Guild Wars beta: free weekend!


Jun 11, 2000
Its up. Go, Go, go...

Free haloween weekend open to everyone, just like the E3 event. Sure beats handing out candy.
HOLY SHIT! I'm stuck at work. I've been waiting on this event for months and months. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

m u s t
l e a v e
e a r l y
Dude.. it's awesome! (sorry :p)

The only problem I have is that I have to wait and download an assload of files. (but doesn't take long really)
No its already STARTED! They started it early.... open your client and see.
Graphically, it looks much better this time around than in the E3 demo. It's starting to look like it might be a AAA MMORPG. Have they announced pricing yet?

i downloaded wensday and it said i coulnd creat an account till tomorow!
guess ill have to try today
the@ntipop said:
Graphically, it looks much better this time around than in the E3 demo. It's starting to look like it might be a AAA MMORPG. Have they announced pricing yet?

There is no monthly fee, antipop.

Got bored of it already. Pretty repetitive from what I've played.
Valen said:
So how is the game and how big is the download?

The download is 90kb. The game automatically streams level data in as you need it. :)

The first time you get to a level expect to wait about a minute or two for loading, but that's about it. :)
CatsGoMoo said:
The download is 90kb. The game automatically streams level data in as you need it. :)

The first time you get to a level expect to wait about a minute or two for loading, but that's about it. :)


so is it laggy at all?
One heads up...

Press "m" to get an ingame map, left click and scroll around to find town and other areas.

Playing coop missions end over end is ok for a while, but sooner or later your gonna want to go to town and sell stuff/make stuff or start doing PVP or Guild vs guild.
Quick ..... SOMEONE GET ME NEW UNDERWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the servers must be getting hammered.. i'm dling over 1400 files at like 20kb/sec
looks like i'll be taking a break from RYL this weekend :D
I will be taking a break from SWG this weekend. I been waiting for this game sense the E3 weekend where I played it. Its really hard going from this game back to SWG as the controls are so differant, I dont think I will want to play both so I guess this weekend I will decide which one to play!
[edit] Damn, just remembered, World of Warcraft is also coming out! To many decisions![/edit]
I tried to play this game. I waited about 30 minutes for it to download after I created my character. Then, I started to wander around the city; I found a noobie guide, and he told me where I could go fight. I followed his directions and found the gate to leave the city. After I walked through the gate, it had to change zones. But, I didnt have the accual zone, so I had to download it, which ended up being bigger than the one before.

The game is now uninstalled.
wespott said:
I tried to play this game. I waited about 30 minutes for it to download after I created my character. Then, I started to wander around the city; I found a noobie guide, and he told me where I could go fight. I followed his directions and found the gate to leave the city. After I walked through the gate, it had to change zones. But, I didnt have the accual zone, so I had to download it, which ended up being bigger than the one before.

The game is now uninstalled.
That is desinged into the game so you dont have to sit and wait for hours and hours at the begining to get all the files, this way you get them as you need them, its a small anoyance at first but after you get them you dont have to worry about it.
I am actually downloading one of the zones as we speak.
I'd be more impressed if I wasnt CTD every time theres any amount of action onscreen.

I've submitted about 15 crash reports to them so far, and at this point I've given up. :(
They released a new bulid so the files d/l compressed but I don't see what is so fun about mindlessly spamming your attacks at dumb monsters till they die
been playing since i got home. the lag was very bad at first, but now it seems to have calmed down and i was playing for the last hour or 2 very good. i have it running at 1600x1200 with all settings maxed with no slowdown whatsoever. very fun, i think i'll be pre-ordering this when i get some extra money. the 60 bucks i have right now is going into halo 2, and i already blew 60 on hl2 silver. this game will be my next. then i gotta save up for an athlon 64 :D
Don't even bother, is my opinion. First off, the downloading when you zone is just outright annoying. I must have gone back and forth through 2 same zones 5 times, and each time it had to stop for a few minutes to download -something-. So it's not just the first time going into a zone.

Secondly, other than the fact they have like zero information on controls and game mechanics on their website, the interface is lacking at best. Bloated, misplaced and you have no control over their placement.

As for it's entertainment value, I've had more fun playing Duck Hunt. Of course, this is just my opinion.
Yeah i'm not too hot on this in the current state.. i'd prefer downloading everything at once. I downloaded those 1200 something files and walked away... an hour later, i came back and it was just finishing up. I walked around the map for a few mins, but had to shut it down because I needed to run and errand. When I got back home, I ran the game again, and it wanted to download those same 1200 files all over again... :mad:
1. First off, it does only download the first time you hit a new area/zone. People who say otherwise, need to pay more attention. After you have been to an area (say the Wilds co-op mission for example), it loads it in under 3 seconds.

2. As for a guide on their website, they have a pretty decent one, look a tad bit harder.

I think GW is a solid and enjoyable game. Get together with some friends who know how to play and try out the PVP tournaments. Good stuff.
All i want to know is if that loading thing is going to be present in the full version cause that is a might annoying. And I see why it would be like this for web versions but if you buy it in a store could more of the areas be preloaded. But NWN was the same way the only game like this i can remember that did not have to load the next area is UO....

Overall it looks to be good but i could not imagine if we had to start at level 1 just thinking about it gives me EQ flashbacks of killing rats and spiders for 12 hours a day
I rushed home from work last night thinking that I could play right away..

Total time played - 5 minutes
Total time downloading - 1 hour+

I think I did the dumb thing by heading to the nearest city (or town) right away...

Overall, can't say anything about the gameplay since I didn't get to do anything at all. I do have to say that the downloading system is not very good, especially when dl speeds are anywhere between 30kb - 1kb for a 50 MB file..
You people bitching about the game are fucking idiots. The "downloading" scheme is the same thing as loading another level. Do you bitch and complain at games that make you load a level inbetween maps? No. So stop bitching about the downloading. I think the game rocks.
And infact, the downloading between levels is faster than loading a zone in City of Heroes. What did you expect? To load the entire game in your ram and not have any loading? Come on, get your heads out of your asses and step back and look at the bigger picture.

And hello..its BETA...the game is no where near finished, its buggy for a reason, camera movement and controls are still in the infant stage. If you dont like how its setup, do like wespott did and uninstall it instead of posting some lame post about how you played 5 minutes and downloaded an hours worth and think the game sucks because of it.

Maybe next time you can actually BUY the preorder cd as I did not wait an hour to download..I fired up the game, downloaded a few hundred files and I was in the game in less than 5 minutes. The graphics in my opinion blow apart any rpg to date. They put detail to everything and anything..its amazing.
phaelinx said:
You people bitching about the game are fucking idiots. The "downloading" scheme is the same thing as loading another level. Do you bitch and complain at games that make you load a level inbetween maps? No. So stop bitching about the downloading. I think the game rocks.
And infact, the downloading between levels is faster than loading a zone in City of Heroes. What did you expect? To load the entire game in your ram and not have any loading? Come on, get your heads out of your asses and step back and look at the bigger picture.

And hello..its BETA...the game is no where near finished, its buggy for a reason, camera movement and controls are still in the infant stage. If you dont like how its setup, do like wespott did and uninstall it instead of posting some lame post about how you played 5 minutes and downloaded an hours worth and think the game sucks because of it.

Maybe next time you can actually BUY the preorder cd as I did not wait an hour to download..I fired up the game, downloaded a few hundred files and I was in the game in less than 5 minutes. The graphics in my opinion blow apart any rpg to date. They put detail to everything and anything..its amazing.

Wow, I assume you're one of the !!!!!!s who are hyping this game up. Omg, no pay to play rules!!!

Anyways, I was merely stating my opinion, and was not being extremely negative as you apparently assumed that I was. Btw, where in my post did I say the game "sucks". I just said the download system is not particularly good (I guess I should at in "at the moment")

If you want people to "look at the bigger picture" I suggest you do the same..
I played most of the night last night and its ok. I liked diablo 2 alot and played it for about 2 years and this feels like D2 so I'm liking it. The only download that took long was the initial one for me, the rest just streamed across. I haven't had any of the downloading the same area twice things, it goes into most places I've been in seconds. The game does need a tutorial of some sort though, I understand its beta, but it would be helpful. I still don't know how to get new skills or what salvage items do. Later .
Valen said:
Wow, I assume you're one of the !!!!!!s who are hyping this game up. Omg, no pay to play rules!!!

Anyways, I was merely stating my opinion, and was not being extremely negative as you apparently assumed that I was. Btw, where in my post did I say the game "sucks". I just said the download system is not particularly good (I guess I should at in "at the moment")

If you want people to "look at the bigger picture" I suggest you do the same..

The download system is not particularlly good? Would you rather have it all on your pc and have a 30-45 second load time?

It took about 30-45 seconds to download and play the missions, that seems reasonable as a level load in any other game takes as long and its already on the machine. I am hyping the game up, have you seen the graphics? They are amazing. The detail level in the game is absolutely beautiful. Of course it has its bugs, and of course its free to play which is a plus.

The #1 reason its good that its free play is that you dont have to sit and pay 10-15 dollars a month for a then get bored of the game and cancel your subscription and go "welp..there goes a year down the drain."

Its ridiculous to hear people go "bug this..bug sucks..blah blah whine bitch moan" for a game that they expect to be 100% working and in final stages, when in actuality its a open beta. BETA TESTing is what we are supposed to be doing, not expecting to have a final product that works perfectly.

Last night I played for about 4 hours, not once did it lag, not once did it crash, downloading the levels only took 30 or so seconds and I'm on relativly slow DSL..
I ran around with a group of 6 doing the first 2 missions and was just amazed..If this game WASNT free, I'd pay for it.
phaelinx said:
You people bitching about the game are fucking idiots. The "downloading" scheme is the same thing as loading another level. Do you bitch and complain at games that make you load a level inbetween maps? No. So stop bitching about the downloading. I think the game rocks.
Those maps are loaded from the hard drive and don't take 30 minutes to load. I think this downloading scheme is quite possibly the worst way to handle zones in a MMORPG - and I've played a lot.
phaelinx said:
And infact, the downloading between levels is faster than loading a zone in City of Heroes. What did you expect? To load the entire game in your ram and not have any loading? Come on, get your heads out of your asses and step back and look at the bigger picture.
A lot of MMORPGs are perfecting zoneless worlds. Also, what people want is to be able to download all the maps at once so they don't have to play for a few minutes and then have to download for a rediculous amount of time.

phaelinx said:
And hello..its BETA...the game is no where near finished, its buggy for a reason, camera movement and controls are still in the infant stage. If you dont like how its setup, do like wespott did and uninstall it instead of posting some lame post about how you played 5 minutes and downloaded an hours worth and think the game sucks because of it.
Yes, people shouldn't post what they think about the game... if you don't want to run into opinions of things I'd suggest leaving this site and never coming back because one of the basic things about a message board is it a place for people to discuss and post their opinions about things.

phaelinx said:
Maybe next time you can actually BUY the preorder cd as I did not wait an hour to download..I fired up the game, downloaded a few hundred files and I was in the game in less than 5 minutes. The graphics in my opinion blow apart any rpg to date. They put detail to everything and anything..its amazing.
That is an opinion just as much as "the game sucks" is an opinion. Yet you are quick to discount his opinion. Why is that?