Guild Wars 2


Jan 10, 2014
I want to build a computer that can run guild wars 2, at max settings, my budget is around $800, i only need the tower, no keyboard or mouse, since i have wireless ones. Thank you, for your help.
Do you need an OS and monitor as well? If not is your OS a legit version and is it 32 or 64 bit? What resolution is your monitor if you have one?
I can install windows 7 x64 and i dont need a lcd screen since i will be using my current tv as one.
You won't be able to max settings in wvw. Such a pc does not exist. I would adjust your expectations
I can't even run Guild Wars 2 comfortably at max settings with this rig, so I'm not sure you're going to do it with an $800 rig (though mine is a bit old I guess). Some of the settings just murder your framerate, but you can get like 95% of full quality and run well.
Oh, ok, right now i currently use a lenovo laptop and I have to use the lowest of the lowest settings in guild wars 2 , was hoping at least have decent image and not blurry ones.
I think the game itself is not all that well optimized, but you should be able to get medium or high settings out of an $800 machine.
GW2 is severely CPU bound. Get a good Intel Quad Core and OC the hell out of it.

Go cheap on everything else.
GW2 has a few graphic settings that can choke up damn near anything. I can run max settings 1600x1200 fairly well, switching to 4800x1200 and lowering just a few settings results in almost the same frame rate.

Side note: I hunt on the outskirts for solo kills in WvWvW. If i was in the Zerg I would need to lower settings more.
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Yeah, I didn't put GW2 on my SSD because the install size is quite large, but the load times are fairly long, so if I played more I would definitely consider moving it to SSD.
I second Godmachine on this one. I could not imagine playing GW2 without an SSD. The improvement in load times is substantial. Only problem is that it is difficult to improve upon the specs provided by Climber to squeeze in an SSD.

Replacing the 1TB WD Blue drive with a 256GB SSD would raise this system cost by ~$100-110 and still provide enough space on the main drive to not feel too concerned about install space. One could probably get a 128gb in there for about $850 total but then they may run into space considerations faster than they would like. Overall, a very good system recommendation for the price target SSD or not.
He can trim the gpu, cpu, and psu units if he wants an ssd but with his budget I would recommend saving up for one and adding it in at a later date.
Be warned, GW2 will run poorly on an amd cpu with a GTX 780. On my Intel 3770k/GTX 680 (before I sold it) I was getting close to 90fps completely cranked up. On my 8350/780, I'm getting 45ish & 25 in Lions Arch. Apparently the game is very poorly optimized, Nvidia & AMD both offered to help ANet resolve this issue, but ANet is being very stupid stubborn and thinks they can fix it on their own... As far as I know, they don't care.
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