Gustav Begone!!!


Limp Gawd
Apr 21, 2005
Great. I lost 3 hours of production last night. I wake up this morning to no lights, complete silence, and hot and muggy in the house. Fumble to the kithcen to find my cell phone. 3:20 a.m. Find a candle and light it. Find the phone book and call the electric company. Notice there are no street lights on anywhere. Just rain. Wonderful...

4:00 a.m. power comes back on. Fire up the farm. Get everything back up and producing. Check log files. Power has been out since 1:00 a.m. Battery backups never stood a chance. :mad:

Quit your crying, I was out from 2:00am to 10:00am whenever Fay came through Florida. I had a generator, but the node on my cable was out, so no internet to get more blocks. After I finished what I had, I was dead in the water until the node came back up 2 f!#!#% days later.
Be a true [H]orde member and move out of the hurricanes way :p

/me kiss the ground of Quebec

Hurricane Hanna is headed in my direction Friday or Saturday. Most likely by the time it makes it to Virginia it will just be a windy storm. Luckily the power company has been going through in the last month or so trimming trees hanging over power lines. A bit of homework hopefully will decrease the chances of problems. Bring the rain...we are in a bit of a drought still.

/me kiss the ground of Quebec

Ya know, I thought about becoming a Canuck. I have several cousins that live in Saskatchewan (sp?) and Regina. I'm not so sure about the way y'all tax your peeps :) I thought US taxes were bad until I heard about yours.

I live in the GREAT STATE of Texas!!!! Not a native Texan (born and raised in Northern California), but this is my state now and I'll be here for a while. We get to deal with Tornadoes (in the bottom half of Tornado alley) and the remnants of hurricanes that come up thru the Gulf of Mexico (thankfully all we'll get from Gustav is high winds)
Ya know, I thought about becoming a Canuck. I have several cousins that live in Saskatchewan (sp?) and Regina. I'm not so sure about the way y'all tax your peeps :) I thought US taxes were bad until I heard about yours.

I live in the GREAT STATE of Texas!!!! Not a native Texan (born and raised in Northern California), but this is my state now and I'll be here for a while. We get to deal with Tornadoes (in the bottom half of Tornado alley) and the remnants of hurricanes that come up thru the Gulf of Mexico (thankfully all we'll get from Gustav is high winds)

Every country have their bad things, USA inclided :p

No hurricanes or tornadoes here!

Just really cold weather in Alaska!
gkanakis said:
No hurricanes or tornadoes here!

Just really cold weather in Alaska!

jljenkins28 said:
Believe me, I've thought more than once about either Alaska or Canada.

Just an FYI, the two of you are trying to put code into your sig and that is not going to work. If you need help with your badges though, just ask, we can help you no problem.

Edit I made a little guide at lunch time for badge usage. Hopefully it helps. Here is the link.

Wheresatom that would be great, since I'm a nooooooooob!
I will work on it when I get home.
Dude, wow... you're really close to me. They're actually having to close roads here because Conway can't build a decent drainage system. But we have power and internet (rarely ever goes out in town).
My house was only with out power for 8 hours, but I was evacuated in Atlanta from Sun am until yesterday at 11am.

Though I still haven't resumed my folding operations.

I'll crank it back up when I get home from work today.

I think I'm practically the only business open right now in New Orleans!

Yay for me! I have internet, power, etc.. at both home & office, where most people in the city still have nothing at home or work!

< --- notice drop in production :/
Heh, the remnants of Gustav will be in my area for a few days. So far it's allowed me to turn off the a/c, open the windows and drop the temps on my little garden of computers. I guess it helps that the temperature isn't going to get above 70 today. :p

Heh, the remnants of Gustav will be in my area for a few days. So far it's allowed me to turn off the a/c, open the windows and drop the temps on my little garden of computers. I guess it helps that the temperature isn't going to get above 70 today. :p

See, even hurricanes have "silver linings" :p (err.., is that clouds or is it something about "pigs ears" :rolleyes:)


Hurricane Hanna is headed in my direction Friday or Saturday. Most likely by the time it makes it to Virginia it will just be a windy storm. Luckily the power company has been going through in the last month or so trimming trees hanging over power lines. A bit of homework hopefully will decrease the chances of problems. Bring the rain...we are in a bit of a drought still.

Yup out here in fairfax VA we always get the storms blown past us and we get no rain. Hopefully hanna will just shit a shitload of water on us and we'll be good again.
My backyard is still flodded from the 24 inches of rain we got from TS Fay. Kinda happy that Hanna is probably just going to brush the coast. Of course that's probably not good for them though I think Melbourne got over 33 inches of rain from Fay. Any more rain and we'll just have to redraw the maps to show that area as ocean.

to think... how many point the [H]orde gave up to the storms. At this rate we should hit 3million ppd when everyone gets badk up and folding...

Good to know no one suffered too terribly in the [H]orde.
I lived in NC 92-02, and I don't miss the hurricanes one bit. Supposidly I'll get whatevers left of Hanna when I'm trying to tailgate on Saturday. :mad:
None at all in the UK.
Just the minor earthquake, tornado, etc.
But our floods are getting better ......... :p

Luck ........... :D
Speaking of floods!!! If it keeps this up, I'm going to have water in the house! I think I'd rather have snow than water.

Speaking of floods!!! If it keeps this up, I'm going to have water in the house! I think I'd rather have snow than water.

This was taken about 10:30 this morning and it hasn't stopped raining since. The water is almost up to the bottom of my front door now.
Missouri has seen the occasional river flood and we are enjoying Gustav's leavings atm. I just hope it doesn't bring soybean rust(fungus that kills soybeans) to us too badly. Ya, I just marked myself. I work in farming(the kind with dirt) on weekends.

Missouri has seen the occasional river flood and we are enjoying Gustav's leavings atm. I just hope it doesn't bring soybean rust(fungus that kills soybeans) to us too badly. Ya, I just marked myself. I work in farming(the kind with dirt) on weekends.

You say it like it's a bad thing. It's not. Everyone has their "thing" and it's nothing to be ashamed of. It takes all kinds of lifestyles to make this world spin.

Just like folding, the sum of the whole is what makes the individuals unique and special.

Good luck on the weather. 90's yesterday, 60's tomorrow here in Chicago - wth???.
You say it like it's a bad thing. It's not. Everyone has their "thing" and it's nothing to be ashamed of. It takes all kinds of lifestyles to make this world spin.

Just like folding, the sum of the whole is what makes the individuals unique and special.

Good luck on the weather. 90's yesterday, 60's tomorrow here in Chicago - wth???.

Amen to that :eek: you know what they say "different strokes for different folks" (or something like that :D)

Besides that, if it weren't for farmers and farming the world would get mighty hungry (you can't eat money or oil) :(


I had a power outage sometime last night so some of my boxen were not running.

I spent 15 minutes rebooting and adjusting and massaging and holding the boxen's hands... got them all running, took a shower, getting ready to leave the house....

and a short power glitch f***ed them all up again before I left the house

I had no time to fix them... so no folding today.

But they are all running now!
Missouri has seen the occasional river flood and we are enjoying Gustav's leavings atm. I just hope it doesn't bring soybean rust(fungus that kills soybeans) to us too badly. Ya, I just marked myself. I work in farming(the kind with dirt) on weekends.

Nothing wrong with food farming. I've spent plenty of time on a farm over the years myself. And yes, this farm is located in Missouri as well.


This was taken about 10:30 this morning and it hasn't stopped raining since. The water is almost up to the bottom of my front door now.


Thats the best you can do?

A little rain, almost to your door?

Looks like your house is lower than the street. ie: too low.


Thats me boating down the street to my dad's house to help him rip up wet carpet, etc..

Ok, so that was Katrina. But there are people in the southern most part of Louisiana that had BAD flooding for this storm too.

Thats the best you can do?

A little rain, almost to your door?

Looks like your house is lower than the street. ie: too low.


Thats me boating down the street to my dad's house to help him rip up wet carpet, etc..

Ok, so that was Katrina. But there are people in the southern most part of Louisiana that had BAD flooding for this storm too.

I never said it was as bad as what the Gulf Coast gets. Besides that picture is very deceptive. The water only looks like it was covering the ground, but it was ankle deep. And I live in a relatively high part of my town.

I'm sorry you, your dad, and anyone else goes through that kind of flooding, but it doesn't make it any less of a concern for those of us further north that only have a few inches of water in our houses.
Well, that wasn't fun. Over 12 hours of production down the drain. Before it was all said and done with, I had 2 inches of water in my house. I feel really bad for those who have it much worse on the coast. I just couldn't imagine having some of the water that some of these people have had to deal with. I just feel fortunate that 2 inches was all. It's not the first time it has happened to me, so I've got everything 6 inches or higher off the floor. But it is still a pita to have to deal with it. Luckily the house has no carpet, just all tile, so clean up is not that difficult. Oh well, back to folding. Think I'll have to order another 8800gt just to get [H]arder. :D

The Baton Rouge power infrastructure got absolutely raped. I'm still out....