Guild Wars January Event


Dec 18, 2000
I just got the preorder and bopped on for a 1/2 hour last night to try the game out.
I was impressed with the graphics running on my system. Very smooth and detailed.
The streaming method they employ for getting the needed files to your PC is slick.

After I get done working I plan on spending some quality time with it.
I have been exercising self control against getting WOW until Guild Wars is out...
I am sooo looking for a Diablo II replacement and I have high hopes that its GW.
Holy Crap is there a lot of skills and abilities. Seems to rival D2 in terms of builds.
Lots of variety... anyone else on here playing this weekend?
The chix in it are hawt too :eek:
I was in one of the events a few months ago. At the time I had a GeForce 2 MX in the system and I was shocked at how good it ran and looked. I liked the delivery system too. I'm still on the fence about if I am getting it, I am all about City of Heores and just got in the Matrix Online beta. I may go ahead and get it just to show my support for the no monthly fee system.
I started playing it last night. This is my first mmorpg, so I have nothing to compare it to, however I was very impressed with the game. I think I'll end up getting this game becasue of the no-monthly fee thing.

Oh, and I play as a ranger/monk w/ my name as Rock Ocashel

there is my level4 (now 6) Mesmer/Elementalist, it looks pretty nice at 1600x1200 4xaa and 8xaf, the game really suprised me as to how it looked when I saw its minimum specs before I installed

Also, I overheard someone say that each character class has 75 special skills that it can use, now if this is true than WOW, thats 150 each character gets to use, compared to the 30 you can use in DiabloII. I believe that this game is less tied to your gear and more tied to how you build your character which is pretty nice compared to DiabloII where usually you NEED good gear to stand a chance in higher difficulties.

I definately recommend you all to go out and get the preorder beta, or just get the full version in March.

EDIT: also in back of my character to the right you can see a couple of warriors dancing :p.
They were nice enough to add that in for us jokesters :D
Guild Wars is great fun once you get in a decent guild and start participating in the 8 vs 8 guild battles and the PvP Tomb areas. If you guys noticed, during character creation you can select a ready-made pvp character, or a level 20 normal character. I would suggest creating at least one of these and spending a few hours in PvP matches at the tombs. This is the first time I have experienced something this fast-paced and exciting in a RPG. (Notice I didn't use the term MMORPG for those of you ready to storm this post say "IT"S NOT MMORPG!!!11! IT"S JUST DIABLOS!!").

Here's a pic from the december beta near the end, don't have any from the current one yet:

ya i have been holding off on WoW for guild wars.... i cant wait for it

I hope when/if you buy retail they put ALL of the neccessary files to play the game without al l the streamin for each and every little thing.

I think the streaming is good for patches and updates/changes, but it seems that it needs to stream somethin every single time you change area's, for 56ker's it's a PITA, espically in the p vp events, because when you finally d/l the files and get in, half of your team is dead/left the game already.
Stiler said:
I hope when/if you buy retail they put ALL of the neccessary files to play the game without al l the streamin for each and every little thing.

I think the streaming is good for patches and updates/changes, but it seems that it needs to stream somethin every single time you change area's, for 56ker's it's a PITA, espically in the p vp events, because when you finally d/l the files and get in, half of your team is dead/left the game already.

I was thinking about that while it was streaming the files over. I finally have dsl, but several friends of mine don't and may end up wanting to play this game.
Yeah, I'm liking this January Event more than the December for some odd reason...

Seems more polished... And I've learned not to get aggrivated when losing a PVP 8 VS 8 x 3 battle, as mathematically speaking you should only win those 16.6 percent of the time (So if you win 1 in 5, you are doing great!)

Can't wait until the siege wars, with more complicated terrain like castles :)
JonnyK said:
diablo 3 is the only thing that can replace diablo 2!

If Diablo III was released this year, i think it would be exactly like GW.
This is the best Diablo clone i can imagine playing...
Much closer than Dungeon Siege and NWN...
The difficulty in soloing in GW though is frustrating at times.
I played the Beta today and I was very impressed. A great game. I'll prob pick it up.