[H]ardocp shirts.

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I may have jumped the gun with my comment before because it sounded like Paul was ruling out the toned down design all together, which imo would suck, that said...

+1 for the plain [H] logo on the front chest and then a bigger [H]ardOCP across the back (shoulder blade height) which I think would sell en masse and then specialty [H]arder versions (which I would buy also), but imo the plain toned down versions are a must for this to be a profitable endeavor which I have absolutely no problem with at all, shit, make a shit ton of $ on the plain tees and lose a little on the "specialty [H]arder, more complex (and thus more expensive) designs if needed, that way it's still profitable in the end, any of these products could sell at a premium price and we will still buy it, at least I know I would...

I would buy a few t-shirts (one white, one black, and hopefully a red one if that becomes and option) of the toned down version and one of the [H]arder ones if one of a slogan catches my eye, hoodies would also be a no brainer, but still offer both types, this could end up being a hugely profitable venture that would also pay off on the advertising end as well...

maybe I just haven't seen one (I basically have just skimmed this thread, too many pages) but red with black [H]/lettering with white trim would also be a kick ass option for a t-shirt and hoodie main color...

any idea when these could become available...?
hope there will there be T's without pockets??

I really need to revisit this thread from home... so I can see whatever pics are there. :p
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Would be kinda cool if we could have our forum name on it.

I like the [H]ardcore and the long sleeve design, But in either black or dark grey (Would like that in short sleeve since I live in hot ass texas and hell if I would wear that in this heat) in XL size
Tshirt white XL.. either the hard gaming one or the cat couldn't scratch it one..




Just an idea, Not that good, But owell ;)
I'd be down for something a little toned down (not so sexual)...a black (or white) t-shirt with the [H] logo on the front (chest) in red, and maybe [H]ardOCP also in red on the back.

Or...a black or white t-shirt with just an [H] logo on the front chest (in red) and [H]ardGaming or [H]ardOCP written right below that also on the front, and nothing on the back.
Too bad about the polos. I'd be in for 1 or 2 if they were black with the red logo - at least I could wear them to work on Fridays.
In for a SFW black t-shirt and hoodie

+1 for a baseball hat with [H] on the front and HardOCP.com on the back
Definitely in for 2 tshirts - SFW or not.

Actually I would prefer they not be safe for work or at least have some sort of gaming reference.
I'm in for a black polo with [H] logo with Hardocp.com in red on the left pocket sans pocket.
Doesn't need anything on the back IMHO...
I'd be down for 1 or 2 of the black polos...probably 2 if they are Dri-fit material.

The one in the pic in first post looks pretty awesome to me.
New thread will becoming up Friday. I will give a little more time for some more ideas.
hey look, it's BravO)))! Where are my shirts? 3 days seems like a long enough time for you to get this done.
I am a fan of very minimalist looks (like my desktop - trashcan and one folder) - I would really like to see a look something like:

Black t-shirt, with a red [H] and on the back the hardocp.com website also in red.

Simple, clean and elegant - what does everyone else think?
I am a fan of very minimalist looks (like my desktop - trashcan and one folder) - I would really like to see a look something like:

Black t-shirt, with a red [H] and on the back the hardocp.com website also in red.

Simple, clean and elegant - what does everyone else think?

I too am an elegant minimalist.... you have my full backing in your design.

I will however not support your color choice for the shirt. I would suggest a rich dark grey or dark "platinum".

I think the grey contrasts with the red better and lets face it.... Who wants to see another geek in a black shirt :)
Excellent point. I change my vote, a nice grey sounds much better indeed!

I too am an elegant minimalist.... you have my full backing in your design.

I will however not support your color choice for the shirt. I would suggest a rich dark grey or dark "platinum".

I think the grey contrasts with the red better and lets face it.... Who wants to see another geek in a black shirt :)
I'm interested on a polo...

But $30 seems a little expensive (sorry for being poor).
I'm another fan of gray. My design was red on black, but I think a gray option would be much much better.
In for 1 black polo and 1 black or white tshirt. I like the small logos.
Oh yeah, and I hope it's a really nice polo... at $30... ;)
in for a black shirt and maybe a polo with [H] logos in red.
Apparel will always be 100% about your personal style because it is a person's choice whether or not to wear them. If you give an option that appeals to the masses, you will always sell more and raise more money than if you make something that appeals to a particular subculture or niche.

T-shirts aren't about revenue really anyway, they are about advertising, so ask yourself the question in a different way -- if more people buy the shirt, even at cost, and feel comfortable wearing them more-often, does that not equate a positive impact on [H]? Now consider the alternative: We make a really [H]ard Kick Ass shirt that's got bloody and gore and bikini-clad women all over it. Awesome. (I'd buy one by the way - but just for my own personal amusement) Would the majority of the people who bought them wear that outside the house? No. Would the majority of the people who bought them even be allowed to wear them to the next LAN/Con/Fest? Maybe but that's 50/50.

Make something that can be diffused into the masses and you will get more exposure.

Marketing 101: Never distance yourself from your patrons. You just did in a major way. I for one am not horrified by my affiliation to [H] in-fact I mention the site often, however I did state that I (like many people here) cannot wear t-shirts to work. A polo would be required at a minimum and to say 'something tasteful' after the word 'polo' would be rather unnecessary, it goes without saying. If you can wear a t-shirt and pajama bottoms to work every day that's great for you but I (like many of your forum members and ultimately revenue sources) cannot. I work in the large enterprise; fortune 500, 100 and above. I'm sorry if you feel doing so makes me a pussy, wait - no I'm not.

Exactly. And people are providing them. Make a tasteful option and you will sell more, it doesn't get much simpler than that.

[H] should by all means Stay [H]ard! I love the site, the slogans and the 'in your face' attitude the site has always had. I nor anyone posting on this thread has asked that to change.

Now let's get back on-topic before this thread has to be moved to GenMay. :)

I could spend a while typing up a response pointing out why your idea of marketing doesn't work for this type of place compared to Coca-cola (and other Fortune 500, 100 companies) and why you are wrong about wearing the merch, but at the end of the day it doesn't actually matter because you don't get the brand and the that is fine. However, I do take exception to your claiming that you and others don't want it to change when you have been arguing for it to change so you can feel more comfortable wearing the product. The product on the pages, should be the same as the product on the merchandise. The old merchandise held that, the name only on t-shirts and hoodies (which we can't produce anyway since they are not allowed in some schools) does not. As someone once said "it doesn't get much simpler than that."

People asked so I told them the cold hard facts and said my piece/opinion, "don't screw with the [H]ardOCP tradition, brand and culture when producing the merchandise as those things are what sets [H] apart from the cookie cutter corporate sites out there".
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For the slogan... Hell we will vote on that too. Let the numbers do the talking.
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