[H]ardOCP 7800 GTX Preview!!!!

Creative timed their X-Fi sound card release just about right for the wealthy gamers out there... combo 7800 with X-Fi and a high end processor and you'll have a smokin system for gaming that should last for sometime I'd imagine... I know I'll be down with the X-Fi but I'll wait till the low end 7000 series graphics card comes out and run it in SLI.
Megadeth_Guy01 said:
6600GT AGP for like $155-$160 ATM at the Egg, pretty hawt.

This is what really shows the diversity of the 3D graphics market. The 6600GT and X700Pro for that matter have both come down in price and deliver damn good gaming preformance for anyone that is budget minded.

It was not too long ago that the $175 price point on 3D cards got you just about nothing.
computerpro3 said:
Great article guys, EASILY the best one out there on the card yet.

The thing I love about the card is that it allows me to dump my 6800 U sli setup on ebay for $900-1000, pocket 400, and get the same performance :p

Thats an issue with SLI for me. People paid $1000-$1200 (or more) for SLI when it first came out. Here we are 6 months later, and a card half as much than what most people paid (depending on which SLI you went with) is performing generally the same, or faster. No matter if you can afford it or not, thats got to leave you with an ill feeling.

Good thing is, like you mentioned, you can hopefully sell them, get a 7800GTX, and still have a little cash on the side. Although, two new 6800GT's are less than $700 now.
Hopefully the 6 series of cards go down in price... because the 7800 is a gen. that I'll pass on.

But great review brent and kyle!
bobsaget said:
Hopefully the 6 series of cards go down in price... because the 7800 is a gen. that I'll pass on.

But great review brent and kyle!

Well they already have, and hopefully will continue to drop more. You can get a 6600GT for $155 and a 6800 vanilla for $180 at the Egg. If they continue to drop I really like the idea of a $140 6600GT.
fallguy said:
Thats an issue with SLI for me. People paid $1000-$1200 (or more) for SLI when it first came out. Here we are 6 months later, and a card half as much than what most people paid (depending on which SLI you went with) is performing generally the same, or faster. No matter if you can afford it or not, thats got to leave you with an ill feeling.

Good thing is, like you mentioned, you can hopefully sell them, get a 7800GTX, and still have a little cash on the side. Although, two new 6800GT's are less than $700 now.

I guess it would have been better if the 7800 was another 5800? ;) Seriously, I feel your pain. Technology moving forward is always a double edged sword. That said, I don't see trading in your 6800SLI cards unless you can of course get a good price for them. Otherwise, just USE them and get the killer gaming performance they still provide knowing that you have been seeing gaming the best it can be see for a good half year now. :D
I think this is a great product because it's much cheaper yet outperforms 2 6800 Ultras and even 2 6800 GTs in SLI.

Plus, the user can upgrade with another one in a year or two when he need more performance.

Now, just to level the playing field, I want to see a (competent) P4 chipset that can compete with the P4 nForce4 SLI.

Come on ATI, let's see some competition.

As it stands now, I think the 7 series, quite strangely, offers some pretty good bang for the buck and some future-proofing, if you want to do the whole SLI thing.

Good work, nVidia.
codename47 said:
Creative timed their X-Fi sound card release just about right for the wealthy gamers out there... combo 7800 with X-Fi and a high end processor and you'll have a smokin system for gaming that should last for sometime I'd imagine... I know I'll be down with the X-Fi but I'll wait till the low end 7000 series graphics card comes out and run it in SLI.

Not to get too far off topic, but are you that impressed with the X-Fi sound card? I for one am not.

They are touting a lot of processing and more CMSS, via WMA, but still no DD
Well I'm impressed and not impressed. I'm impressed because this card is doing TR MSAA at high resolutions with 16xAF where the last gen cards are at similar resolution/AA/AF settings but obviously not producing nearly as good image quality (esp. in games with a lot of alpha textures like BF 2 I'd imagine). So this card is definitely a gem for those of us planning to play BF 2 for a long time. However, I'm definitely NOT impressed with the ever increasing prices of these high end cards. Seems that lately every generation is charging a $100 premium compared to the last.

For what PC gaming has to offer, I simply do not think its worth it to be honest, if we had a ton of PS 3.0 HDR utilizing games on the market that promised to look as good as xbox 360 titles, I'd be all for it. But given the nature of PC gaming with only a handful of titles that will be able to utilize the 7800 GTX's power and features, it just doesn't seem worth it. UE 3 performance was decent but still not good enough so this generation I'm going to forego buying a high end card this time and just buy a $200 cheaper midrange card (which will still be expensive).
Nice review. Thanks for linking to this thread at the end of the article.

It's good to see technology move on and for once it's not a paper launch. If I was building a new system, I'd get one.
IMHO, the best deal out there right now is a used BFG 6800 GT or Ultra in the FS/FT forums or on Ebay. Do a search on the words BFG 6800 to find them.
Ultra is going for about $400, GT about $300
You get the lifetime warranty, and most don't need all the connectors and CDs.
Destonomos said:
that is what makes a next gen card, is it not?

You got me there. I guess I was expecting something mindblowing since there was so much hype behind this card. It is impressive, but would be really impressive if it was $399. :D
I like the way hardocp reviews things with a the graph showing the min, avg and max fps

However, i'd like to see the 7800 bencharked with normal AA

Instead of this MSAA, the min fps is too low
I don't get the big deal about the price. Is it expensive? Yes. Can I afford one? Hell no (especially since I'd have to upgrade my mobo/cpu at the same time). Problem is... nvidia has all these pci-e 6800 Ultras sitting around waiting to SLI'd.

If you already have a 6800 Ultra and want to upgrade, you basically have 2 choices now... another 6800 Ultra or a 7800 gtx (or 2x7800gtx's... YIKES!). You can buy another 6800 Ultra for about what... $350? Or you can sell your 6800 Ultra for $350ish and drop another $250 on a 7800 gtx and get equal or better performance (plus a few new features). So upgrading to a 7800gtx is already a little cheaper than going SLI.

This makes sense to me. I wish it didn't... I'd love one of these things, but nvidia can't just throw away all the money they've invested in high end 6800's, can they?

I could be entirely wrong though. I dunno.

In case it didn't come across... my point was that this price and performance-wise, the 7800gtx is competing w/ 2 of nvidias previous high end cards, not just one. That's why the price makes sense to me.
I just got reading anandtechs article, and it was really good. They show more improvements over the 6800U. YOu might want to check it out. I will be getting one for sure, i mite as well.
|0b0 said:
I agree 100%

Price is waaaaaaaaaaaay too high, especially when the xbox 360 is gonna be $299 and offer twice the performance, along with amazing looking games at launch. PC's wont see any xbox360 type quality games until next year, not because pc's can;t handle it, but because developers have become lazy assholes toward pc's.I'm not saying pc gaming is dying. As long as you have blinded sheep buying new cards in quantity (like the members @ nvnews are) the genre will live on, but for me personally, unless ati pulls out a decent card for $400-$500, pc gaming for me, is dead. Not only because of the expensive gpu's, but also the fact that cpu's can;t keep up, and pc game, blockbusters are too few these days to justify such expensive upgrades.

Haven't owned a console since mid '80s, but I'm considering saving my $600 for xbox360 + 6 games since I already have a Sony HDTV.
Why dont we all send emails to Nvidia complaining about price.

Bring it down to $400 and I will buy 2 of them. Keep it at $600 I wont buy a single one.

spending $800 to get 3-4 times the performance of my 6800 ultra sounds reasonable to me.

Spending $600 to get one card and only getting 1.5-2 times the performance does not sound reasonable.
LeviathanV said:
I remember being very satisfied with my $ 150 GeForce4 Ti4200 ...I think it was with that generation together with ati´s 9500 PROs where sub-$200 cards came loaded..

Q: How would you grade the Velocity Micro ProMagix DCX now...considering its supposed to be a Top-of-the-Line PC, but taking in account that shortly after the review, you can now get a much higher performing system for just a 100 bucks more? an what is 100 bucks when you are spending over $ 4000...

What about if we take all the reviews we have ever done and compare them against today's tech too? :rolleyes: You can go play this game as I am not falling into this backwards looking trap. Too much to look forward to.
I'm going to end up getting one. I've finally decided to take that computer upgrade plunge that I have been delaying forever. It will be a nice jump from my underclocked and dying Ti4200. I really liked the review and liked the way it was done, I just wish on some of the comparison shots the screenshots could have been a little bigger and a little clearer, however I understand that bandwidth costs a lot so no biggie there. I'm loving some of the new features on the card, the fact that it consumes a little less power than a 6800 Ultra is nice as well. Can't wait to get one of these. Just trying to decide between the Leadtek or evga. Definitely a good review for sure, I liked how HDR was included. Can't wait to get my hands on one of these, it will more than suit my needs.
USMC2Hard4U said:
I just got reading anandtechs article, and it was really good. They show more improvements over the 6800U. YOu might want to check it out. I will be getting one for sure, i mite as well.

Benefits outside of real world game play? What exactly are those benefits and how do they impact a person that buys the card to play games? (Sorry I have not had time to read the AT article today.)
Michael.R said:
Why dont we all send emails to Nvidia complaining about price.

Bring it down to $400 and I will buy 2 of them. Keep it at $600 I wont buy a single one.

spending $800 to get 3-4 times the performance of my 6800 ultra sounds reasonable to me.

Spending $600 to get one card and only getting 1.5-2 times the performance does not sound reasonable.

You can send all the mails you want, but in the end, and let me say this again....


Write all the letters you want, but what will speak to NVIDIA is the people that do or do not buy them.
Shit, new bed, or new video card? Damn tough decision! :mad:

I suppose for that kind of performance I could sleep on the floor. :p
I used to buy EVERY generation that would come out. I would HAVE to upgrade. Now it seems as though I'm buying EVERY OTHER generation. It may be the games that are out that have to support lower end video cards and thus aren't pushing the video cards, or maybe the cards aren't increasing in performance/features as much, or maybe I'm just getting older and don't want to flop down cash for the latest and greatest.

All I know is I no longer feel a driving need to trade in my last generation yet.
If I had the money I dont think I would be buying the thing although I need it desperately. Give me something in the $200-$300 price range and ill think about it.
Any estimations on mid-range versions?

I'm about to build a new rig this summer and am looking to get a card that will let me run 1280x1024 (my LCD's optimal res) with hopefully 4xAA/AF and high detail. I'm sure that the GTX will run it no sweat, but if possible I'd like to save some money as well since I won't be pushing 1600x1200.

Think there will be like a 7600 GTX?

Also about the single card beating/matching SLI... well I like to think of SLI like this.

Buy one card with mad speed now, down the line upgrade performance a lot for cheap!

And all you people talking about buying this with 6800 Ultras, I'm still on a GF 3 Ti 200 :p
USMC2Hard4U said:
It seems their article shows a wider performance jump from the 6800U to the 7800GTX.

You mean a performance jump in standard benchmark numbers? Or are they using real world gameplay for their evaluations like we do?
jeffbax said:
Any estimations on mid-range versions?

I'm about to build a new rig this summer and am looking to get a card that will let me run 1280x1024 (my LCD's optimal res) with hopefully 4xAA/AF and high detail. I'm sure that the GTX will run it no sweat, but if possible I'd like to save some money as well since I won't be pushing 1600x1200.

Think there will be like a 7600 GTX?

Also about the single card beating/matching SLI... well I like to think of SLI like this.

Buy one card with mad speed now, down the line upgrade performance a lot for cheap!

A 7600GTX wouldnt be able to do that with the resolution you want. That's easy as pie predicting already. But, you'd be better served by grabing a 6800GT or U, cheap and meets your need.

Also, sadly SLI doesnt really work that way. Not all the cards work together, maybe that will change, but I doubt it. SLI in its current form is a super crappy upgrade path, IMO.
jhzero1984 said:
I am starting to believe there is some logic to not releasing an AGP version at this time. First, they wanted to only introduce the flagship card while also one upping ATI by having the card in retail the day its released. PCI-E is not mainstream, at least not completely, so the demand for the card would be less than releasing the AGP version, or both AGP and PCI-E.
This way, Nvidia can produce e:nough cards in PCI-E version to meet demand compared to AGP. AGP is still in demand, it might just not be obvious on this message board since those here, like me, want the latest and greatest and are willing to pay for it. This logic follows two things:

1. Nvidia is able to get there card in retail on the day of release.

2. Enough cards should be out to meet and possibly exceed initial demand.

By having a card in retail upon release, Nvidia is going to get a lot of press on where it matters most, the gaming consumers who want the latest and greatest.

With this, Nvidia can keep up momentum by releasing an AGP version, then introducing the lower models of the 7800 series as the next couple months progress, keeping their name in the headlines of the press, and selling cards to the not so hardcore consumers. Nvidia is then putting pressure upon ATI to get their challenger on the market, currently scheduled for August. From here, Nvidia may answer with an Ultra (maybe the day ATI releases their card, also having it in retail immediately?). By the end of August, Nvidia would have a foothold on the market with their cards being released and in retail by then, while also possibly having a card that could take the performance crown (bragging rights). ATI will be up a creek without a paddle, struggling to get dollars from consumers who already spent their hard earned money.

Nvidia might just have begun a brilliant business strategy.

We will soon see.....


Good thought... but I've heard yields are OK. So my guess it isn't a manuf/supply issue. OEM business is the driver, that's where the biggest demand for PCI-e is coming from and where the money is, makes sense to orient your strategy around that channel.

Also, having been a product manager and managed them, it isn't what I would call a brilliant strategy. All we're talking about is setting a launch strategy in a potentially supply constrained situation, which is common in this business.

Momentum is fairly consistent in the market from a latest and greatest situation, especially when the competition is a couple months away from launching their product.
Lord of Shadows said:
If I had the money I dont think I would be buying the thing although I need it desperately. Give me something in the $200-$300 price range and ill think about it.

Here are 102 results from Newegg that fit into your general guidelines. And some of them are damn sweet gaming cards.
Skrying said:
A 7600GTX wouldnt be able to do that with the resolution you want. That's easy as pie predicting already. But, you'd be better served by grabing a 6800GT or U, cheap and meets your need.

Also, sadly SLI doesnt really work that way. Not all the cards work together, maybe that will change, but I doubt it. SLI in its current form is a super crappy upgrade path, IMO.

Agreed on the 6800GT. Nice card for the price.

On the SLI upgrade path. I am guessing that restrictions on matching cards up will ease in the very near future.
Skrying said:
A 7600GTX wouldnt be able to do that with the resolution you want. That's easy as pie predicting already. But, you'd be better served by grabing a 6800GT or U, cheap and meets your need.

Also, sadly SLI doesnt really work that way. Not all the cards work together, maybe that will change, but I doubt it. SLI in its current form is a super crappy upgrade path, IMO.
I'm not sure what you mean, don't you think a 7600 GTX should be at least as strong as the previous gen's top cards?
I was very impressed by this cards preformance numbers, and even more impressed with its power consumption numbers. Its seems much more efficient than the 6800 ultra. It takes 1 slot (as opposed to the huge 6800U), draws less power, and is much faster. I feel my $600 ($1200) is justified :)
Killer69 said:
:eek: You didn't come here first! :eek:


Well, we were down for a couple hours this morning so we have to give our buddy some room to move around. :D
jeffbax said:
I'm not sure what you mean, don't you think a 7600 GTX should be at least as strong as the previous gen's top cards?

No, the 7600GTX would not be as fast as last gen's top ends. You can easily guess that by how close the last gen's top ends are with this. They would not release the card with 24 pipelines, probably not even 16. Plus, if it'd have even close to the same pipes then its core would need to be very lowly clocked. Either way, that'd put the mid range to close to the top ends card and be bad for business.

My prediction: That Nvidia will shrink the cores of the 6800U and 6800nu. Add the new features but keep the same number of pipes on the cards. This would set them up for a nice good, better, best lineup.
Killer69 said:
Guessing? Or do you know something that we don't? :confused:

Uhh, its extremely easy to guess. Look at ATi's crossfire. Nvidia must have a solution to counter the features/wide range of uses that ATi can now offer. Companies must stay competitive and match each other.
I decided to upgrade to the 7800GTX from a MSI 6600GT. I just got the GT (in March) after having a 9700 Pro for a couple of years. When you factor in the "value" still left in a very sellable 6600GT, it does not make the $600 pricetag nearly as painful for the 7800GTX. If I didn't have a card that I felt I could sell, there is no way I would have done the purchase.

I play alot of EQ2 and planning on alot of BF2. Some of the games that I really want to try out in the near future, like Vanguard:SoH look pretty graphics intensive so it all works out.