoW is great, even though I've played it for years and years, doing the same shit over and over again. That's what this is about, doing the same shit over and over again, in a social environment. It's not going to change.

I'm all set with arguing, done with it.

Actually, I like most MMO's I've played... I just think GW2 is a bad one and have said my piece too.

The only other MMO I was sorry I spent (or in GW2's case, almost spent money on, but wasted a few days on) was Aion at its launch, and that was pretty universally regarded as being a waste by most at that time.
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