[H]ard|Forum [H]ard|Drive buying guide

Seagate is indeed known for fairly good reliability - but, as always, that depends mostly on power supply, cooling, and not getting a bad batch.

I know they do RMAs by having you ship first and then shipping one back; their FAQ states that you can get advance RMAs by calling and requesting one after you create an RMA number.

thanks a lot for this :) too bad its US only (currently residing in Canada) .. oh well i hope it will last at least a couple years before blowing out :) thanks again!
is this thread going to be updated? looks like the last update was in august. im looking to upgrade my 250GB SATA storage drive and found this thread very useful when I purchased that drive.
EXTREMELY HELPFUL! That saved me a hell lot of time researching. B.T.W, is it true that Western Digital Raptor WD1500ADFD / WD1500AHFD 150GB10K SATA good for speed? It's only a few MB/S faster than the older hard drives right?
Any chance this will be updated? Very helpful thread!
The only new drive that has been released is the WD500AAKS and the rest of them should come out either 2nd half or Q2, I don't remember which...:confused:
Why are the Hitachis still getting a bad rap ? they are cheaper up here(Canada) or at least competitive with Seagate and Maxtor and WD...
Dude the Seagate 7200.10 is NOT QUIET. It is probably one of the loudest drives I have ever owned. I wonder if some other people can add their testimonials to this.

The quiestest drives I have owned so are the WD1600JS, my current WD4000AAKS, and a Hitachi Deskstar 80GB.
Im currently building a new comp and want to use an 80gb hard drive for the time being due to being on a budget, but will eventually get a bigger drive for storage purposes. Which 80gb would you guys go with? im leaning towards the seagate, but not sure if the 80gb applies to the reviews as the same as the bigger drives.

Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 ST380815AS 80GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive - OEM

Western Digital Caviar SE WD800JD 80GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive - OEM

And what comes with an oem drive? Im building a new comp, so i wont have any screws and not sure about power cables. i know the mobo im getting comes with 1 sata cord, but not a power cord?
I can say without a doubt that the 7200.10 drives from Seagate are most definitely NOT quiet. Mine sounds like a minigun burst when it revs up.
Picture a bionic hamster running on a wheel (at bionic hamster speed) carrying a bag of ball bearings. Now picture him dumping the bearings out (at bionic hamster speed) and you have an idea what the 7200.10 drives sound like. Well, mine does anyway, YMMV. Yes, this is exaggeration and sarcasm, but it really IS loud. I have 2 150GB Raptors sharing the same box and it drowns them out. :(
If I picture a hamster doing something, I can't hear it. Meanwhile, your assertion that all drives of a given model are noisy just because your single unit is noisy is the kind of inductive logic that inspires more doubt than belief.
I can say without a doubt that the 7200.10 drives from Seagate are most definitely NOT quiet. Mine sounds like a minigun burst when it revs up.
Picture a bionic hamster running on a wheel (at bionic hamster speed) carrying a bag of ball bearings. Now picture him dumping the bearings out (at bionic hamster speed) and you have an idea what the 7200.10 drives sound like. Well, mine does anyway, YMMV. Yes, this is exaggeration and sarcasm, but it really IS loud. I have 2 150GB Raptors sharing the same box and it drowns them out. :(

I have 8x320GB 7200.10 drives in one of my computers. I was lucky to get the silent batch. In addition, they are housed in a P180 case.
Dear Mikeblas,

Just for the record...

YMMV equates to "Your Mileage May Vary"
In other words, a subtle disclaimer that my statement IS based on my own experiences and others MAY INDEED see different results. If you're gonna split hairs, split em all, not just the ones that suit the point you want to make.

Pissy kids get slammed on the playground. :rolleyes:
The first post is pretty out of date and not reflective of the current HD scene.