Gyration Air Music Remote w&w/o Keyboard $72.99/$54.99 AR


Mar 20, 2001
I have an older version of this remote for my Media Center PC. Arguably it’s the best remote made for a Media Center PC.

Check out the specs:

With Keyboard:

Without Keyboard:

Mail-in Rebate (good until 12/31/09):

Product WEB site:
Electronica Direct has these for less - $76.98 shipped without the keyboard and $99.98 shipped with the keyboard.

After rebate, that's $36.98 without the keyboard or $49.98 with. As per this Fatwallet thread, Electronica Direct is an authorized Gyration dealer so they qualify for the rebate.

With Bing cashback (8%), that's about $30.83 without the keyboard and $41.98 with.

I just bought a keyboard/remote set. HTPC fun, here I come! :D

A lot of people complain that there aren't any instructions included for this remote because no paper manual is in the box. As per this thread, there's a PDF manual on the included CD which gets installed to C:\Program Files\Gyration. There's a copy of the manual posted at that thread, so if you'd like to look it over before you buy go right ahead.
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I just got this off of amazon for $80 - $40 MIR - $40 from my AMEX (my first Daily Wish Sucess) = a nice free remote. Thanks OreganLAN & Shorehn.
That Fatwallet thread is actually from a few months back. It seems Gyration has run this particular promotion before. TBH, I don't know why Newegg, Electronica Direct, et cetera haven't picked it up this time around.

One more thing I forgot to add - in that last thread I linked to, here's a blurb I found interesting:

the LCD (which, incidently seems to work fine for me in Win7 x64 RTM--with both media center and media player since they use the same underlying audio engine)

No idea if that's actually the case or not, but I thought that was kind of cool since they don't advertise the LCD as working with WMC.
The USB receiver it comes with is RF only. The remote has both IR and RF built-in so you can use it like a universal remote.

I have my PC in another room. It’s hooked up to my bedroom TV via a long HDMI cable ran through the attic. I have the remote programmed to control both the Media Center PC and my television; it works great!

I went ahead and picked up another; I’m planning on building another system soon. If the LCD works with Windows 7 Media Center, that’s a huge bonus.
Would love to have that for my HTPC but its just so dern expensive. I guess I will keep using my bluetooth slimblade mouse / trackball.